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1 Adventures in the Copywriting Business


Being a self-employed copywriter can be a lot of things. It can be fun, creative, challenging, invigorating, lucrative, tough, intensive, scary, relaxing, stressful, a pleasure, and a pain — but, thankfully, not all at the same time. One thing it’s not, though, is boring. Copywriting is always an adventure.

Personally, I get a kick out of the new creative projects that hit my desk each week. One day it’s an ad; the next, a website. This week, for example, I’m working on a series of brochures for an insurance company. I’m also writing an annual report for a large software firm. I enjoy learning about new products and services. And, like all writers, I love seeing my work published in the dozens of ads, brochures, websites, direct mail, and other material I write each year.

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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