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When I wrote the first edition of this book in 2001, my goal was to create the most complete how-to guide available on the subject — packed with information to help you learn the craft, set up your office, get clients, and make money.

Since that time a lot has changed. The growth of the Internet has revolutionized the business and created a wealth of new opportunities. In addition to the dozens of top-rated copywriters I originally interviewed for this book, I’ve since spoken with more than one hundred — some of the most highly paid in the world — and learned their inside secrets to success.

Here’s the good news: You’ll find all this new information in this completely revised second edition. For example:

• Updated details on setting up your copywriter’s office.

• Expanded data on the markets available for your services, including insights into three of the most lucrative markets of all.

• A completely revised and expanded chapter on how to get clients — and get them fast.

• Updates on how to complete typical copywriting tasks, with the addition of e-mail marketing, websites, microsites, e-zines, and blogs.

• An expanded troubleshooting guide, based on the hundreds of letters and e-mails I’ve received from readers over the years.

• And much, much more.

So even if you have the original edition, I encourage you to “upgrade.” This new edition contains the latest information you need to succeed in this exciting business.

I wrote in the original preface to this book that many of us who are freelance copywriters lead a charmed life. (At least, we think so!) We spend our days happily ensconced in our comfortable home offices doing what we love to do — which is to write.

Sure, there are ups and downs: client demands, challenging projects, deadlines. They come with the territory. But most copywriters I know love the creative, stimulating work; earn high fees; and enjoy an ever-increasing demand for their services.

Do you need writing experience? It helps. But, as you’ll read in the following pages, you’ll be amazed how many highly successful copywriters started with little or no background in writing, marketing, or even general business. In fact, one of the most highly paid copywriters I know was, just a few years ago, a kitchen renovation contractor!

So you may be a freelance magazine writer looking for a higher-paying market … a consultant seeking a new revenue stream … a marketing or advertising professional interested in going out on your own … a stay-at-home mom or dad needing to earn some income on a flexible schedule … a corporate employee dreaming of working from home in your jammies … or even a freelance copywriter who wants to become even more successful …

Whatever your reasons for picking up this new edition, Start & Run a Copywriting Business may be just the opportunity you’re looking for.

Interested? Read on.

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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