Читать книгу Start & Run a Copywriting Business - Steve Slaunwhite - Страница 19

Working from home


For most home-based business operators, working in the comfort of their home is a real advantage. Trust me, I don’t miss rush hour or the endless interruptions and meetings inherent in most office environments. I have breakfast with my wife and daughter and then saunter up to my second-floor office in my slippers. I work productively, unfettered by roaming supervisors and office chatter. When a snowstorm hits, I watch it from my window and smile.

Self-employed copywriter Brenda Kruse says, “I enjoy the lower dry cleaning bills because I can dress casually … I can run errands during the day when I need to ... even throw in a load of laundry during breaks in the day.” Toronto copywriter Alan Sharpe says he sometimes takes walks through nearby woods for inspiration. Try doing that on Madison Avenue!

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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