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A Great Home-Based Business Opportunity


When it comes to a home-based business, copywriting is (in my opinion) as good as it gets. I can think of few pursuits that offer a more optimal mix of low risk and high income potential. Hanging your shingle requires little more than a computer, business cards and stationery, and a desk to work on. Yes, a little writing talent and marketing savvy help, but not as much as you might think. Perseverance and a willingness to learn can take you a long way (as they did for me).

As a copywriter, you can expect to be well paid. Self-employment gurus Paul and Sarah Edwards report in their book, The Best Home-Based Businesses for the 21st Century, that an established, self-employed copywriter can earn between $80,000 and $175,000 a year. This seems a little high to me, but most copywriters I know do earn at least $50,000 a year, with some incomes creeping well over the six-figure mark.

Freelance copywriting, I might add, can also generate a good income from working on a part-time or casual basis. Just one project per month — whether it’s an ad, a brochure, or a website — can earn you an extra income of several hundred dollars per month. Many freelance copywriters I interviewed for this book began writing copy part time, slowly developing their skills, knowledge, and client base until they were ready to make a full-time commitment. I began part time, and the money I earned and lessons I learned went a long way toward more successfully launching my full-time business.

If you’re a freelance writer used to the pittance magazines often pay, copywriting can greatly augment your income. This is because the magazine market is a buyer’s market — with plenty of writers willing to work for free, simply to see their name in print. It’s tough to break into, and even tougher to earn decent fees for your work.

Copywriters, however, encounter a demand for their services. As I explain later in this chapter, it’s not exactly a seller’s market, but it’s close to it. And there is certainly no reason for you to accept a copywriting assignment for little or no fee. Even as a beginner, you can expect to earn good fees for the work you do.

Just how much experience and expertise do you need to earn these great fees? Obviously, the more experience you have, the greater your chance of success. But don’t let a perceived lack of direct experience prevent you from tackling your goal of becoming a self-employed copywriter. Operating a successful copywriting business essentially involves a combination of writing ability and marketing strategy. If you have a modicum of the first, you can learn the second in this book.

Copywriting is a subset of business writing. Think about the business documents you’ve written: memos, reports, proposals, query letters. Were some of these written to persuade others to act or make a decision, or to steer them to your point of view? If so, then you already have some experience as a copywriter. Even if you haven’t, your love of writing and commitment to learning the unique strategies and approaches to crafting effective marketing copy are the keys to succeeding in this business.

Start & Run a Copywriting Business

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