Читать книгу The Leader Lab - Tania Luna - Страница 15

I The Core BUs


Ready to enter Part I of the Leader Lab? In this first section, we'll equip you with the Core BUs, the small but powerful Behavioral Units that will immediately make your conversations, relationships, and decisions better:

1. Q‐step
2. Playback
3. Deblur
4. Validate
5. Linkup
6. Pause
7. Extract

Once we introduce a BU, we will bold it every time we refer to it throughout the book and include its corresponding icon so it's easier to notice and faster for your brain to learn. Even when you're not reading, mentally bold these BUs when you spot them “in the wild.” Each BU is a simple but versatile behavior you can notice and use every day, including the moment you put down this book.

Welcome to the Leader Lab.

The Leader Lab

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