Читать книгу The Leader Lab - Tania Luna - Страница 18

Version 2: Do-Over

Luca: Weird, right? Having different roles all of a sudden.
Mia: Yeah. How are you feeling about it?
Luca: I feel fine … I guess.
Mia: Would you be willing to share more of what's on your mind?
Luca: Well … I'm happy for you, but, you know, I've been here longer. I'm not even sure if I wanted the job, but it sucks not to get it.
Mia: Yeah. I hear you. I'm curious: what did you like about the job description and what didn't you? Maybe that can help us figure out how to make your current role better.
Luca: Well, I didn't want to be responsible for everyone on the team hitting their goals. You can have that part! But I did like the idea of making process improvements.
Mia: Oh, well … the truth is, you're better at many parts of this work than I am. I want to hear your ideas. How can we add making process improvements into your role?
Luca: I'd like that. Maybe I could focus on one process to improve per quarter?
Mia: Yes! I can set up a meeting for us to chat about it. How does that sound?
Luca: That sounds good. Thanks. And Mia? Congratulations.

Phew. Good use of the Do-Over Button. Not only did Mia manage to ask 400% more questions, she also Q-stepped, making it more likely that Luca will keep making valuable contributions.

But Mia's day is just beginning. Next up, she sees her team member Olivia. Mia and Olivia have also been peers for several years, but Olivia has shown no interest in management. In fact, she seems to show less and less interest at work in general. So it catches Mia off guard when Olivia comes to her with a new idea:

The Leader Lab

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