Читать книгу Die gesammelten Schriften von Viola M. Frymann, DO - Viola M Frymann - Страница 19
ОглавлениеSutherland, WG: Final lecture. Seminar in Cranial Osteopathy. Des Moines. April 25, 1948. Contributions of Thought. 1967, 147
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Hix, EL: The trophic function of visceral nerves. In The Physiologic Basis of Osteopathic Medicine. New York, NY. Postgraduate Institute of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. 1970, 101 - 113
Frymann, VM: Relation of disturbances of craniosacral mechanisms to symptomatology of the newborn: Study of 1,250 infants. JAOA. 1966 (65) 1059 - 1075
Frymann, VM: Learning difficulties of children viewed in light of the osteopathic concept. JAOA. 1976 (76) 46 - 61
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