Читать книгу Die gesammelten Schriften von Viola M. Frymann, DO - Viola M Frymann - Страница 22
ОглавлениеNorthup, Thomas L: Reflex diagnosis. The Journal of Osteopathy. published monthly by The Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery. Kirksville, MO., Dez 1961, 18 - 26
Dorland, WA: The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary. WB Saunders Co., Philadelphia and London. 1942
Little, Wm, Fowler, MW and Coulson, J: The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Vol IL. Reprinted 1950
Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: G&C Merriam Co., Springfield, MA. 1947
Burns, Louisa: Pathogenesis of visceral disease, following vertebral lesions. Published by AOA. The Journal Printing Company, Kirksville, MO. 1948
Wright, Harry M: Progress in osteopathic research. A review of investigations in the division of physiological sciences. Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery. JAOA (61) 347 - 351. Jan 1962
Matthay, Tobias: The visible and invisible in piano technique. London Humphrey Mildord Oxford University Press. 1932 and 1947. Second printing with corrections 1947, by Oxford University Press, Inc.
Vergleiche Anm. 7
Vergleiche Anm. 7
Sutherland, Wm G.: Let’s be up and touching. The Osteopathic Physician. 1914 issue
Vergleiche Anm. 7
McConnell, Carl P.: The feel of tissues. JAOA Vol. XXIV, Editorial. Dez 1924, 279
Vergleiche Anm. 12
Hoover, HV: Functional technic. AAO Yearbook. 1958, 47
Becker, RE: Whiplash injuries. AAO Yearbook. 1958, 65 - 68. Whiplash injury. AAO Yearbook. 1961, 90 - 98
Cranial Academy: Expanding osteopathic concept. 1960
Arey, LB: Developmental anatomy. WB Saunders. 1941, 329
Cranial Academy: Expanding osteopathic concept. 1960
Erlingheuser, RF: The circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid through connective tissue system. AAO Yearbook. 1959, 77 - 87
Becker, RE: Whiplash injury. AAO Yearbook. 1961, 91
Still, AT: Preface. Philosophy of Osteopathy. Reprinted by AAO 1946. Edwards Brothers, tue. Ann Arbor, MI