Читать книгу The Road to Resilience - Adam Przytula - Страница 27



When we're feeling stressed, or experiencing negative feelings, it's normal to turn to the things that help us cope. These are known as ‘coping mechanisms’. Not all coping mechanisms are created equal. For example, going for a run might help someone cope with feelings of stress or anxiety. Another person might turn to alcohol to help them cope with their emotions. A coping mechanism may be considered healthy or unhealthy. A ‘healthy’ behaviour might be considered ‘unhealthy’ in large quantities, and vice versa. We'll look at this further in chapter 4.

It's important to be aware of what your coping mechanisms are. They act as important red flags for ANTs and negative feelings. If you find yourself needing to use your coping mechanism to ‘feel better’, then it's important to question why.

The Road to Resilience

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