Читать книгу The Road to Resilience - Adam Przytula - Страница 28

My story


During my teenage years, I turned to binge eating. I wasn't self‐aware. I didn't realise I was binging on lollies, chips and chocolate to try and numb the emotional pain I was experiencing. I just knew that eating junk food made me feel better. As a young kid, I'd always raided Oma's pantry for a couple of treats after school. But, by the time I reached high school, one or two chocolate bars weren't enough. Spending so much time alone at home, I smashed bags of the stuff, eating beyond the point of comfort until I felt physically sick.

I also developed a screen addiction. It started with movies and gaming, but soon the ‘fix’ I was getting from them wasn’t enough. I gravitated towards pornography. What started out as a ‘feel‐good’ coping mechanism descended into mental addiction.

As my junk food, screen and pornography addictions worsened, I began to feel more depressed and anxious. I started staying up all night because I didn't want to go to bed and have to face my thoughts. Inevitably, sleep deprivation made all of my problems worse. It was a revolving door of self‐abuse.

The Road to Resilience

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