Читать книгу The Road to Resilience - Adam Przytula - Страница 31

Try this Be aware of your coping mechanisms


Answer these questions in your head and think about your answers intently.

1 What is one of your coping mechanisms?

2 When was the last time you used your coping mechanism?

3 How were you feeling before you used it? (It might be one dominant feeling, such as fear or anger. Or, it might be a mixture of feelings, such as feeling excited and nervous.)

4 What triggered you to have these feelings?

5 What ANT did you experience?

6 Challenge this ANT. Is it true?

Practise this exercise as often as you can. Next time you find yourself turning towards a coping mechanism, follow the steps above and see if you can identify the thoughts and feelings that caused you to need it. The more often you try to be self‐aware, the easier it becomes.

The Road to Resilience

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