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II. Space and Time
10. Day – Divisions of the Day


ante lucem– before daybreak.

prima luce– at daybreak.

luce (luci)– in full daylight.

ubi illuxit, luxit, diluxit– when it was day.

lucet– it is daylight.

diluculo– in the morning twilight.

advesperascit– evening is drawing on.

die, caelo vesperascente– when it is growing dusk; towards evening.

multus dies or multa lux est– the day is already far advanced.

ad multam noctem– till late at night.

de nocte, de die– while it is still night, day.

multa de nocte– late at night.

intempesta, concubia nocte– in the dead of night; at midnight.

silentio noctis– in the silence of the night.

vicissitudines dierum noctiumque– the succession of day and night.

noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemque– night and day.

tempus matutīnum, meridianum, vespertinum, nocturnum– morning, noon, evening, night.

tempora matutina– the morning hours.

in dies (singulos)– from day to day.

in diem vivere– to live from day to day.

alternis diebus– every other day.

quattuor dies continui– four successive days.

unus et alter dies– one or two days.

dies unus, alter, plures intercesserant– one, two, several days had passed, intervened.

diem proferre (Att. 13. 14) – to adjourn, delay.

biduo serius 34– two days late.

horā citius– an hour too soon.

postridie qui fuit dies Non. Sept. (Nonarum Septembrium) (Att. 4. 1. 5) – on the day after, which was September 5th.

hodie qui est dies Non. Sept.; cras qui dies futurus est Non. Sept.– to-day the 5th of September; tomorrow September the 5th.

dies hesternus, hodiernus, crastinus– yesterday, to-day, tomorrow.

diem dicere colloquio– to appoint a date for an interview.

ad diem constitutam– at the appointed time.

diem videre, cum…– to live to see the day when…

dies dolorem mitigabit– time will assuage his grief.

quota hora est?– what time is it?

tertia hora est– it is the third hour (= 9 A.M.)

ad horam compositam– at the time agreed on.


Used absolutely "too late" = sero; if "too late for," "later than," always serius (quam).

Latin Phrase-Book

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