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Green cabbage soup with prawns


Ingredients for 4 meals

3 medium size onions

2 cloves of garlic

100 g soft Chorizo

5 potatoes (so. 300 grams)

4 large spoon olive oil

1 knife tip cumin

800 ml vegetable stock

460 grams of green cabbage

½ lemon

3 Inserted piri spice

360 grams of shrimps and prawns (kitchen completed without the head and the shell)

Salt and pepper from the mill

The preparation process

Peel the onions and garlic finely and cubes. Sausage in Fine dice crush.

Peel potatoes in water to clean and dice.

2 large spoon Heat olive oil in a pot. Onions is turning in 7 8 minutes until glazed sweating. Garlic and chorizo and roast for 2 more minutes. Cumin, potatoes and broth, once heating and approximately 20 minutes at medium heat simmer, cooking.

Now the green cabbage plasters, thoroughly in clean water and drain well. Green cabbage into very fine strips crushing or fine crumble.

Lemon hot rinse, dry and slightly shell fine rub. The piri piri pods spice drain, recover the oil. The pods fine chopping and with the remaining oil and lemon peel mix.

Potatoes, onions, garlic and sausages in the broth with the hand blender Finely puree. The cabbage in the rear and everything for a further 10 minutes cook at medium heat.

Shrimps, rinse and dry it in the stew. All heat once again and let it cook for 2 more minutes. With salt and freshly ground pepper tastes. Stew with the piripiri spice oil and sprinkle on the table.

Winter Cuisine

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