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Dumplings with minced spinach and feta filling


Ingredients for 12 pieces

850 grams of spinach

1 bunch spring onions

1 large onion

2 cloves of garlic

1 bunch of parsley

4 tablespoons + 150 milliliters Olive Oil

1 kg minced meat

Salt and freshly ground pepper

2 packages (250 grams) strudel dough Filo- or yufka dough (10 sheets 30 x 31 centimeters; refrigerated)

grated nutmeg

4 eggs (size M)

400 grams feta cheese

4 tablespoons breadcrumbs

Oil for the drip pan

The preparation sequence

clean spinach thoroughly in water, clean and allow to dry. Clean green onions, mince underwater washing and rings. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely. clean parsley in water, pat dry. pluck and chop leaves. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a skillet, fry Hack vigorously Wenden. Onion and half the garlic add, fry with short. Season with salt and pepper. Let cool down.

Sheets of dough at room temperature so the. let rest 10 minutes. 2 tablespoons Heat oil, sauté green onions and remaining garlic in it. add spinach and covered over low heat coincide. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Let cool down. Beat the eggs, season with salt and pepper. Crumble feta coarsely and mix.

Streak drip pan of the oven with oil. Partly dampened dish towel on the work surface spread, a dry lay about. Rice paper and unroll during the preparation drain cover repeatedly, so that the sheets of dough from drying out. interpret form slightly overlap with 4 pastry sheets, besides, with a little oil Brush each sheet (from 150 milliliters). At the edge of something can stand tall. More 4 sheets of dough on it and brush lay. place 2 sheets of pastry on the bottom of the mold and then brush with a little oil. Sprinkle with bread crumbs.

Mince mix parsley with half the eggs and feta mixture and half. Spinach can optionally dry, with the other half mix egg and parsley. distribute mince on one side of the mold, the spinach mass on the other half. distribute Miscellaneous dough sheets on the filling, while Brush each sheet with oil. Fold dough sheets Protruding about Brush with remaining oil. In the heated, preheated oven electric cooker: 175 ° C / with convection: 150 ° C) bake 35-40 minutes. Cut into pieces arrange on the plate and bring to the table.

Summer Kitchen

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