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Did You Know You Already Have a Personal Brand?


So, maybe you’re thinking, “Good story, Brenda, but what does that have to do with me? I’m just getting started in my career. How could I already have a personal brand?”

That’s a fair question — and here’s my answer: Even if you’ve never had a full-time job in a company, you already have a personal brand. (And you didn’t have to do anything as earth-shattering as invent dynamite to get it!)

It’s true. To have a personal brand, you don’t have to be an inventor or even sit down and give your personal brand any thought. Just by virtue of being you in a job interview or at school or wherever you are, you have a personal brand. The question is whether you have the personal brand you want. If not, you’re leaving too much of your job search and your future to chance.

Just like Alfred Nobel, you have the power to change your personal brand and create the one that you desire. In other words, you have to make a decision about how you want to come across before, during, and after interviews in order to get the kind of work you really want. And there’s no better time to work on your personal brand than now as you think about your first job after college and as you get ready to launch yourself into the professional marketplace.

How You Are Like Shampoo for College Graduates

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