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Personal Branding and Your Job Search


But what if you’re starting at the bottom of the totem pole with little or no experience, and you’re convinced it’s going to be hard as nails to find a job that keeps you happy and excited? Well, I’m here to tell you: With personal branding, you can do it. If you want the kind of job where you can’t wait to get up in the morning and get to work, personal branding is the answer.

Defining your college graduate personal brand can be the missing link to helping you find the type of job you’ve been daydreaming about. Knowing who “YOUTM” are — the trademarked you — will give you a clear edge in your job search. In fact, once you carefully define the college graduate personal brand you want to communicate in interviews, you’ll be able to look at your job search with new meaning and confidence. That’s how you make every moment of your job hunt count. And yes — even though it’s hard to believe — you may actually begin to find interviews fun.

Yep, personal branding can do all of that, but here’s the scoop: It really is up to you. If you want a great first job out of college that sets you up for success both short-term and long-term, you have to do something about it. If you don’t, I can guarantee you one thing: Nothing will happen.

Now, I can almost hear you saying, “But Brenda, I don’t have control over whether an interviewer likes me or not. If they decide not to hire me, what can I do?” Even though it may feel like your job search is at the mercy of potential employer “decision-makers” out there, a big part of your job search success is in your control. The key to that control is learning how to master your college graduate personal brand. In How YOUTM are like Shampoo for College Graduates, we will focus on those fundamental parts of your job search that are in your control.

How You Are Like Shampoo for College Graduates

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