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Colourful dinner cakes


Ingredients for 4 pieces (starter rings Ø 8 cm)

2-3 carrots

2 small courgettes

1 bunch radish

50 g crispbread

50 g butter

2 sheets gelatine

200 g low-fat cream cheese

150 ml milk

salt and pepper from the mill

3 tsp breadcrumbs

1 egg (size M)

1/4 bed of garden cress to garnish

cling film


Peel and wash the carrots. Clean and wash courgettes and radishes. Grate the prepared vegetables separately and mix separately in bowls with 1/4 teaspoon salt each.

Finely chop the crispbread. Melt butter and mix with crispbread. Moisten a small flat plate or board. Lay foil flat on top. Place 4 starter rings (approx. 8 cm Ø) on top. Spread the crispbread crumbs in the rings and press firmly down, chill.

Soak the gelatine. Mix cream cheese and milk to a liquid cream, season with salt and pepper. Place vegetables one after the other on a sieve, squeeze out. Squeeze the vegetables again with kitchen paper and put them back in the bowls. Mix the vegetables with 1 teaspoon breadcrumbs.

Express gelatine, dissolve. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cream cheese cream to the gelatine. Stir the gelatine mixture into the rest of the cream. Place 1-2 tablespoons of cream on the crumb bases and chill for approx. 10 minutes. Spread a thin layer of radish on top, add 2-3 tablespoons of cream and chill for approx. 10 minutes. Repeat with other vegetables, finishing with a layer of cream. Refrigerate the tartlets for approx. 2 hours.

To serve, cook the egg for about 10 minutes in boiling water until hard, quench with cold water, peel and slice. Serve tartlets garnished with egg slices and cress.

Party Snacks - Your Kids Will Surely Love It!

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