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Why Measurable?


There are entire books written about the right way to collect analytics and metrics, and this is not going to be one of them, although you will find an overview of useful metrics information in Chapter 11, “Measure Better.” Whether you’re measuring with off-the-shelf tools like Google Analytics, or you’ve created your own system for tracking the metrics you care about, or you have an entire team of data scientists at your disposal, you need to have some way to assess your progress objectively.

More than that, you must be able to measure whether or not your specific change created the improvement. In other words, it’s not enough just to know that company revenue improved. You also have to have strong evidence that the things you did made that change happen.

For example, if I own a company making fuzzy, footie pajamas, I can predict that my sales will increase dramatically from November to December. I cannot, however, take credit for that increase, since even I hesitate to take credit for Christmas. However, if I create a special marketing campaign that I release to a certain percentage of random users, and those users spend more than others who didn’t see the special marketing campaign, then I can measure the exact impact of my marketing campaign on sales.

Unless we measure what effect our changes have on our product or company, we can never truly know that what we are doing is making things better.

Build Better Products

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