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No one makes bad products on purpose, and yet we have so many of them in our lives. There are certainly plenty of fancy books with copious advice on “how to do it right,” but somehow they have little impact on the world. Much of the problem is the faith that authors have that there is a magic way to do things, and all we need to do is describe the magic. But product teams and software projects are magic resistant. They require something more to improve how they function.

The good news is…the book you have in your hands right now! It sheds the pretense so common in books on design and product management, instead favoring clear advice, straightforward lessons, and exercises you can do easily with your team. Laura Klein has wisely put the focus on you and your world, and she sets up her lessons in a fashion that makes them simple to apply. The star of every chapter is an exercise, and this is no accident. These techniques spark conversation, insights, and improved understanding—three powerful forces to have on your side. The sooner you start to apply her wisdom to your situation, the faster your ability to build better products will rise.

—Scott Berkun

Author, Making Things Happen

Build Better Products

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