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biyapara K adj confused, irresolute, wavering, uncertain (=bingbang L).

biyas n sand (miyasin trans).

biyasin imp fill it with sand!

biyasa L adj usual, ordinary; n being usual.

biyasahang pass get accustomed to.

biyasané adv usually.

biyat intrans separate, divorce; hiya biyat makurenan he is divorced.

biyayag adj scattered, dispersed; intrans scatter, disperse.

biyayagan n scattering, dispersal.

biyayagang pass be scattered by someone.

biyayagin pass be scattered, be broadcast (seed).

biyawung n a thorny creeping plant whose roots can be used as food.

biyik (=bihik) n uterus; seedpod; ovary; a naturally empty egg.

biyola n viola (D).

biyolané the viola.

biyoma K n sky (langit L).

biyota n excitement, bustle, storm.

biyu n plantain, banana, banana plant.

biyu halas wild plantain.

biyu lalung a whole banana, with the heart of the stalk and some leaf, forming part of the offerings at the house shrine on some feasts.

biyuné the banana.

biyunan n a kind of cramp in the limbs.

biyunin pass have bananas put in it.

biyuh adj luxuriant, thickly planted, tightly packed.

biyuha K n battle-order.

biyuk intrans fall in quantity to the ground, pour down.

biyulan (=biyunan) n a kind of cramp in the limbs.

biyur intrans be untidy, be in disorder, be in uproar.

biyurang pass be brought into confusion, disorder.

biyus adj unconscious, stupefied.

biyut adj confused, excited, in disorder (mabiyutan intrans).

biuta adj confused, excited, in disorder (mabiyutan intrans).

bjeka pass was rubbed in the hands by them (from bejek) (Lk).

bkel n provision for a journey (from bekel).

blabar n flood (=belabar); n a sort of offering; n a gourd in which palm wine is put.

blabur n rain during the dry season, moderate rain (=belabur); n heavy rain with flooding.

blacak intrans be blackish.

blacu n unbleached cotton cloth.

blacuk (=bracuk) intrans talk nonsense; speak without making sense.

bladbadan n a sort of proverbial saying.

bladoh intrans be indifferent, not care, be slow in one’s thinking.

blagbag n fetters, shackles, handcuffs (mlagbagin trans).

blagbagin pass be put in fetters.

blah (=belah) adj smashed, split, broken in pieces; n fracture, breach, split, crack; half.

blah kalam the slit in a pen.

blahu adj blue (D blauw).

blahuwin pass be dyed blue.

blahuk n a creature like a beetle, the larva of the dragonfly.

blakas n a big knife, machete; ngentungang blakas matali ‘throw a machete (that) is tied on a cord’ =at random, accidentally.

ba-blakas-an intrans be perfectly frank.

blalak n a species of maize.

blalu n a species of tree.

blamba intrans remove the ribs of palm leaves (to use the fronds for weaving).

blanak n a species of fish; n a species of rice plant.

blancuh intrans be a bit mad, cracked; be insipid in taste.

blancuk intrans be reckless, frivolous, daft.

blandang intrans (mlandang trans) act as banker in gambling.

blandar intrans collide.

blandara pass be in collision with someone.

blandingan n a species of chestnut tree (akin to blalu).

blandongan n a wooden trough.

blantahan intrans be not pleasingly cooked.

blantik 1 n a trap for an animal.

blantik 2 n reflection (light), resilience; intrans (mlantik trans) reflect, bounce back.

blantikan n reflection (light), resilience.

blantikin be reflected.

blang adj dappled (horse or cow) (from belang).

blangkur n flowers made into a wreath or garland.

blangsah 1 n the sheath of the flower of the areca nut.

blangsah 2 adj tepid, insipid; worried, nervous, restless.

blangsé n a little bag or basket of palm leaves in which to keep coins, etc.; a jute sack.

ha-blangsé n an immense, incalculable number.

blangsung n a species of plant.

blangsut n sling (weapon); intrans (mlangsut trans) sling, throw.

blangsutan n sling (weapon).

blangsutang, blangsutin pass be slung, thrown with a sling.

blas intrans omit, leave out (=belas).

ka-blas pass be omitted (=kabelas).

ka-blasin pass be omitted, be left off, given up (=kabelasin).

blatuk n woodpecker.

blatung n cactus.

blatungin pass be planted with cacti, be pricked by cacti.

blayag n a small oblong basket full of cooked rice (mlayagin trans).

blayur n a rice field ploughed but not yet harrowed.

blayuran 1 n a disease of the tongue.

blayuran 2 intrans cook till just done, because of lack of fire.

blebeg (=blegbeg) intrans pour out a flood of words.

blébéh n rash speech.

blebet n a winnowing tray with a curved bottom.

blébét (=bebet) intrans be full, stuffed full.

blecek intrans be tangled, tousled, in disarray.

blécék (=bécék) intrans be muddy.

bledog (NBali) n yaws (illness).

blegag intrans be many.

blegandang adj violent; n a forced marriage.

bleganjur n one kind of drum in the gagambelan.

blegbeg (=blebeg) intrans flood with words.

blegbegan intrans stop, get stuck in a speech; not be able to find a quick answer; be worried.

blegedu L adj disobedient, unwilling to obey a command, shrewish (tempal H).

blegeran adj undamaged, whole and unim-paired.

blegiding n a species of plant having winged seeds.

bléhbéh intrans be morbidly talkative; be unable to keep a secret.

blekek intrans (mlekek trans) keep control of oneself.

blekék (=brekék) n a bird of the swamps.

blekem (=bekem) intrans restrain, hold up.

blekok n a bird of the heron, stork species.

blekor (=blekur) intrans fold, bend, bend sth until it is broken.

blengbong n heavy rain.

blenget n the excrement of dogs; a loathsome object.

blenggu n fetters.

blengih intrans weep easily.

blengkakan L intrans be poor; tiwas blengkakan totally destitute.

blengkeh intrans be circular, coil.

blengkeh-an n circle.

blengkehin pass be encircled, surrounded.

blengker n circular mark (mlengker trans).

blengkerin pass be marked by someone with a circle.

blenguh adj stupid, dull, retarded.

blenyék (=blenyok) intrans go into the mud.

blesat intrans move, things about, scatter (mablesat intrans).

blesbes intrans go out one after another (mlesbes trans).

blétbét intrans tie, bind neatly (mablétbét intrans).

blétbét-an n cord, band, belt.

blétbétang pass be tied tidily.

bleteng n a plant like maize.

bli 1 (=beli) n elder brother.

bli 2 (=beli) L intrans buy (mli, meli trans) (tumbas H).

blibar 1 n a half-ripe mango.

blibar 2 n a thin slice before it is chopped up (mlibar trans).

blibarin pass be sliced thinly and then chopped up.

blibis n teal.

blicak adj walked on, trodden down (mablicakan intrans).

blida n a weaver’s tool like a long ruler.

bligé adj slippery, difficult to keep hold of.

bliged n coil (mligedang trans).

bligo n pumpkin eaten as a vegetable.

bligud intrans (mligud trans) tie up, restrict; be slow.

blikur (=blekur) n cage.

blikut intrans be affected by a current.

blimbi n gizzard, crop; paunch.

blimbinan the contents of the crop.

blimbingan n a species of tree and its fruit (see blingbing).

blinder intrans go round, rotate (mlinderang trans).

blinderang pass be made to go round, be revolved.

blinderin pass be surrounded, encircled by.

bling (=beling) L intrans conceive, be pregnant.

blingan (belingan) n womb; foetus; pregnancy.

blingbing 1 n a species of tree, with fruit that is large, segmented and sweet/tart.

siksik mlimbing have grown old.

blingbing 2 n another tree with elliptical fruit (unsegmented, sour), used as a vegetable.

blinger (=bingung) intrans be angry.

ka-blinger pass be made angry.

blinguh adj unhealthy, unsound; (=blenguh) dull, stupid.

blitbit n a fence of strips of bamboo.

blitbitin pass be fenced with strips of bamboo by someone.

bliyung n hatchet.

bliyus intrans be empty.

blog (=belog) adj foolish; n folly, stupidity.

blohmata n a species of eel.

blokok (NBali) n a dish of edible roots, beans, maize, and spices.

blokot intrans be muddy.

blokotan adj splashed with mud.

blolong intrans (mlolong trans) tell lies; n lie; adj untrue, false, lying (mablolong intrans).

blolot (=blokot) intrans be dirty with mud.

blondor (=blandar) intrans collide, run into.

blongkak n part of a coconut shell with its husk.

blongkakan n part of a coconut shell with its husk.

blongkang intrans (the part of the palm-wine tree which) is cut off.

blongkangan n the base of the removed part of the palm-wine tree.

blongkangin pass be removed, cut off.

blongsong n a sarong (the ends of a piece of cloth sewn together, forming a tube, worn as a skirt) (mlongsong trans).

blongsongang pass be provided with a sarong.

blongsongin pass have a sarong put on one by someone.

blubuh intrans be overcome with sleep.

blukbuk n a sort of sweetmeat, twisted with young coconut palm leaves.

bluntas n a shrub planted to form hedges.

blungbang (=balungbang) n a long hollow in the ground, moat, ditch, a path worn into a hollow (mlungbang trans).

blungbangang pass have a shallow ditch dug in it.

blungking n young melon (eaten as vegetable).

blus (belus) intrans make wet, be wet.

bluspus intrans (the grain in the ears of rice) set.

bluwang n a mole-cricket.

bnah (=benah) intrans (mnah, menah trans) make straight.

bnahin pass be made straight.

bneh (=beneh) intrans be just, righteous, be right, act righteously.

bnehan (=benehan) n truth, rightness.

bnehang (=benehang) imp do righteousness!

bnehbneh (=benehbeneh) be very righteous.

bneng adj straight, justified, entitled (see beneng).

bngong adj amazed, speechless; n amazement (see bengong).

bngongné ‘his amazement’ adv absent-mind-edly.

bo (=hebo) L n smell, odor, stink (hambu H) (mebo intrans).

bo bengu intrans stink badly.

bo miyik (=mihik) n perfume, scent.

bon the smell (of).

bobab L intrans (mbobab trans) be false, be wrong, be untrue (linyok H); n lie, untruth.

bobabang pass be done falsely.

bobabin pass be lied to.

bobog 1 L (=bobab) intrans tell lies.

bobog 2 H n nonsense.

boboh (=bebeh, bohboh) intrans (moboh trans) lie scattered, spread out.

bobok n a torch made of dry coconut leaves.

bobor intrans (mobor trans) burn (=borbormorbor).

bobot 1 R adj pregnant (beling L).

bobotan n pregnancy; foetus.

bobot 2 H n weight; adj heavy (bahat L) (mabobot intrans).

bobotan n heaviness, weight.

boco, bocoh adj not serious.

bocok adj ugly, dirty, greasy, misshapen; n evil, impurity; intrans (mocok trans) have an ugly, nasty appearance; bocok maklecok intrans be very ugly, be unattractive, be nasty-looking.

bocor L intrans leak, be ‘leaky,’ have diuresis.

Boda (=Bodha, Buda, Buddha) n Buddha; Wednesday, the fourth day of the seven-day week.

boḑag n a wicker hamper; a big woven basket.

bodo 1 intrans have an ugly appearance.

bodohang pass be made ugly.

bodo 2 (Badung) adj mad, insane (=buduh).

boḑo L adj ugly, ignorant, coarse, unhewn (kasar H).

bodri adj unfriendly, impolite.

boga (=bhoga) H n food and drink (moga trans) (S bhoga-).

bogana pass be eaten by someone.

bogbog 1 intrans (mogbog trans) cause trouble (=bagbag).

bogbog 2 n lies, untruth (mogbogin trans).

bogbogin in heda bogbogin imp do not be deceitful!

bogbogang pass be a liar.

bogbogina pass be deceived by someone.

bogol intrans (mamogol trans) strip, take away.

bogol-an n a convicted criminal.

bogolin pass be stripped (of weapons).

boh 1 (=bohboh, haboh) adj tame, gentle, willing (manuh H); boh dara (a woman) apparently friendly, but keeping her distance.

bohang pass be tamed.

bohin pass be made tame, behave as if tame, treat gently.

boh 2 (NBali) n the loop of a snare; (Badung) n the frame of a kite.

bohat K n a place for pleasure (=piyasan).

bohés intrans be wide open.

bohésang pass be made very wide open.

bohok n a species of tree whose bark is used as medicine.

bohol n a hole in sth (see bol 2, bolong, hebol).

bohot intrans produce much fluid; tuwaké bohot the palm wine is flowing copiously.

bohuk n hair (=bok).

bojog n monkey.

bojogé the monkey.

bok 1 (=hebok) n hair (rambut H).

bokbok-an n false hair.

bokin pass grow hair, become hairy.

bokné her hair.

bok 2 n dust, grit (=buk, hebok, hebuk).

bokah intrans have a swollen cheek.

bokat 1 n a species of forest tree.

bokat 2 n a short spear.

bokatin pass be speared.

bokbok intrans (mokbok trans) give what is wished for.

bokbokin pass be given what one wants.

boki n a worn-out earthenware cooking pot.

boko n a sort of young turtle (bokoboko pl).

bokong (=bebokong, bokongan) L n buttocks (jangkong, wangkog R).

bokor n a metal dish on feet; a small tray.

bol 1 n a species of rose-apple.

bol 2 n anus, rectum.

bol 3 n (Raf) slime.

bola n ball (Port).

Bolanda (=Belanda, Welanda) adj Dutch.

bolang adj having a normal body but short legs.

bolénan (=bulénan) adj having a covering or crust of foulness.

bolong adj having a hole in it; pipis bolong n ‘cash,’ small coins with a square hole in the middle (8 ‘cash’ = 1 cent); often threaded on strings, to a definite amount (100 or 1,000), but never quite the full total.

bolongin pass have a hole made in it (molong trans).

bolu 1 n (Raf) lock (on a door).

bolu 2 (=ba-hulu) adv above, higher.

bom (=hebom) n bomb (ngebom trans); bom hatom atom bomb.

boma, bomin pass be bombed.

boma n painted or carved representation of a raksasa or a bear.

bon 1 n bunch; federation; society (ngebon trans).

bonang pass be asked to help a fellow member of a society.

bonbonan n federation, being federated.

bon 2 n the smell (of); bon bungané the smell of the flowers.

bon 3 n bond, bill, cheque, a charge account (ngebon trans) (D bond).

bonan n things bought on credit.

bonang pass be bought and written into one’s account.

bonin pass be bought and paid for later.

bonar n a disease of the eyes.

boncoh 1 (=boncos) intrans travel quickly without looking about.

boncoh 2 (=boncuh) adj hasty, rash; intrans run fast, run at sth.

boncol n boil, festering wound, bump on the forehead.

gidat maboncol a forehead projecting on both sides.

boncos (=boncoh) intrans walk quickly without looking about.

bondol n a species of bird like the white-headed sparrow.

boni n a species of small sour fruit, growing in clusters; the tree on which this fruit grows.

bonjo (=bénjo) adj awry, askew.

bonjor n a joint of a very thick bamboo used for storing water in houses, principally for extinguishing fires; a big water pot.

bontang n a maize-cob stripped of corn.

bontok L adj short and thick, stocky (=buntek, bawak) (cendek H); intrans (montokang trans) be short.

bontokang, bontokin pass be shortened, abbreviated.

bontot (=babontot) n a dish made from meat, wrapped in the sheath of betel nuts and tied at both ends.

bongbong intrans fight gamecocks unofficially, to test their powers.

bongbongang, bongbongin pass be tested in fighting.

bongés intrans be broken and lost.

bongésang pass be caused to be broken and lost.

bongésin pass be broken and lost by someone.

bonggan n pride; adj proud.

bongkah (=bungkah) intrans open, be opened.

bongkak 1 (=blongkakan) adj proud.

bongkak 2 n part of a coconut shell used as a vessel.

bongkal n a weight used in weighing gold.

bongkang 1 n ant hill.

bongkang 2 intrans (mongkang trans) make a big hole in sth.

bongkangang, bongkangin pass have a big hole made in it.

bongkangbongkéng adj (fruit) damaged by birds.

bongkar 1 intrans (Raf) heave, lift.

bongkar 2 intrans break into sth, demolish, uncover (mongkar trans).

bongkaran n sth broken into, broken open, demolished.

bongkarang pass be broken into.

bongkarin pass be tried to be broken into.

bongkek 1 n a large tumor, boil.

bongkek 2 (=bongkar) intrans be broken into.

bongkéng 1 adj hard.

bongkéng 2 n a large wound.

bongkling (=bungkling) n in Pan Bongkling (or Ketut Bungkling), the name of the hero of a popular poem which makes fun of the ceremonies of cremation and of the padandas’ explanation of their meaning.

bongkol n stem, trunk of a tree; the lowest part of sth; the rearguard of an army; the foundation, origin, or cause of sth; bongkol humah the foundation of a house.

bongkos intrans (mongkos, mungkusin trans) wrap (in a cloth); n loincloth, wrapping (=bungkus, hungkus); bongkos nangka a style of wearing the head cloth which leaves none of the hair visible.

bongkosa pass (it) was wrapped.

bongkot 1 n young shoots of the galingale (=kecicang, a tuberous plant).

bongkot 2 n a piece of wood with many knots in it, making it hard to split.

bongkotan n a species of large fish.

bongoh 1 n an evil-smelling disease of the nose.

bongoh 2 intrans speak through the nose.

bongok intrans the feeling of having lost something.

bongol adj deaf; n deafness (nénten mireng H ‘not hear’).

bongolang pass be made deaf, deafened.

bongolbongolan adj somewhat deaf.

bongolbongolanga hibané ‘(he) is made rather deaf by himself’ =he is not as deaf as he pretends to be.

bonyo (=bonyoh) adj quaking, quivering, especially of flesh; putrid, bad.

bonyok intrans be soft and sticky (ground).

bor (=hebor) n drill, borer (D boor); intrans (ngebor trans) drill, bore holes.

borang, borin pass be tried to be bored.

bora (=boro) in sabab bora n a tray woven of palm leaves, which may also be used as a lid or cover.

borang adj quite blind, having cataracts.

borbor (=bobor) intrans (morbor trans) burn.

borboranga pass was burned by someone.

boréh n face powder; whitening spread on the body; a mixture formerly used by women to spread on the breasts.

boréhang pass be powdered.

boréhin pass have powder put on one by someone.

boro (=bora) in sabab boro n a tray woven of palm leaves.

borong intrans (morong trans) make a contract, contract for.

boronga pass was contracted for.

borong-an n contract, legal arrangement.

boros 1 L intrans (moros trans) hunt, chase (buru C).

borosin pass be hunted, chased.

boros 2 intrans leak, trickle out, get loose; n a leak; adj leaky.

kohos boros adj very leaky, unlucky.

sakit boros n diarrhoea.

bosbos H n moment (kejep L).

ha-bosbos H adv one moment, a few seconds (hakejep L).

bosét (=busét) n a white monkey.

boso (=baboso) n a species of freshwater fish with black scales.

bosog adj damp, moist, humid.

bosok (=bosrok) adj rotted, moldy, rotten.

bosor adj leaky (=bésér); n diarrhoea; intrans (mosorang trans) leak, drip.

bosorang pass be made to leak.

bosrok (=bosok) adj rotted, moldy, rotten.

botoh intrans (motoh trans) dice, gamble (see hetoh).

botol n bottle (D bottel) (pucung L); bohong botol (Badung) have a neck like a bottle.

botor n the stone of the kalongkang (a sort of pod-fruit); n a kind of climbing plant with pods (like beans).

botor majehet be stingy, closefisted.

bowaka (=bohaka) L n beginning, origin, cause (hawit H).

bowangit n the edible white lagonsa.

bowaya (=bwaya) n crocodile.

boya H neg dem pron not that (tidong L).

moyanin, mboyani trans deny.

boyongan intrans have been stolen; barang boyongan n stolen goods.

bra- a prefix denoting ‘like to, enjoy.’ bragedegan enjoy being hostile.

brahamahhan enjoy eating.

brahomongan enjoy talking.

brakapakan boastful.

bracuk (=blacuk) intrans talk nonsense; speak meaningless words.

brag 1 (=berag) (Raf) n flock (of animals).

brag 2 (=berag) adj slender, lean.

bragan n leanness, slenderness.

bragbragan adj the slenderest.

brahan n in the phrase pura di brahan ‘a small temple in the rice fields.’

brahébrahé adj having tassels.

jalér brahébrahé n tasselled trousers.

Brahma n the name of a god (S brahman ); the sixth day of the seven-day week; K fire.

brahmabawana n the heaven of Brahma.

brahmacari K n law, religious duty (=dharma).

brahmana n brahman, the highest caste (brähmaņa K).

brahmana budha n Buddhist priest.

brahmandapurana a Kawi story of creation.

brahmani n female member of the brahmana caste.

brahmanti (=brahmatiya) K n great anger.

brahmantiyang pass be greatly enraged.

brahmara (=bramara) K n big black bees (tamblilingan L).

brahmatiya (=bramatiya) K n great anger.

brahu intrans be unclear (of color).

baraké brahuwan the red is not clear.

brajag Jav n hooks strewn on the ground to hurt bare feet and deter thieves.

brajagin pass be strewn with these hooks.

brakbakbrokok intrans have a repeated issue of fluid from ducts or tubes (veins).

brakbakbrukbuk intrans produce sounds like bubbling water.

brama, bramana, bramara, bramatya variants of brahma-.

brana (=brana, berana) n property, possession, goods; matter (physics); brana liyu rich.

branan the goods (of).

brananné their goods.

branang n surprise attack; intrans (mranangin trans) make a sudden, surprise attack.

branangang, branangin pass be attacked by surprise.

brandal n scoundrel, rascal.

brandal-an n rascality.

brani n magnet; batu brani lodestone.

brangas n hothead, an angry man, an ill-mannered man.

brangasan n hothead, an angry man, an ill-mannered man.

brangkus intrans catch, take captive

mabrangkus intrans be captive.

brangsong 1 n a coarse stone used for sharpening steel spurs for fighting-cocks.

brangsong 2 n a muzzle (for oxen, dogs).

brangsong 3 intrans be hot, be angry.

brangsongan adj hot-tempered.

brangti 1 K n love-pain.

brangti 2 L n fury, anger (beņḑu R) (mrangtiyang trans).

brangtinin pass be angered by sth or someone.

brangtiyang pass be infuriated.

brarak L adj spread out unevenly, scattered, irregular (sah, sahsah H).

brarakang pass (mrarakang trans) be caused to scatter.

brarakin pass be unevenly distributed, be scattered by someone.

brarut intrans (mrarut trans) transport all of sth, collect, gather all.

bras (=beras) n husked rice.

brasat (=blasat) intrans be in confusion, scattered.

brasta K adj totally destroyed.

brat adv strongly, intently.

brata 1 K intrans rage, carry on sth violently; n violent activity.

brata 2 K n course of action; doing penance; fasting (for religious or medical reasons); intrans fast.

bratahang, bratahin pass be made to fast, be tried to fast.

bratayuda (=bhrata yuddha) K n a heroic epic (S mahäbharata- yuddha-).

brawa n marsh.

braya n family, relatives, those who live in one house; friend.

brayan the family (of).

brayanné their family.

Brayut n the hero of a story, renowned for the number of his children.

brebed intrans be busy, stirred up, confused.

brebeh n difficulty; being struck by an epidemic.

brécé n many indefinite sounds heard together.

brecek intrans be pockmarked; adj spoilt, bad (handwriting).

muha brecek n a pockmarked face.

pabrecek intrans be bad, spoilt.

brecet intrans be very small.

pabrecet adj very small.

brécét intrans (mrécét trans) spill and scatter.

brécétang pass be caused to spill and spread out.

brécétin pass be spilt and scattered by someone.

brecit (=brecet, brenyit) intrans be very small.

bréco intrans be confused, mixed up.

bréga n ghost, specter.

brégan n ghost, specter.

bregah adj overbold, presumptuous.

brégah n revolt, uprising; adj rebellious, insubordinate.

bregala n a kind of evil spirit.

bregas 1 n barber’s scissors.

bregas 2 n a canoe with an engine.

bregiding n a species of tree.

bregu 1 n species of thick reed.

bregu 2 n a kind of weapon.

bregu 3 n the name of a heavenly messenger.

bregud n a stiff manner.

bréhog intrans (mréhok trans) spill, pour out (=bréyok).

bréhokang pass be spilt, be poured out.

bréhokin pass be poured out.

brejog n wild cat.

brékat n an awkward attitude (=brengga).

brekbek intrans be stuffed full (=bekbek).

brekeh intrans (mrekeh trans) receive sth with outstretched arms, gather to oneself with both arms, take up as much as one can carry.

brekék (=blekék) n a bird of the swamps.

brekekek intrans (mrekekek trans) embrace tightly, hug.

brekis 1 intrans be swollen with water, be dropsical; n a water-belly.

brekis 2 n a species of ants that live in trees.

brekut (=bekut) intrans have eyes swollen from weeping, be sad.

bréndong n (=braya) family, relatives.

brengatbrengut intrans make a great effort (=giyetgiyet).

brengbeng intrans the sound of water running into a bottle.

bréngbéng adj ragged (clothes).

brengés (=brengos) intrans be thickly bearded.

brengga n a big parcel with little in it; a light object that takes up a lot of room, much noise and little wool.

brengik (=brenyit) intrans be very small.

pabrengik intrans have many little ones, break out in crowds.

bréngkés n minced meat boiled in a leaf.

brengkis (=bengkis) adj swollen through illness.

brengos (=bréngos) n moustache, whisker (rawis R, kumis L); intrans have a ring of whiskers, be heavily bearded.

brenyit intrans be very small (=brecit, brengik).

brérét (mrérét trans) intrans spill, scatter, spread.

brérétang pass be spilt by someone.

brérétin pass (seed) be scattered, be broadcast by someone.

brerong n a ghost.

brésbés 1 intrans spill, spread out.

brésbés 2 intrans (mrésbés trans) tear off (a piece of cloth), tear to rags.

brésbésan n a rag, cutting (of cloth).

bresé n words, to explain many things.

bresek (=breset) intrans crumple, squeeze together, crowd (people), force.

bresih intrans wash, purify, wash a corpse; baptize; adj clean, pure, holy, sinless (suci R, resik H).

dibresihin pass be baptized.

bretiya K n host, army (=bala).

bréyok (=bréhok) intrans spill, pour out (briyog, briyok).

brigu intrans (mrigu trans) tie with force, tie tightly.

brindugan (=brintugan) adj not flat, not even, not level (ground).

brintet intrans be misshapen (body) (see cekangceking).

brintik n checked or spotted cloth; intrans be spotted (cloth); be pimply (skin).

brintugan (=brindugan) adj not even, not flat, not level (ground).

bringket intrans be uneven, bumpy (ground); be crooked (wood); be rough (skin).

brinyit (=brenyit) intrans be very small.

briyog, briyok intrans spill, scatter, spread out (=bréhok).

briyot n the sound made by a shaky bed or couch.

brit adj (=berit) black (skin); wong brit n black person, Negrito, Papuan.

briyag 1 n guffaw (mabriyag intrans).

briyagan n the sound of many people laughing.

briyag 2 intrans imitate a voice.

briyak n cheeping (chicks); the sound of many people laughing (=briyagan).

briyakbriyuk intrans agree unanimously in all work.

briyasbriyus intrans be subject to repeated landslides (see briyus).

briyug n the sound of someone falling.

briyuk adv together, in unison (see briyakbriyuk).

briukin pass be brought together.

briyus intrans slide, slip (earth, hill).

briyusin pass be hit by a landslide.

brok (=berok) n hollow.

brokbok intrans (mrokbok trans) flow (liquids) out of ducts or tubes.

brokbokang pass be caused to flow.

brakbakbrokbok intrans flow repeatedly.

brokong intrans (mrokong trans) carry on an arm resting bent on the body; carry in both hands.

bronyot intrans be very pimply, spotty.

brorot intrans (mrorot trans) drag with force.

brotos (=brutus) n pimple, pustule; intrans be pimply.

bruk n hydrocele; have only one testicle, have one large and one small testicle.

brukbuk intrans (mrukbuk trans) sound like bubbling water.

brakbakbrukbuk intrans make various bubbling sounds.

brunaha intrans have a miscarriage.

brunbun adj multicolored (fowl).

brungan n healing (of a wound).

brungos intrans answer rudely, coarsely.

brusut intrans be rumpled, tangled.

brutus (=brotos) n pimple, pustule; intrans be pimply.

bruwag n loud words; intrans talk big, be big in the mouth.

bruwagan intrans utter loud words.

bruwagbruwag intrans utter loud, surging words.

bruwak intrans sound like breaking bamboo; sound like a tree crashing down.

bruwakan n the sounds of breaking bamboo or trees.

bruwakbruwak intrans sound like many trees crashing; speak very loudly; talk big.

bruwang n Malayan bear.

btén (=betén) prep under.

bubar intrans scatter (mubar trans).

bubarang pass be scattered.

bubat K n a long drum beaten with sticks, war drum (=gubar, kendang).

bubu n a fish trap woven of bamboo (mubu trans).

bubud (=budbud) intrans (mubud trans) put in a hole, plant seedlings.

bubudin pass be planted.

bubuh n gruel, pap, porridge (mubuh trans).

bubuhang pass be made for someone (gruel etc.).

bubuh nyunyu n milk gruel.

bubuh pirata n a rice offering to the dead.

bubuk n termite (in wood); powder, dust from sawn wood or bamboo; the pith of bamboo; pamor bubuk n quicklime.

bubul n ulcer; a callus on hand or foot.

bubulang pass be ulcerated, be caused (a callus).

bubung n a bare mountaintop (not forested); a clearing in a wood; rock, cliff, a long ridge.

bubur n artificial gems; bubur bang sinanpen a kind of gem; bubur pirata gems used in offerings for a dead person.

bubut 1 (=bebet) adj stuffed full, heaped up.

bubutan adj overgrown (a road).

bubut 2 (=butbut) intrans (mubut trans) pull out, pluck.

bucécér intrans be unable to keep a secret.

bucek (=brecek) intrans be spoilt, bad.

bucica (=becica) n a kind of rice-bird.

bucu n corner, angle (from inside or outside); hook; the sharp point of sth.

bucuhang pass be carried to a corner (mucu trans).

bucunin pass be given corners, angles.

Buda (=Boda, Budha, Buddha) n Buddha; Wednesday; n Buddhism (S buddha- ‘the planet Mercury’).

Buda kliwoné a Wednesday that is also the last day of a five-day week.

budag intrans eat greedily, eat everything at once; n glutton.

budag kahimud pretend to be ashamed.

budal (=buḑal) R intrans return, go home; go back, take leave (mulih L, makahad H).

budalang pass be returned (mudalang trans).

budalin pass be left behind.

budeg adj disturbed, muddy water; restless, confused.

budeng intrans be drunk, be drugged (with opium).

budi (=buddhi) L n desire, wish, hope (mudi trans) (S buddhī-) (kayun R, prih C).

buddhinné their hope, thinking.

budinyané their desire.

budiyang pass be caused to desire.

budri intrans be taciturn, not like talking.

buduh intrans be besotted over, be madly fond of (mbuduh trans); L adj mad, foolish, senseless; n madman (hédan R).

buduhan, babuduhan n fiancé, fiancée; n foolishness, madness.

buduhang pass be craved, be madly loved.

buduhbuduhan adj confused in the mind; n madhouse.

bug intrans make the sound of a falling object.

bugbug L intrans (mugbug trans) pile up, lay one on another (dïugdïug H).

bugbugang pass be piled up by someone.

bugbugin pass be heaped up, pile up, accumulate.

bugbugan n fortification, strengthening.

bugem n a wooden tray in the form of a stupa.

buging n children’s word for ‘sleep.’

bugis 1 n a kind of sweetmeat.

Bugis 2 adj Buginese; hanak bugis a Buginese.

buh 1 L (=boh, heboh) adj tame, willing, gentle, meek (manuh H).

buh 2 (=habuh) n morbid swelling of the belly; false pregnancy.

buhu 1 (=buwu) intrans be empty; (a nest) left by fledglings.

buhu 2 intrans chase, drive, away, hunt.

buhu 3 n the name of an offering.

buhu 4 n a species of plant.

buhug n mud; adj turbid, muddy (water) (mabuhugbuhug intrans).

buhuk intrans be worn out, be drab, be bald, be in a tumbledown state; n worn-out clothes.

buhukan n worn-out clothes.

buhukang pass be worn continuously.

buhung 1 intrans (muhung trans) miscarry, fail (wangdé H, hurung C); pass be frustrated, be in vain; not be done.

buhungan n failure to happen.

buhungang pass be cancelled, be caused not to happen.

buhung tyang vb will not be done (by) me (used in sentences as a kind of adv indicating that sth will not happen).

sing buhungan (=sing da buhung, sing da buhungan) adv certainly, unavoidably, undoubtedly (tan wangdé H).

sing da buhung intrans must happen, ought to occur.

buhung 2 n coming to an end, reduction (of a swelling), closing (a wound).

buhus intrans slip away, get away.

buhut intrans (muhut trans) confuse, upset, mix up.

buhutang pass become confused, be upset by someone.

bujang intrans play a game of Chinese cards.

bujangga 1 n a class of religious teachers; a family name.

bujangga 2 K n a great snake, dragon.

bujuh intrans (mujuh trans) protrude (the mouth).

buk (=bok, habuk) n dust, grit.

buk glas (Raf) n mote, atom.

buk pada n dust of the feet.

buka 1 L conj as, like (kadi H, lewir C); prep according to; n comparison.

bukahan n similarity.

buka 2 H n opening, beginning; intrans be opened.

bukakak (NBali) n a roll made of half an adult pig, used as an offering.

bukal n a large bat (animal).

bukbuk 1 intrans (mukbuk trans) batter, pound.

bukbuk 2 n heap, pile.

buket n thick coconut cream.

buki (=boki) n a worn-out earthenware pot.

bukit n an (isolated) hill.

bukitbukit n pl hills.

buka bukité johin, katon rawit ‘as the hill isfar away, (it) is-seen (as) beautiful.’

bukon n joint, piece between joints; bukon jeriji n knuckle (finger).

bukti 1 K n food, enjoyment, advantage, profit, increase, right of ownership, condition, honor (S bhukti-); ngulah bukti seek one’s advantage.

bukti 2 H eat (hamah, dahar, teda L).

bukti 3 intrans (mukti trans) prove.

buktiyan n the area governed by a prince.

buku 1 n a section of bamboo between two joints; a joint of a finger or toe; a part; a word in a sentence; keruna tigang buku H a sentence of three words.

buku 2 n a European book; buku roman novel.

buku 3 n the name of a certain day (hingkel).

bukuh adj short, broken off (speech).

bukur 1 n the bier on which the ashes of a dead person are carried for disposal (mukur trans).

bukur 2 n an insect that eats leaves.

bulakan n spring, a small well.

bulakbalik 1 intrans go one way and come back another, make a round trip (bilik).

bulakbalik 2 intrans move about restlessly (balik).

bulan L M H n moon, month (sasih C).

bulanan n a period of months.

bulananné her period of months; pregnancy.

bulan kapangan ‘the moon is-eaten’ =the moon is eclipsed.

bulan makalangan the moon is-be-ringed.

bulan purnama (pūrņama) full moon.

ha-bulan one month; buwin habulan in a month’s time (fut).

kutus bulan eight months; ngutus bulan do (sth) every eight months.

nga-bulan do (sth) every month.

bulang 1 intrans put a tie round sth; put a girdle round the waistcloth (women).

bulangang pass be girded.

bulangin pass be given a girdle (mabulang intrans).

bulang 2 n the thread used to tie the steel spurs to a rooster’s foot (mulang trans).

bulangang pass be tied on.

bulangin pass be provided (with spurs).

bulé (Jav) n a pinkish white growth on the skin; intrans be pinkish white (the skin).

kebo bulé R n a white buffalo.

buleh adj blunt at the point.

bulén intrans be overcome by emotion.

bulénan adj crusted with foulness (=bolénan).

bulet n a short loincloth; intrans have the loincloth pulled through the thighs and tucked in behind (mabulet intrans, mulet trans).

buletang pass be pulled up and tucked in.

bulet ginting intrans pull the loincloth up tight.

buletin pass be tried to pull up.

buli n grain in the ear.

buliné the corn in the ear.

bulibuli n a small flask or pot for oil.

bulig intrans oil, grease sth; bulig hawakné his body was oiled.

bulih 1 n rice seedling; rice stalk; catkin.

habulih class one stalk; biyu habulih one banana.

bulih 2 (=bulihbulih) n a species of shellfish.

bulisah intrans be nervous, restless, worried.

bulitan adj smooth and black; batu bulitan n a kind of stone.

buliyan n a boil under the arm.

bulu n hair (man, animal); feather (bird).

bulu-han n the hair (of a person); n a tree with hairy fruit.

bulun the feather (of); bulun hiru arrow-feathers, fletching; bulun mata eyelash; bulun merak peacock feather.

bulunin pass be provided with hairs.

mabulu intrans have hair; mabulu putih have white hair or feathers.

bulubul intrans plant rice in a dry field.

buluh n reed; a thin pliable bamboo; a species of sour fruit (blimbing); n the barrel of a gun; the glass chimney of a lamp.

bulung 1 (=bulungbulung) n a water-plant, seaweed.

bulung daya n edible birds’ nest.

bulung 2 intrans (mulung trans) clear (ground), weed, make daylight.

bulus 1 n a species of sea fish.

bulus 2 adj quick (movement, music), continuous.

bulusang pass be continued, kept up (movement, music).

bulusan n falcon.

buluwan (=buluhan, bulewan) n bramble; n the hair of the head; a species of hairy, juicy fruit.

bum n boom (harbor), road barrier (D boom).

ngebum trans man a barrier.

bumara (=mara) L adv just past (tumbén H) (van Eck).

bumi (=bhūmī) H n earth, world (=gumi L) (S bhūmī-)

bun (=hebun) n any climbing plant, creeper, especially the stem, stalk.

bunbunan n a kind of carving, representing creepers; n the front of the skull.

makabunbunan intrans wrap the cloth, worn by women over head and chest, round the head; twine round sth.

buncal intrans (mbuncal trans) throw away, cast out, leave behind.

buncal balung n days when worship is prohibited.

buncalin pass be abandoned, left behind by someone.

buncat intrans (muncat trans) draw, pull out.

buncatin imp draw it out! pull it out!; pass be pulled out.

buncing n bride, bridegroom, the bridal pair.

buncingang pass be brought together in marriage by the parents.

lekad buncing L, maputra buncing H, manak salah L have boy and girl twins (the belief is that such a pair have had incestuous intercourse which will bring disaster on the community; such twins were formerly killed).

buncis n beans.

buncit n the last of the brood, the youngest; intrans be the last.

buncul 1 n bumble bee.

buncul 2 intrans be unlucky.

bunculan intrans have no luck; bunculan mancing fail to catch any fish.

bundel intrans (mundel trans) tie, knot, button, fasten.

bundelan n knot, button.

bundelang pass be tied, fastened, knotted, buttoned.

bunder adj round, circular (Mal) (=bunteh); n a circular balé.

bunek adj narrow, perplexing.

buni (=boni) n a species of fruit.

buntak tuhung n a sort of rice.

buntar n circle, ring; the metal band on the end of a handle (hoe, etc.) (muntar trans).

buntarin pass have a ring put on it.

buntas intrans (muntasang trans) disperse (a gathering).

buntasang pass be made to disperse.

buntasin pass disperse (intrans).

bunteh L intrans (mbunteh trans) circle, go round (bunter, kiter H); n a round cage or basket for a rooster.

buntek 1 adj short and fat, stocky.

buntek 2 n a species of fish (bé buntek).

bunter H intrans be round, spherical (bunteh L) (munter trans).

bunterang pass be rounded, be made round by someone.

bunteran n circle; habunteran one circle.

buntil intrans (muntil trans) knot; wrap in sth, pack; involve in.

buntilan n a package of cakes or meat.

buntu 1 intrans be dead; not be at work.

buntu 2 intrans be hard; be callused (hard, swollen, and painful).

buntut 1 L n tail (hikuh H).

buntut 2 M n foot, leg, paw (of animals, but also used for persons) (cokor H); intrans dock, cut off partially (muntut trans).

buntutang pass have a tail docked.

buntutin pass have its tail docked.

bunuh intrans go forward without looking right or left; intrans (munuh trans) go forward properly (a plough).

bunuhang pass be ploughing straight, being made to go straight (plough).

bunut n the wild fig tree.

bunga 1 L n flower.

bungabungahan n many kinds of flowers.

bungahang pass be adorned with flowers, have a flower behind one’s ear.

bungan n the flower (of) (munga trans);

bungan hasep ‘flowers of smoke’ =incense;

bungan kahang seaweed.

bunganin pass be made flowery.

bunga pala n mace (herb).

bunga tanjung a tree with very fragrant flowers.

bunga 2 n interest, rent (Mal).

bungah n joy; adj cheerful, decorated, beautiful.

bungahbungah intrans be joyful, happy, carefree.

hanggon bungah be prettily dressed, be adorned.

wareg tan paneda, bungah tan panganggo show oneself to be very satisfied.

bungalan n a spotted dog with a red muzzle.

bungas n mouth, estuary; bungas hawungan the entrance (or exit) of a tunnel.

bungbung n a length of bamboo from below one knot to just below the next, use as a container; an arrow quiver (mungbung trans).

bungbungan n a container, moneybox.

bungbungin pass be put in such a container.

bungeng (=bingung) intrans be distracted, confused, giddy, dizzy.

bunggelun n cockroach.

bungkah intrans (mungkah trans) open (lift a lid, turn over soil), turn upside down; expose, uncover; break (an army).

bungkal (=bungkah) intrans turn over, open.

bungkalan n a piece of a fallen wall.

bungkem 1 intrans be firmly closed (lips), keep silence; n a curved beak.

bungkem 2 adj variegated, speckled (animals).

bungker intrans (mungker trans) curve, bend.

bungkerang pass be bent, curved by someone.

bungkil n what is left when fruit, cane, etc. has been pressed to extract its juice; origin, base (babungkilan n).

bungkilbungkilan coll n roots, tubers (medicines).

bungklek intrans (mungklek trans) have corners, make corners.

bungklekang pass be made into an angle.

bungkling 1 intrans lie prone with the buttocks sticking up.

bungkling 2 intrans wrap up and hide.

Bungkling 3 (=Bongkling) n hero of a popular poem.

bungkos (=bungkus) n a bale (of goods).

bungkuk intrans bend over with age or illness (=bungkut); be bent by a heavy burden.

bungkul n a knob, ball (mungkulin trans); class especially for big things.

balé habungkul one balé.

bungkulan n a round thing, pellet, particle.

bungkulin pass be allowed to form a ball or pellet.

bungkung L n ring, finger-ring; ring on a staff or handle (halihali R).

bungkungang pass be made into a ring (mungkung trans).

bungkung cap n seal ring, signet ring

bungkungin pass be given a ring.

bungkung panjahit n thimble.

bungkus 1 (=hungkus) n bundle, pack wrapped in cloth; an egg in which the chick has died (mungkus trans).

bungkusan n bale, parcel, package.

bungkus 2 (=ha-laksa) n 10,000 képéng.

bungkut intrans be bent over, bowed down with age, or by a weight (=bungkuk).

bungkutbungkut intrans be very bent, bent far over.

hi bungkut n the man in the moon.

bungluh (=bunglun) adj cooked on the outside, but raw inside.

bunglun n a pinkish white growth on the skin (=bulé).

bungsel n a roll of sth (mungsel trans).

bungselang pass be rolled up.

bungselin pass be tried to roll up.

bungsil n a very young coconut with no milk in it.

bungsung n a basket carried in the hand, for small things.

bungsungin pass be put in a basket.

bungut L n mouth; beak; snout (cangkem R).

mungutin pass be given a mouth.

bunyi (=munyi) n sound (Mal).

bupati (=bhuphati) n governor of a province (S bhūpati-).

bupét n buffet, sideboard (D buffet).

bur intrans plunge into lust.

buras 1 intrans retire, withdraw, ebb (tide).

buras 2 intrans be full of blotches; bajunné buras tinta his coat is full of ink spots.

burat (=boréh) K n ointment, powder (cosmetic); burat wangi n scented powder; n an offering, mostly of betel.

burbur intrans (murbur trans) scatter, throw down in confusion.

burburan n confusion, dispersion.

burburang pass be disturbed, be scattered by someone.

burbuwah K n the air (=hambara).

bureng intrans be dim, hazy.

buri (=ba-huri) n back, backside.

tut buri pass be followed by someone.

burik adj mottled, speckled, pocked.

burit n backside, behind; back.

buritan n stern (ship).

buron (buru-an) L n beast, animal (sato H).

buroné the beasts.

buru C intrans (muru trans) hunt, chase (boros L).

buruhan, buruwan n hunting.

buruhang, buruwang pass be hunted, chased.

buruna pass be hunted by someone.

buruh 1 n a hired worker, laborer (Mal); intrans (muruh trans) work, labor; do sth often.

buruh-an n pay, wages, hire; n a hired servant (muruhan, muruwan trans).

buruhang pass be given work, be paid for working.

buruh 2 intrans be a good and lucky fighter (gamecock).

burwa (=buru) K intrans hunt, chase.

busan (=bahu) adv already (wus H); hi busan adv just now, just past, this moment (past).

busanbusan adv often, very often.

busana (bhūşaņa) K C n splendid raiment; princely clothes, ornaments (S bhūşana-)

busbus 1 (=hembus, belusbus) intrans stream out in crowds.

busbus 2 intrans (musbus trans) take away, slip away.

busbusin pass be taken away.

busel (=bungsel) n roll; intrans roll up.

busét n a kind of white ape (found only in dramas).

busu (=bucu) n corner (of a room).

busuk n a kind of monkey.

busul n boil, big pimple, ulcer.

busung 1 n young leaf of palm or coconut (mamusung trans).

busung 2 n dropsy, swollen belly; adj enlarged, pregnant.

busut n swarm, throng; intrans swarm, run confusedly in a crowd.

but (=rebut) intrans fight, attack.

buta 1 n evil spirit, esp those haunting burial places (S bhūta-); buta kala n demon.

buta 2 adj blind (nénten nyingakin H ‘not see’); n blindness; buta siyap adj nearsighted.

butbut intrans (=habut) extract, draw out repeatedly.

butubutuhan n bracelet.

butuh 1 n testicle, scrotum (mabutuh intrans); (in some areas) adj =wayan ‘eldest child.’

butuh jelana n a wooden bar for doors.

butuh sampi a sort of brinjal.

butuh 2 n a way of addressing small boys; mahi butuh come here, laddie!

butul (=bétél) n a hole in sth; intrans go straight through; be clairvoyant.

butus n the narrow end of a fish trap or bagnet for fish (mutus trans).

buwa L adj clouded, misty, hazy, dim, having bad eyesight (lamur R); damar buwa n a dim lamp.

buwah (=bwah) L n fruit (woh H), product, esp betel nut (jambé H).

buwahbuwahhan n fruit (wohwohan H).

buwah catur n a set of chessmen.

bwaha intrans fruit.

bwah hanggur grape.

bwah lawang cloves.

bwahné its fruit.

bwah pala nutmeg.

buwaka adj intentional, deliberate (see bowaka); intrans (muwaka trans) begin; do purposely.

buwakahang pass be done purposely.

buwana (=bhuwana) K n world (S bhuvana-) (jagat R).

buwana hagung n the world as a whole, macrocosm.

buwana halit n microcosm, the body of man.

buwang adj on heat, prepared for mating (animals, esp pigs); intrans be in love; have sexual desire.

buwangit n a species of plant, used as a vegetable.

buwat 1 n thing, matter, subject (used as prep and conj).

buwat kapo conj that (e.g. ‘I know that…’).

buwatné prep ‘its matter’ =concerning, for, about.

buwat ring H, pabwat H prep for, because of, instead of.

buwat 2 intrans be necessary, be needed (mabwat intrans).

buwatang L H intrans (muwatang trans) regard as important, pay attention to, emphasize, regard as necessary (saratang R).

pinih buwata H most necessary, especially.

buwat 3 C intrans (muwat trans) carry, bear, have a 1oad (haba L, bakta, gawa H).

bwat, bwatan n load, burden (=mwatan).

bwatin pass be loaded.

buwat 4 C intrans (muwat trans) bet, wager (hetoh L) (mabwat intrans).

buwatang pass be wagered (money).

buwatin pass be betted, be made (a bet).

buwat 5 (=bwat) intrans powder the breast (a nursing mother).

buwel (=buhel) adj fat, stout.

buwés intrans be wide open (see bohés).

buwi n prison (D boei); n a basket or box for opium; n a cage for crickets.

buwik adj grey, greyish (rooster).

buwin (=bwin, bin, bihin) adv again, still, further, more; ‘buwin + adv of time’ refers to the future (malih H).

buwin hacepok adv once more.

buwin man (Raf) adv besides.

buwin mani (=bin mani) L adv even tomorrow.

buwin pidan L later, afterwards (fut), and then (we will…) (malih pidan H).

buwin pidan? interro adv ‘when (will)?’ (malih pidan?).

bwin pwan (=buwin puwan) L adv the day after tomorrow (malih kalih rahina H).

buwina L adv in addition, besides.

buwitbuwit n a species of field grass; a species of small freshwater snail found in rice fields.

buwu 1 (=buhu) n a species of plant; n a kind of offering.

buwu 2 (=buhu) intrans be empty.

buwu 3 (=buhu) intrans chase, hunt, pursue (mabuhubuhu intrans).

buyan hati L n a heart disease (buyan hangen H).

buyar intrans fall apart (rice sheaf), fly apart, disperse, scatter, be dishevelled (mabuyaran intrans).

buyuh (=buduh) adj made.

buyuk n the nipa tree; leaves of this tree used for weaving mats, and for making cigarettes.

buyung intrans fly; n fly.

buyung bangké bluebottle.

buyung jaran horsefly.

buyungbuyung n a species of vegetable.

buyut L n great-great-grandfather, and great-great-grandchild (the sixth stage in genealogy, up and down) (yuyut R).

bwaya n crocodile.

lidah bwaya n a plant that can be used as a shampoo.

panggal bwaya n a species of plant.

by- all the following words may be written with initial biy-.

byah intrans be productive (rice, etc.).

byang 1 intrans be restless.

byangbyangan n restlessness.

byang 2 R n mother (hibu, biyang H, mémé L, bibi C).

byangé the mother.

byanghaji R mother and father.

byanghajin R mother and father (of).

byanghajiné R the mother and father.

byanghajinné, biyanghajinyané, biyanghajinnyané R his mother and father.

byangnyané his mother.

byas n sand.

byasa (=ketah) L adj ordinary, common (lumrah H, kalagu R).

byu n plantain tree, banana plant; banana.

byun hapuhun one banana plant.

byuh adj luxuriant, thickly grown, crowded together.

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary

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