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ca n the third letter of the alphabet.

cabak n a small coconut shell used to keep holy water in.

cabar intrans be unbelieving, rash, insolent; always know better than others.

heda bani cabar ngomong kéto do not dare insolently speak thus.

cabarcabar katipat one who is very rash gets his deserts (a proverb).

cabcab 1 intrans (nyabcab trans) talk discursively, mention everything or mention many irrelevant things.

cabcab 2 intrans (nyabcab trans) do sth in a disorderly way.

cabcab 3 intrans (nyabcab trans) do sth without fail.

cabcab 4 intrans (nyabcab trans) dampen sth by sprinkling it with water.

cabcabin pass be sworn by drinking oath-water.

cablégbég adj covered with outbreaks (skin).

cabluk intrans hit on the chin from below (=cagluk).

cabol (Jav) n dwarf; adj dwarfish; intrans be like a wooden rice-spoon.

cabot intrans (nyabot trans) pull up plants, pluck out (hair, feathers).

cabul intrans use foul language; adj dirty, nasty; n a dirty person.

cacab H intrans (nyacab trans) suck in, lap up; drink water on an oath (=cabcab) (hecor L).

cacaban n swearing an oath.

cacad n a bodily defect (also used as a term of abuse), flaw, blemish, stain.

cacadin pass be found defective; be disapproved of (nyacad trans).

cacag (=cagcag) n loom.

cacah 1 intrans tattoo; n tattoo marks; n a tick (insect); cacah jiwa n the population, number of people (=cacak).

cacah 2 (=cahcah) n fragments, crumbs, loose notes, rough draft (nyacah trans).

cacak 1 n content, character, summary, précis (=cakcak, cacah) (nyacak trans); adv certainly, as stated, as proved.

cacak 2 intrans (nyacak trans) register, count one by one; cacak jiwan n census of the inhabitants of a country.

cacakan n minutes of a meeting, verbal account; tusing menék cacakan not included in the account; surat cacakan n inventory.

cacal intrans (nyacal trans) make cakes, sweets (=calcal).

ca-candi-yan intrans have the form of a temple gateway.

cacang adj clever, handy, ready, convenient.

ca-canggah-an M n house (what rests on a canggah) (humah L, puri C); cacanggahan jarak my house (used when a śudra speaks to a superior).

ca-canging-an n a kris hilt of the wood called canging.

ca-cangkit-an n a joke, jest; mocking speech; riddle, puzzle.

ca-capil n a Balinese hat.

cacar 1 H n chicken pox, smallpox (kerawan L) (nyacar trans).

cacara pass be vaccinated.

cacar 2 n part; intrans (nyacar trans) divide.

cacarang pass be divided.

cacarin pass be shared, distributed.

cacaron n an offering to demons and lower gods (=caru).

ca-catut n tweezers for pulling out the beard.

ca-cawang-an n an estimate, guess.

ca-cawi-yan n carving, carved ornament.

ca-cekah-an n being cut in thick slices.

ca-cekér-an n a love song.

ca-cékér-in pass be annoyed with talk by someone.

ca-celéng L n a hinge, a door staple, a hook on which to hang a door (purus kori H).

ca-ceḑek-an H n a short spear.

cacep intrans be skilled; hiya cacep ngahitung he is skilled at arithmetic.

jalma cacep n a light-fingered person, thief.

cacep-an H n a water jar (caratan L, gebeh M).

ca-cicing-an adj swollen (veins).

ca-cili-yan n a puppet made of wood or palm leaves; puppetry.

ca-cimped-an n a riddle, a trick question.

cacing, cacing-an n earthworm; intestinal worm; a kind of thin rattan.

ca-cingak H n sight, look.

ca-cirén n sign, signature (=ciri-an).

ca-cirup-an n dyed material; writing (on some substances).

ca-colong-an n stolen goods.

ca-corong n long funnel.

ca-coték n species of fish.

cacunduk n a flower stuck in the hair.

cacurut n muskrat (Raf) (=mamunju).

cadang 1 L intrans prepare, make ready (cawis H).

cadang 2 intrans (nyadang trans) block a road; take in, receive.

cadangang pass be used in order to receive sth.

cadangin pass act as a receptacle.

cadcad intrans (nyadcad trans) treat shamefully, ill-use.

cadel H intrans (nyadel trans) stop, break off, pull up (car), block (a way).

cadelin pass be stopped, be blocked.

cadik L M n lower jaw (=jagut) (lalentek H).

cadik galir intrans be talkative, garrulous.

cadongan pass be intended for.

cadot intrans not reach, not arrive, not have time; kadong cadot pajalan not have-time-for the journey.

cagak 1 n a forked stick; cagak gong forked sticks on which the pole rests from which a gong is hung.

cagakin pass be supported on a forked stick (nyagakin trans).

cagak 2 n a vessel for drinking arak; a swallow of arak to revive someone.

cagcag 1 n a kind of flower which grows on a tree.

cagcag 2 n the weaver’s beam; loom.

cager intrans (nyager trans) hope, expect with certainty.

cagera pass (it) is confidently expected by them.

cagerang imp be hopeful!; pass be confidently expected.

cagluk intrans (nyagluk trans) hit on the chin from below (=cabluk intrans).

cahak n an owl, believed to bring bad luck.

cahcah 1 n a species of sea fish.

cahcah 2 intrans (nyahcah trans) chop up, break into pieces (=cacah).

cahcahang pass be chopped up, broken to bits.

cahcahin pass be chopped more finely.

cahi L masc 2ps pron =‘younger brother’ =thou, thee; formerly used by higher to lower persons, offensive now except among equals (corresponding fem 2ps pron is nyahi).

cahiné after a n =thy.

cahicahi pl you.

cahiyang pass be addressed as cahi.

cahu 1 n an insect; n a species of lizard.

cahu 2 n a sort of offering (=caru).

cahuh adj rash.

cahul n a very coarse kind of cloth.

cahya (=cahaya, caya) n brightness, luster, shine (S chāyā-); adj bright, radiant, shining; intrans shine brightly.

cakal 1 n a species of sea fish (nyakal trans).

cakal 2 n a forked stick used as a support (=cagak).

cakal 3 intrans (nyakal trans) bark (dog).

cakalin pass be barked at.

cakap intrans (nyakap trans) take on, assume, commit oneself to sth.

cakar n paw with claws; intrans (nyakar trans) scratch with claws, scrape, rake, harrow.

cakara pass is scraped by.

cakat (=caket) n scissors for betel (=kacip calakaté).

cakcak 1 intrans (nyakcak trans) count up, register (=cacak).

cakcak 2 intrans (nyakcak trans) prove, examine, investigate; n examination, proof, test.

cakcak 3 intrans (nyakcak trans) strike, hit hard.

cakcakang pass be struck, hit.

cakcakin pass be shattered by a blow.

cakcak-an n cockfight for testing roosters, not in the cockpit.

cakeluk adj very old, worn out; hanak cakeluk n a very old man.

cakep intrans (nyakep trans) enclose, shut in close tightly.

cakep-an n a Balinese book, written on palm leaves and enclosed between two boards; cakepan basa dictionary; cakepan hitungan account book; cakepan palajahan book of (moral) instruction.

cakepané the book.

cakepang pass be caused to be enclosed, be shut in by someone.

caket 1 n scissors for betel (nyaket trans); intrans cut (with scissors).

caketa pass be cut by someone.

caket 2 n cramp, stiffness of the limbs.

cakli intrans be very enthusiastic about, be passionate about (ma-cakli intrans).

caklok n a bite; intrans (nyaklok trans) bite.

cakloka pass was bitten by (a dog).

cakra 1 n wheel, circle; the weapon of Siwa (S cakra-).

cakra 2 H n the sign for conjunct r after a consonant (guhung L).

cakra 3 n vulva.

cakrawaka n a species of bird (=krekowak).

cakrawarti n emperor, king over kings (S cakravarti-) (nyakrawarti trans).

cakup intrans (nyakup trans) enclose, hold together (=cakep, cikup).

cakupang pass be closed, be enclosed.

cala intrans (nyala trans) run away (wife, slave).

calaka intrans (Raf) be unlucky (gambling).

calakat n betel scissors (=kacip, caket).

calcal intrans (nyalcal trans) make sweets, cakes (=cacal).

calcalan n sweetmeats, cakes.

calekitikan n a small squirrel; n a dragonfly (=capung).

calempung intrans (nyalempung trans) make the sound of sth falling into water.

calép intrans find it easy to ask for sth; caléb calung intrans ask continually for things, without embarrassment.

calik n (Raf) tusk (e.g. of elephant, boar).

caling n eyetooth (canine tooth of upper jaw).

caling balatan n (Raf) the flank of an army.

calon 1 n a sort of dish of meat.

calon 2 n material to be worked; besi calon raw iron.

calon waringin n a species of rice plant with thick stalks.

calon 3 n chief, headman (nyalon trans); calon harang n the chief of the léyaks (ghosts, witches); the name of a tune.

calonang pass be made chief.

caluh intrans be good friends with someone; feel at home with someone.

caluk n a cleaver, large axe.

caluluk 1 n a species of bird.

caluluk 2 intrans do sth without thought.

caluluk 3 intrans dry off.

calung intrans (nyalung trans) see calép.

cam adj serious, grave (wound).

camah L intrans menstruate.

camara n the casuarina tree; n the leaves of the pine or spruce (=cemara).

camat n sub-district of a province; pak camat n head of a sub-district (=punggawa).

cambeng 1 n a small section of bamboo filled with rice wine and offered to the spirits.

cambeng 2 intrans speak through the nose.

cambra n dog (=camera, camura); cambra berag a thin dog (in magic).

camburuwan (Raf) n jealousy; adj jealous.

camed intrans draw one lip over the other; adj fallen in (of the mouth).

camera K n dog (=cambra, camura) (cicing L).

cameti n whip, scourge; a short whip (=pecut).

camil intrans be unable to keep a secret (=cémlék).

camok n a cord tied round the muzzle of a beast (nyamok trans).

camokin pass have its muzzle tied.

campah n scorn, mockery, despising (nyampah trans); intrans scorn, despise; adj tasteless, not valued.

campahin pass be despised, not be valued.

campang n a big, thick tree trunk.

campleng 1 intrans be finished, be completed (=capleng).

campleng 2 adj exact; adv exactly.

camplung n a kind of tree whose fruit is like marbles.

gayung camplung a man who is always unlucky, however hard he works.

campuh 1 intrans (nyampuh trans) be in dispute, fight hand to hand; appear (both parties) before a judge.

campuh 2 intrans (nyampuh trans) intrans mix, mingle; campuh dadiyang besik (what) is mixed is-caused-to-become one.

campuhan n the place where two rivers combine, confluence, conflux.

campuhang pass be caused to mix.

campuhin pass be mixed by someone.

campur 1 R intrans be unclean, ceremonially impure; be under the curse of the law; not be able to enter a temple (usually because menstruating) (sebel L).

campur 2 M intrans (nyampur trans) mix, have sexual or other intercourse.

campuran n mixing, intercourse.

campurang pass be caused to mix.

campurin pass be mixed by someone, be copulated with.

camput intrans have no descendants, so that, in default of a legal heir, one’s property devolves to the community.

camura K n dog (=cambra).

camuru n a species of sea fish.

canang 1 n a small offering to the gods; canang gantal, canang genten, canang pajegan, canang sari four kinds of small offerings.

juru canang n one who makes up offerings.

canang 2 C n betel (basé L, sedah H).

juru canang C n one who makes up betel into packages.

canda 1 intrans (nyandahin trans) play (=macanda).

candacanda cacing play ends up in fighting.

candacanda-han n game.

candahin pass be invited to play.

canda 2 n rule laid down by a teacher of music.

candak 1 intrans (nyandak trans) guard someone, keep watch on, keep prisoner.

candak 2 intrans (nyandak trans) hold up, block the way.

caņḑaka K intrans be unclean, be disqualified from entering a holy place (=campur).

candala n physical defect, shortcoming.

candana (=ceņḑana, cenana) n sandalwood.

candang n a disease of plants.

candang brahma, candang hapi a disease that makes plants turn reddish.

candang kubal a disease that makes the leaves of plants thin and partly white.

caņḑang n a grub which infests rice.

candet n a rhythm that matches another (nyandet trans).

candetin pass be answered (musical rhythm), corresponded to.

caņḑet intrans (nyaņḑet trans) pour in, keep in, check, stop; retain sth which belongs to someone else.

caņḑi n a pillar of stone or wood.

candi bentar n ‘split pillar’ =the ornate gateway of a temple court which looks like a wall split in two symmetrical halves.

candi kurung a similar wall, not split.

candra K n moon (bulan L, sasih H) (S candra-).

candra kitana n moonlight.

candra metu the moon rises.

candra sangkala one of the ways of describing the year.

candra wilasita n a poetic meter, rhythm.

dina candra Monday.

harda candra crescent moon, half-moon.

candu L K n unmixed opium ready for use (S candu-) (sari, sasarin H).

candung 1 n a sort of taro.

buka yéh di don candung ‘like water on taro leaves’ =a small fault brings misfortune.

candung 2 intrans cut off the upper part of sth (nyandungang trans).

candungang pass be cut off (the upper part).

cané n betel used at the opening of a village meeting (macané intrans).

caneg intrans stop suddenly (on a journey).

canigara n a species of plant liked for its flowers.

caning n a species of plant.

Caniscara n Saturday (an incorrect form of saniscara) (S saniścara-).

cantaka L n a hawk that takes fowls (cataka H) (=kakelik).

cantaka intrans (nyantakahin trans) mourn.

cantakahin pass be mourned for.

cantél n agreement, verbal appointment, involvement (nyantél trans).

cantélang pass be caused to be involved, be joined closely to.

cantélan n involvement, a close joining.

cantet 1 intrans (nyantet trans) pick pockets, pilfer, steal quickly.

cantet 2 intrans gore, horn (=santét).

canteta pass be gored by.

cantét intrans (nyantét trans) join closely, be in agreement, involve in (=cantél).

cantik n the uvula.

cantika pass be thought to resemble a uvula.

caņţing n a coconut shell used as a small cup or ladle (nyaņţing trans).

canting n some kinds of religious knowledge, spells.

canting kuning, canting mas names of spells.

cantok intrans (nyantok trans) flatten, crush.

cantokang pass be caused to crush, caused to flatten.

cantokin pass be flattened further and made smooth.

cantol intrans be involved, be closely joined (=cantél).

caņţung n a copper bowl; a musical instrument.

cang 1 n Brazil wood (boiled to make a black dye).

cang 2 ps pron abbr of hicang ‘I.’ cangak n a species of stork or heron.

cangan intrans give off a color (red or other) when wet.

cangcang 1 intrans (nyangcang trans) have a small belly, be thin, broken down (horse).

cangcang 2 intrans tether, tie together.

cangcing n a species of bird in the forest.

canggah n a branch with two points, support, trestle; a split; the main frame of a house; n a branch of a family, a family tree, ancestry or descendants; intrans (nyanggah trans) divide into two, fork.

canggah biyas n stirrup.

canggah hiru n the notch of an arrow.

canggah huwang n a trestle for scaffolding.

canggah telu have three branches.

canggahin pass be provided with branches.

canggang intrans be wide apart, be far from everyone.

canggelak intrans (nyanggelak trans) catch sth up, catch sth up with the hand.

canggem intrans (nyanggem trans) bite, bite into, suck.

canggem butah a species of hibiscus.

cangget n notch, nick, incision; intrans (nyangget trans) make a notch, incise.

canggetin pass be notched by someone, be incised.

canggih L intrans babble, chatter, talk endlessly; be importunate (=calép, calung) (pentés R).

cangglak intrans (nyangglak trans) receive or catch with the hand.

canggléng intrans notch, nick, incise (=cangget).

canggol intrans (nyanggol trans) bite.

canging n a thorny tree, having flowers.

mabunga canging employed to mean ‘beautiful but not pleasant to be with.’

cangkah intrans be proud, conceited.

cangkelakan n larynx, the ‘valve’ of the throat.

cangkeling intrans (nyangkeling trans) have one’s hands crossed behind one’s back.

cangkelong L n opium pipe (langsingan, palangsingan H).

cangkem H n mouth (bungut L); cangkem hidané her mouth.

cangkem kodok n a small yard in front of a house complex.

cangkik intrans trick someone with jesting words (=cangkit).

cangking 1 n a species of sea crab.

cangking 2 n a high-pitched voice.

cangkir n a little cup or bowl (smaller than cawan).

cangkit n joke, jest, mockery (=cacangkitan); intrans (nyangkit trans) make jokes, jest, mock, trick with jesting words.

cangklak intrans catch, receive with the hand (=cangglak).

cangkling intrans (nyangkling trans) tie someone’s hands behind his back (=cangkeling).

cangklong n a pipe for smoking (nyangklong trans).

cangkok n the base or foot of the hanging lampstand called panyibéhan L (padamaran H); the lower edge of the head of a kris.

cangkop n the two hands held together forming a cup.

cangkrama intrans go on an outing, excursion.

cangkrang n a disease (possibly measles).

cangkrim 1 R intrans bow down, be subject to (tungkul L).

cangkrim 2 n chicken pox (=cangkring).

cangkriman n lullaby, cradle song (macangkriman intrans).

cangkringan n chicken pox (=cangkrim).

cangoret n a species of insect.

cangurit n areca nut.

cap (=hecap) n seal, imprint, mark.

capang pass be sealed, have a seal affixed (ngecap trans).

capcapan n printing, sealing.

capin pass be imprinted, stamped, printed.

capah trans (nyapah trans) crack, split, make a gap.

capaha pass be cracked, split.

capahin pass be cracked by, split by someone.

capala 1 n the stick with which the dalang marks his rhythm during the wayang, by striking the box in which the figures are kept.

capala 2 intrans be rebellious, revolt.

hasta capala n rebel with the hand (S).

pada capala n rebel with the foot (S).

wak capala n rebel with speech (S).

capat L n greeting, address (sapa R) (nyapat trans).

capatin pass be greeted, addressed.

capcap intrans (nyapcap trans) drip, dribble, drip down (like lacquer) (=hecap).

capcapan n the water dripping off a roof.

capil (=cacapil) n a Balinese hat or cap (nyapil trans).

capilang pass be used as a hat.

capilin pass be caused to wear a hat.

caping 1 n edge, border.

caping jurang n lip of a ravine.

caping papah n edge of a coconut leaf.

caping 2 n hair on the forepart of the head.

caplag intrans (SWBali) collide (nyaplag trans).

capleng intrans (nyapleng trans) become loose (esp a roof), escape from a fastening, break away; sever, break off (=campleng).

caplengang pass be caused to become loose, be caused to break away.

caplin n a shape of mustache, toothbrush mustache (‘Charlie Chaplin’).

caplir intrans (nyaplir trans) fail in one’s aim, not achieve a goal.

caplis intrans be very old; tuwa caplis adj old and worn out.

caplok intrans (nyaplok trans) bite at, snap at, gulp, snatch at (food).

capluk L intrans sound like the shutting of a pig’s mouth.

caplukcapluk intrans bang the teeth together, gnash the teeth.

capuh adj alike, of the same colour, on the same floor; intrans be of equal height (nyapuh trans).

capuhang pass be treated alike, be put on the same level.

capung n dragonfly; capung gantung n dragonfly that sleeps hanging down; capung gobogan n a very large kind of dragonfly; capung klekitikan n a small kind of dragonfly; capung kok n a large green kind of dragonfly; capung maling n a large kind of dragonfly; capung mas n a yellow dragonfly; capung memedi n a very small kind of dragonfly; capung meng n a striped kind of dragonfly.

buka nguber capung hemasé ‘as (one) chases a gold dragonfly’ =much effort and little result.

buka nglawar capung gedénan béya ‘as make-stew-of dragon-flies (is) bigger the cost’ =the peg is bigger than the post.

cara 1 n manner, way, fashion, use-and-wont (nyara trans); adv in the manner of, in the fashion of.

cara Bali in the Bali way.

cara jani L, cara mangkin H ‘in the fashion of now’ =modern.

cara pidabdab n order, arrangement, programme, system.

cara 2 intrans weep (macara intrans).

caracara n a sort of cake.

carak n one of the many Bali words for the distinctive shapes of cows’ horns.

caraka n ambassador, servant of a state, a cause (Jav) (=hutusan) (nyaraka trans).

carang n branch, twig (nyarang trans).

carangcarangné its branches.

carang cerik n the beard of barley, etc.

carang gedé n branch of a tree.

carangin pass be made to branch.

carapu (Raf) n shoe (=gamparan).

caratan L n a drinking vessel (has a spout from which drink is poured into the mouth from a distance); vessel, pot (cicipan R).

caratcurut intrans go to and fro together.

carca n account, counting; mention, quotation (nyarca trans).

carcana pass is counted, quoted.

carem intrans (nyarem trans) attend in numbers, be present in numbers.

caremin pass be attended by.

cari 1 n a kind of game of chance (nyari trans) (=cariyan).

cariyang pass be played (this game).

cari 2 intrans be planted irregularly, not in rows.

carik 1 H n the rice field when dry (huma L).

carik 2 n the hooked slanting stroke used as a mark of punctuation, comma, inverted commas; also used before and after numerals (nyarik trans).

carikang pass be punctuated, have a comma.

hapit carik placed between commas.

carik 3 adj small.

carik 4 n boundary, line, strip; phrase, clause.

hacarik ‘one strip’ =what lies between two boundaries, a full sentence.

carik 5 intrans (nyarik trans) leave over, have left over.

carikan L n leftover, remnant, remainder (esp of a meal); a technical term for anything received by an inferior from a superior; a present; a living (lungsuran R).

carikang pass be left over.

carikin pass (a small part) be eaten, leaving a lot over.

carita n story, description, history (=cerita, crita); intrans (nyarita trans) tell, narrate, recount.

caritan n narrative, narration, story; in histories the phrase tan caritan (tan kocap, tan kocapan) is very often used to indicate that the narrator is suppressing or does not know part of the story.

caritayang pass be caused to tell.

caritahin pass be narrated.

kacarita pass is told.

carma K n leather, skin (kulit L).

carmén n a species of plant (=ceremén).

carorot n a small basket woven of coconut or arén leaves, in which some kinds of foods made with flour are cooked.

caru n an offering to the lower powers, demons (nyaru trans).

caru banten H n sacrificial victim (korban L).

caruwang pass be sacrificed.

caruwin pass be offered sacrifices, be sacrificed to.

carub 1 H intrans (nyarub trans) mix, mingle.

carub 2 intrans be dirty, impure, ceremonially unclean.

caruk intrans (nyaruk trans) spread out (on the ground); n things spread out for sale, a mixture of large and small things.

carukang pass be raised or reduced to the same level.

caruk banyuwanga pass ‘is spread out, watered’ =be regarded as all the same.

carukcuk n a species of bird; n a little house for offerings on the roadside or in the fields.

caruruk n a little box, woven of hata stems, for tobacco, etc. (=kopok).

cat 1 n paint, color, red lead (=warna).

cat putih n white lead used for paint.

cat 2 intrans whet, sharpen.

caték (Raf) n lower jaw (see cadik).

catetan L n recorded fact, note.

cating n a species of rattan.

catok n instrument, tool.

catok kalam n nib of a pen.

catot intrans (nyatot trans) snatch.

catotin pass be snatched.

catra C n umbrella, parasol (pajeng L).

catri intrans (nyatri trans) mark, put a mark on an animal or object to indicate ownership.

catu n a measure (of grain) =two céhéng (coconut shells); ransom, payment; a portion of food or drink, esp what a prince gives to his followers; hence =wages (nyatu trans); hakuda mahan, catu? how-much (do you) get wages?

catu meres, catu mujung n two types of house-shrine.

catur 1 K adj four (hempat L) (S).

catur désa n the four points of the compass.

catur jalma, catur warna n the four castes.

catur loka n (in religion) the four worlds.

catur marga n (in religion) the four ways (dharma duty, hartha law, kama love, moksa being freed from the body).

catur muka n (in religion) the four faces of Brahma.

caturwara n the four-day week (śri, laba, jaya, menala).

catur 2 n chess (S caturanga).

catut 1 L n tweezers for pulling out the beard (cacatut, jajumput H) (nyatut trans).

catutin pass be pulled out.

catut 2 intrans (nyatut trans) deceive, cheat.

cawan n earthenware cup or bowl.

cawang intrans (nyawang trans) estimate, guess.

cawangang pass be estimated.

cawangan, cacawangan n estimate, guess.

cawat (=cawet) n a cloth tied round the waist and crossed over the shoulders, part of the costume of dancers (nyawat trans).

cawatin pass wear the cawat; imp put on the cawat!

caweli n a beautiful kind of cloth.

cawi intrans (nyawi trans) carve.

cawina pass be carved by someone.

cacawihan n carving.

cawis H adj ready, prepared (cadang L); intrans (nyawis trans) prepare; reply to a letter; n preparation.

cawisang pass be prepared, be replied to.

cawis bala n mustering of an army.

caya 1 (=cahaya, cahya) K n radiance, shining; appearance, manner (macaya intrans) (karat R) (S chāyā-).

caya 2 intrans deceive.

cacaya n deceit.

ce- a prefix followed by a single syllable (sometimes inserting a nasal), regarded by the Balinese as onomatopoeic; these formations are intransitive verbs meaning ‘make the sound denoted by the second syllable.’

cebceb intrans (nyebceb trans) take food irregularly, eat at unusual times (=cobcob).

ceblég, ceblégbég intrans be scurvy, scabby (nyeblég trans).

cebleng n black spot (nyebleng trans).

ceblong n a hole in the surface of a road (=ceg-long).

coblug intrans (nyeblugang trans) fall.

ceblugang pass be caused to fall.

cébol n dwarf; adj dwarfish (=cabol).

cebug intrans (nyebug trans) fall.

cebugang pass be made to fall.

cebur intrans make the sound of something heavy falling into water (=cabur); intrans (nyebur trans) fall down into (usually water), hurl oneself at (the enemy).

ceburang imp jump down (cause yourself to fall); ceburang ragané cause yourself to fall, jump down.

ceburin pass be jumped down into.

cecak n lizard, gecko (=cecek).

cécé n the cheeping of young birds, of rice-stealing birds (nyécé trans).

cécé-han n sparrow.

ceceb intrans eat at irregular times (=cebceb).

ceceh 1 intrans persist, do sth repeatedly, ask often for (nyeceh trans) (=cehceh).

ceceha pass be asked for sth repeatedly by someone.

nyeceh nagih pipis (he) repeated (he) asked-for money.

ceceh 2 intrans (nyeceh trans) drip, drop down (tears).

ceceh-an n teardrops.

cécéh intrans drive away dogs by shouting céh, céh (=céhcéh).

cecek 1 n lizard, gecko (=cecak).

cecek 2 n the symbol for ng at the end of a syllable; dot, point.

cecekin pass be given the symbol cecek.

cécél intrans be hard to please, be fussy (=célcél).

ceceng 1 n a kind of pepper.

ceceng 2 n a pig’s tail.

ceceng 3 adj strong, able.

cecéng intrans make the sound céng (the sound of cymbals céngcéng).

cecepan C n an earthenware jug (usually for water).

céda n blot, stain, shame, fault; intrans (nyéda trans) blame, find fault.

cédana pass be blamed by someone.

cedang L n light; adj clear, light, bright, visible (nyedangin trans) (terang H).

cedar 1 n dog (cicing L); n an ugly old dog.

bapa di cedar this is said of children of one mother who have different fathers.

cedar 2 intrans make the sound dar, explode (macedar intrans).

cedarin pass be exploded.

cedek intrans (nyedek trans) bear the mark of pressure by difficulties.

cedel adj very arrogant, proud.

cedemcedem intrans be zealous, eager, diligent (macedem intrans).

cedér intrans make the sound dér, explode loudly.

cedig intrans make the sound dig (a falling object).

cedil intrans be stunted, dwarfish.

cedir intrans make the sound dir.

cedit 1 intrans (nyeditin trans) stab, perforate with a weapon (=tebek).

cedit 2 intrans make the sound dit.

cedok intrans (nyedok trans) deny, disavow, go back on (a promise).

céḑok n a water scoop (larger than canting); intrans (nyéḑok trans) draw up water, scoop up, skim, ladle out.

cedor 1 intrans make the sound dor (a gunshot).

cedor 2 intrans (nyedor trans) hide in someplace, smuggle.

cedor 3 intrans profit from what someone else owns or does; intrans marry (said by a stepchild of his stepfather): mémén tyang cedorina mother of me married again.

cedug intrans make the sound dug (sth that falls; the thump of a drum).

cedur intrans make the sound dur (the thump of a drum); make the sound of a drum when struck.

cedut intrans make the sound dut (the whirr of a propeller; the sound of a windmill).

cégah intrans be disappointed.

cegakceguk intrans make the sound of musketry, rifle-fire (=cekagcekug, cekakcekuk).

cegascegus intrans snort, grunt (pig).

cégcég intrans scatter.

cegéh intrans (nyegéh trans) be uncouth, ignorant of normal good behaviour.

cegék intrans make the sound gék, quack (ducks).

cegem adj silent, quiet, taciturn.

cegér intrans make a round.

ceget intrans be thick (oil, porridge).

cegét n a scar on the cheek.

cegik intrans (nyegik trans) use sharp, acrimonious words.

cegikin pass be spoken to sharply.

cegingan n a large species of bird of prey.

cegir 1 intrans make the sound gir.

cegir 2 intrans be ill-mannered, ignorant of good manners (=cegéh).

cégléh intrans (nyégléh trans) sit on the floor.

céglong n a hole in the road, the ground (macéglongan intrans) (=ceblong).

cegong n porch, veranda.

cégrong 1 n a hole in the road, in the ground (=céglong).

cégrong 2 intrans be dirty.

ceguk intrans make the sound guk.

cegung intrans make the sound gung, bay, bark (dogs); n baying, barking (macegung intrans).

cegur intrans make the sound gur (a gong hit with a hammer).

cegus intrans make the sound gus, grunt, snort (pigs); n grunting, snorting (macegus intrans; see cegascegus).

cegut L intrans (nyegut trans) bite, gnaw (=gugut).

cegut-an n toothmarks after biting.

cegutang pass be caused to bite.

cegutin pass be bitten, gnawed.

cehceh intrans do sth repeatedly (=ceceh).

céhcéh intrans drive away dogs by shouting céh, céh (=cécéh).

ceheng intrans (nyeheng trans) look at; n look, glance.

cehenga pass be looked at by someone.

céhéng n a coconut shell, used as a dry measure =about 1 liter.

céhét intrans make a sound like some birds.

cek intrans make the sound of the gecko; n the sound of the gecko.

cék 1 intrans (ngecék trans) scold, chide, call names (=hecék).

céka pass be scolded.

cék 2 n cheque (Eng).

cék 3 intrans check, examine.

cekagcekug intrans make the sound of musketry, rifle-fire (=cekakcekuk).

cekah n a thick slice; intrans (nyekah trans) cut thick slices.

cekah-an n slicing.

cekahang pass be sliced for, be caused to be sliced.

cekahin pass be sliced thickly.

cekak n notch, incision; intrans notch, cut notches (=cangget).

cékak (EBali) adj rude, ill-mannered.

cekakcekuk intrans make the sound of musketry, rifle-fire (=cekagcekug).

cekalan n tunny-fish.

cekangceking intrans be irregular in shape, be twisted, malformed (esp the body).

cekap intrans be rebellious, insubordinate.

cekcek 1 n (=cecek) the symbol for ng at the end of a syllable.

cekcek 2 n gecko, lizard (=cecak).

cékcék intrans (nyékcék trans) play in water.

cekék n a dimple; a flat spot between two heights.

cekékér n the cry of the jungle fowl.

cekel n a span, as much as a hand can grasp, a handful (nyekel trans); n a measure: 5 cekel =1 depuk.

cekel-an n a handful; a sheaf of rice.

cekelang pass be tied in sheaves; be helped to tie rice in sheaves.

cekelin pass be tried to tie in sheaves.

cekenting n a children’s game with kepengs, heads and tails (=celekenting).

cekentingan n a sort of game with dice.

cekér intrans (nyekér trans) caress, court (a girl), flatter; serenade.

cekércekér intrans serenade a girl.

cékér intrans (nyékér trans) annoy with words.

cacékérin pass be annoyed by someone’s talk.

cékérin pass be annoyed by someone’s talk.

cekés intrans make the sound kés (cutting grass).

ceket 1 intrans be easily offended, short-tempered, sensitive; n the plant touch-me-not.

ceket-an n short temper, irritability.

ceket 2 intrans give advice.

ceket 3 intrans take quickly, snatch.

ceki n a card game.

cekiyan n a card game (ceki).

ceki-han n the cards used in the game ceki.

cekilik n a half of a small coconut shell, used as a measure.

ceking intrans (nyeking trans) narrow down to a point, become narrower (a road); n sth that is thick at the ends but thin in the middle.

cekangceking intrans be malformed, misshapen (esp the body).

tali ceking n a rope worn at one point almost to breaking.

cekir 1 (=cekér) intrans court, caress, serenade (a girl).

cekir 2 n a young coconut (=klungah).

céklé intrans (nyéklé trans) copulate.

cékléna pass be copulated with by someone.

cekoh intrans make the sound koh, cough.

cekohcekoh intrans cough repeatedly.

cekok (=cékok) n valley, a flat place on mountain; adj hollow, concave; intrans have hollows in it (nyekokang trans); margané liyu cekok the road has many hollows in it, is full of holes; nganti cekok bahana ngutgut (he) bit a hollow in it.

cekokang pass be hollowed out, have hollows made in it.

cekol 1 intrans (nyekol trans) come to, entrust, keep.

cekolang pass be staked, betted; be entrusted to.

cekolin pass contain, have sth put in it; cekolin pipis (it) has money in it.

cekol 2 intrans make the sound of sth that falls on the ground (=cedug).

cekong intrans bark, bay (of dogs) (=kongkong).

cekot intrans make the sound kot.

cekotcekot intrans the cooing of turtledoves.

cékot 1 H n spoon (séndok L) (nyékot trans).

cékot 2 L n a kind of fishing net (nyékot trans).

cekug intrans make the sound kug (the thump of a falling object).

cekuh n a species of plant, forget-me-not; its root is used as spice or medicine.

cekuk intrans (nyekuk trans) grasp with the hand, grip, seize with force, strangle; n handful.

cekukin pass be grasped repeatedly.

cékur n the sound made by a rooster to call hens.

cékurcékur intrans crow (rooster).

cekut intrans make the sound kut (a person trying to eat without drinking).

cekutan n hiccup; intrans have hiccups.

cekutcekut intrans be choking over food, for want of a drink.

celabingkah n potsherd.

celabingkah betén byu, gumi linggah hajak lyu ‘sherds under banana-tree, wide land with many (people)’ =there are as many tunes as there are persons present.

cela tabuwan n the sting of a hornet.

celäcelu intrans be uncertain, insecure, waver; hesitate between two views.

celagi n tamarind (=hasem); punyan celagi a tamarind tree.

celak 1 L n penis (purus R, lingga C).

buka celak penyu ‘like the penis of a tortoise’ =crooked, bent.

celak lutung n foresight of a gun; n fishhook.

celamcam intrans (Raf) interrupt.

celana n long tr ousers (=jalér) (Mal) nyelanabin (trans).

celana dalam n drawers (woman).

celana péndék n shorts.

celanahin pass have trousers put on by someone; imp put your trousers on.

celang intrans have sharp senses.

celangkup n a snare for jungle fowl.

celapcelep intrans go in and out (see celep).

celapat intrans continually get in someone’s way (capat +infix).

celapatcelapat intrans walk back and forth.

célcél intrans be hard to please, be fussy (=cécél).

celeb intrans (nyleb, neleb trans) dip in water; baptize.

celebanga pass be baptized (=kacelebang).

celebin pass be dipped in water.

celebon tangan n a sort of whirligig.

celebungkuh n a piece of a mud wall; a lump of dry clay.

celed 1 intrans (nyeled trans) reduce, shorten, shrink.

celed 2 intrans (nyeled trans) be corrupt, take bribes.

celed 3 intrans (nyeled trans) tie up, bind; n a tie, bond, string to tie with.

celedan n a tie, bond, string to tie with.

celedin pass be provided with a string, be tied up.

celed 4 adj hollow (=cekok).

céléd intrans (nyéléd trans) disobey, refuse, not keep (a promise).

celeg intrans be swollen.

celegeg intrans sip.

hacelegeg n one sip, one draught.

celegek intrans (nyelegek trans) swallow (=celegok).

celegekan n the valve in the throat; the act of swallowing.

celegekang pass be swallowed; sing sedeng celegekang find that one is not believed.

celegekcelegek intrans hope very much for sth.

celégokan n a deep hole in a road, subsidence.

celek 1 intrans (nyelek trans) stick a finger in, stick sth in, plant (seedlings).

celekang pass (a flower) be stuck behind the ear.

celekang, celekin pass be planted.

celekcelek pass have a finger stuck in repeatedly; celekcelek taluh ‘the egg repeatedly has a finger stuck in it’ =(money) be taken away bit by bit until it is all gone.

celek 2 H intrans (nyelek trans) explain, make clear, describe (seken L).

picelek H n (piseken L) description, explanation, advice.

celék intrans (nyelék trans) eat (very low), drink greedily, drink (dog).

célék intrans (nyélék trans) lick.

célékin pass be licked.

célékcélék pass be licked often.

celekenting n tossing up (a coin), heads or tails (a children’s game).

celemcem intrans use vulgar words, scold, abuse.

celeng n a climbing plant which has flowers (=teleng).

celéng L n a door staple, hinge; a doorframe of metal (purus kori H).

céléng L n pig.

bé céléng n pork.

ca-céléng-an n a ‘piggy bank’; a bamboo with a slot in it, into which coins are put (often in the roof of the metén).

céléngang pass be caused to be put in the money box, be saved up for someone.

céléngcéléngan n a species of waterfowl.

céléngina pass ‘be be-pigged’ =be saved up (money) (nyéléng trans).

céléngngé the pigs.

celengek n a cry of fear; intrans start up in fear.

celep L intrans (nyelep trans) enter, go into (=celup).

celepin pass be entered.

celepang imp put (it) into! (‘into’ expressed by ka ‘to’); pass be put into by someone.

celepcep intrans be light-fingered, thieving.

celepuk n a species of owl.

célgak intrans swallow (water, etc).

celidra H adj envious, jealous, unfavorable (celika L).

celih intrans not be reached, not attained, remain unhurt, run away unhurt, escape from (danger, temptation, enemy).

celika L adj envious, jealous, unfavorable (celidra H).

celiyeb intrans sink deep into sth, fall deep into.

celiyuk intrans dive suddenly (birds in the air); make a sudden resolution or promise.

celocoh n the furrows between earthed-up plants (nyelocoh trans); adv forward, in front.

celodoh adj impudent, ill-mannered; intrans disregard the disapproval or anger of a superior.

celompong intrans (nyelompong trans) be full of holes (clothes), hang in rags; mangle a story by omitting parts of it.

celos intrans (nyelos trans) slide, slip off, slide off one’s seat, collapse; give up one’s anger.

celosang pass be lowered a little.

celoscos intrans fall through (a sieve, basket), fall down (as grains of rice).

celu in celäcelu intrans come past repeatedly when walking.

celub intrans (nyelub trans) dye (=celup).

celubang, celubin pass be given to someone to be dyed.

celuk 1 n bay, bight.

celuk 2 intrans be taken unawares, startled; celuk hanyud be caught by a flood and swept away.

celungap adj miserly, grasping.

celut intrans be difficult to catch.

cem (=hecem) intrans be dirty.

cemara (=camara) n casuarina tree; n needles of pine or spruce; n false hair.

syap cemara a rooster with feathers like leaves of the casuarina.

cembé make the sound bé, bleat (sheep, goat), low (cattle) (macembé intrans).

cembo intrans make the sound bo, low, bellow (cattle) (macembo intrans).

cemeng K adj black (selem L).

don cemeng n the leaves of a certain plant, which are black and used as medicine.

cemer K adj ceremonially unclean (sebel L) (nyemer trans).

cemil adj fat (cheeks), having fat cheeks (=cemul).

cémlék intrans be unable to keep a secret (=camil).

cemoh intrans be wasteful, extravagant.

cemos intrans be completely free.

cemosang pass be completely freed.

nyemosang trans set free.

cempaga n a species of forest tree.

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary

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