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Оглавлениеhampud intrans (ngampud trans) assemble, gather, collect.
hampud-an n rubbish heap.
hampudang pass be gathered, collected.
hampuh L intrans be able (mampuh =ma-hampuh intrans).
hampuk adj widely scattered, dispersed.
hampun 1 intrans pardon, forgive (=hampura).
hampun 2 adv past, already (sampun H).
hampung 1 H intrans (ngampung trans) harvest rice (hanyi L).
hampungang pass be harvested for.
hampunghampung n the completed rice harvest.
hampung 2 adj light, not heavy (feathers, kapok, etc.).
hampura intrans (ngampura trans) forgive, pardon (Jav form of sampura H).
hampurayang H imp forgive (me), pardon (me)!
nunas hampura H (I) ask pardon.
hamput intrans (ngamput trans) cleanse, purify.
hamputang pass be ceremonially purified by fanning.
hamputin pass be cleansed of spiders’ webs (a house).
hamud intrans (ngamud trans) pull out, pull on.
hamudang pass be pulled out for someone.
hamudin pass be pulled out.
hamuh adj rotten; moldy.
hamuk intrans (ngamuk trans) rave, be furious, attack in fury; n tumult, great noise; furious, mad rage.
hamukang pass be driven to fury.
hamukhamuk-an n tumults.
wong hamuk n a raving, dangerous person.
hamul (=hambul) adj like, as big as (see hamun).
hamun n size, bigness; adj such, so much, as big as, like.
hamunapa L adv however big, however much (hamunapi H).
hamuné the size; L so big, so large; hamuné maklonné ‘so-great its-length’ =so long a time.
hamun hapa gedénné? how big is it?
hamunika, hamuniki H so big, so large.
ha-mung adv simply, alone, except.
ha-muwus K trans speak, say (wuwus intrans).
hamyug intrans spread abroad.
-han suffix (the h written only after a vowel) which makes (1) comparative adjectives (2) abstract nouns indicating the action involved in a verb (3) the place where an action is performed (4) the thing with which an action is done.
hana K intrans to be (used only in the highest literary style or in high social contexts).
hida nuhunang hanaké hana di tgehan he brought down the men (that) were on a height.
jeneng hana (expression of the idea of being in a place where the copula is usually merely implied).
takana contr of tak hana not existed (Lk 8.24) (hada L, wénten H).
hanacaraka n the consonantal alphabet, named with its first five syllables.
hanak n person, human individual (the word originally meant ‘child’ (Mal), and this meaning survives in manak (ma-hanak) ‘give birth,’ panak (pa-hanak) n ‘young of animals,’ ‘interest on money’); the widest word for ‘human being,’ hanak needs to be qualified with other nouns or with adjectives to give it content; alone it may even be used with nouns indicating animals (e.g. bémasé hento hanak ‘those goldfish’), and with personal pronouns (e.g. tyangé hanak ‘I’); hanak may stand alone for ‘you’ (e.g. kénéhang hanake =(you) act thus), as well as for ‘he’ or ‘she’; with a vb, hanak as subject or object means ‘someone, people, persons.’
hanak aghung king, ruler.
hanak bahan laba hired servant.
hanak bali Balinese.
hanak cenik L baby.
hanak cerik L child.
hanak déśa villager.
hanak di misan L nephew, niece (pyanak misan M; hoka sameton H, hoka ring siki H).
hanak hagung king, governor, prince.
hanak hagung histri queen, princess.
hanak halit H child.
hanakang, hanakin pass produce interest (money).
hanakhanak pl people, persons (as individuals, as opposed to wong a person or persons as members of a category).
hanakhanakan n a small piece of ground; a miniature.
hanahhanak mata n the pupil of the eye (the little figure seen in the eye of someone else).
hanak jaba, hanak di jabahan H śudra.
Other less common phrases:
hanak hubuh fosterling, orphan.
hanak jawi ‘Javanese’ =stranger, foreigner.
hanak katih dwarf.
hanak mabuwi captive, prisoner.
hanak mahumah indweller, inhabitant.
hanak mamula tiller of the soil.
hanak mangadah broker, dealer.
hanak masyat soldier.
hanak mawarong shopkeeper, grocer.
hanak nagara native of the land.
hanak nanggala ploughman.
hanak numpang passenger on a ship.
hanak ngidihhidih L, hanak ngagéndong R beggar.
hanak nyéwa tenant of land, hirer of land.
hanak pajalanan traveler, journeyer.
hanak pangajukan kedis fowler.
hanak pondokan temporary resident, lodger.
ha-nambut K trans awakes great longing (=sambut).
hanaman C n rice cooked in a small basket.
hanamika K n the ring finger (=lék) hanan intrans (ngananin trans) clear the ground of trees, clear forest.
hanang adj a word emphasizing ‘one.’
hanang hadiri twara not a single one.
sing hada hanang hakikit L not there-is any one-little bit (=hangan).
ha-nangis K trans wept (=tangis).
hanas adj long and large; clear of growth and slippery (the dike between rice fields).
hanasang pass be straightened.
handa n level, degree, stage (nganda trans).
handang n obstacle, blockage; intrans (ngandang trans) block (a road).
haņḑap adj low, concise, abbreviated; intrans (ngaņḑap trans) be low, make low.
di haņḑap prep below, under, beneath.
haņḑap hasor (=haņḑap kasor) intrans be humble.
haņḑapin pass be made low or lower, be treated as low.
handar n drill, auger.
haņḑé L adj like, similar; adv for example (hupama H) (ngandéyang trans); n likeness, example.
haņḑéyan, haņḑéhaņḑéyan n comparison, likeness.
haņḑéyang pass be made like, be likened.
saņḑénya L (=sa-haņḑé-nya) ‘with its likeness’ =for example, such as, in a manner of speaking (sahupamanya H) (see pandé).
handeg L intrans (ngandeg trans) not be moving, be still, stop suddenly, break off (cadel H) (mandeg intrans).
handegang pass be stopped, be delayed, be towed.
handel intrans (ngandel trans) trust, count on (tagok L) (kandel, kahandel pass).
handelan pass be trusted; pass be in a position of trust.
handelang imp trust (me)!
handelhandel n guarantee, complete faith.
handep L n sale (=hadep) (dol H).
haņḑet intrans (ngandet trans) stand still, stop suddenly, break off (=haņḑeg).
haņḑetang imp stop!; pass be caused to stop, be stopped for.
haņḑethaņḑet intrans stop completely; stop and restart, come out in spurts (water), stammer, stutter.
haņḑih intrans stink (putrid fish or meat).
handih n fig.
handih kelen, handih kelur n kinds of fig.
handika (Jav) intrans (ngandika trans) command, speak, order (=ndika intrans).
handikayang H pass be commanded, be sent (hatur ngatur L).
handil n share (finance).
handir n one of the dances of the legong girls.
handiri intrans (ngandiri trans) hold, hold fast (gisi L).
handog adj fertile, prosperous, healthy.
handong n an ornamental plant (=puding).
haņḑudu n a species of wild areca nut.
handuk n towel (D handdoek) (cerik R, seléndang H).
handul n a species of tree.
handungan n water channel, waterworks.
handup intrans (ngandup trans) set (dogs) on.
handupang pass be caused to attack (dogs).
handupin pass be made fierce, be incited to attack.
handus 1 n smoke (=hendus).
mandusdus trans give off smoke.
nekepin handusé ‘cover up the smoke’ =try vainly to keep sth secret.
handus 2 (Jav) intrans wash, bathe in falling water (=hanjus).
hané L rel pron that, which (sane H); used to attach a non-essential adj as attribute of preceding n; a phrase beginning with hané (sané) + vb (+object) is often used where in Eng a n of agency is used, e.g. hané ngglah habyan the owner of the garden.
hanéh 1 n class one of a pair; tangan hanéh one hand.
hanéh… hanéh (an) the one, the other.
hanéh 2 n side, edge (nganéh trans).
hanéhang pass be isolated, outcast.
hanéhin pass be put on one side.
hanem C adj young (hanom H).
ha-nencén interro pron which one?
hanéng (Jav) ‘there is in…’ (=hana hing, hada di… L).
ha-nidra K intrans sleep (sirep R, pules L).
hanih prep (Raf) towards (=di hanih).
ha-niwi n the person towards whom one’s homage is due (siwi n) (Jav n for ny-).
hanihaya, haniyayan n tyranny, unjust treatment.
hanom H adj young, not yet adult (=henyom) (nguda, bajang L); n youth, lad, young woman.
ha-non K trans see, look (=ton, heton).
hansip n a village official who impounds straying animals (Mal abbr of pertahanan sipil).
hantag 1 adj (Raf) sound in mind.
hantag 2 adj firm.
hantaka K n death, swoon, faint (mati L, paptengan L); intrans die, pass away.
hantang kayu n the pith of a tree.
hantara adj, adv inside, in among, between (S antara-).
di hantara prep inside; di hantarané inside it.
hantawali n a kind of shrub (=kantawali).
hanté n chain, chains, fetters; the tying together of a corpse with rattan; intrans (nganté trans) put on a chain, chain up.
hanté lima n handcuffs.
hanténa, hanténin pass be chained up (a dog).
hanteb (Jav) intrans be heavy (bahat L).
hantebang pass be offered (in worship).
hanteg intrans (nganteg trans) pretend to be going to do sth, make a feint, sound someone out, investigate (a case).
hantegang pass be reached, be delivered.
hanteghantegan n menace, means of frightening someone; investigation.
hantem 1 intrans (ngantem trans) aim at, seek; n target, goal, what is sought.
hantemang pass be aimed at, sought.
hantem 2 intrans (ngantem trans) strike, hit hard.
hantemang pass be hit hard.
hanten R n younger brother (hadi L).
hantén n bride, bridegroom (ngantén trans); hanténang pass be married, be caused to marry.
hanteng 1 n a cloth worn over the breasts by women (=tengkalung) (nganteng trans).
hantenang pass be wearing such a cloth.
hantengin pass have such a cloth put on one.
hanteng 2 H intrans (nganteng trans) be eager, zealous, diligent (jemet L); n zeal, diligence.
hantengang pass be made diligent.
hantengin imp be diligent!
hantep intrans (ngantep trans) push, collide with (mantep intrans).
hantepang pass be pushed, be bumped into, be collided with.
pati hantep intrans bump against everything, bounce to and fro.
hantes 1 intrans be handy, be ready, be forward.
hantes 2 n snap, crack.
hanti 1 L intrans (nganti trans) wait, wait for, expect (=hati) (hantos H).
hantina pass be waited for.
hantiyang tyang hakejep wait for me a moment!
dini malu hantiyang wait here (until I come back).
hanti 2 n a species of plant.
hantiga C intrans be drunk, drugged, stupefied (punyah L, taluh R).
hantinghanting n an ear pendant.
hanto n ghost, evil spirit, demon (=hantu, mamidi).
hantod n knee (=lulod).
hantok n a foothold, a place to stand, a base, basis (ngantokin trans).
hantokin pass be given a foothold.
hantol 1 intrans (ngantol trans) repair a breach, stop up a hole in a clay wall, add to.
hantol 2 n false hair.
hantolhantolan n addition, false hair.
hantol 3 intrans (ngantolin trans) continue, connect (mahantol intrans).
hantolin pass be linked.
hantolhantolan n a weak link, connection.
hantos H intrans (ngantos trans) expect, wait for (hanti L); sometimes ntos.
hantré n queue, a line of people (Fr entrée) (ngantré trans).
hantréhang pass be formed up in a queue, a line.
hantreg intrans (ngantreg trans) stop suddenly when in fast motion.
hantug n touch, physical contact; intrans (ngantuga trans) touch, be in contact.
hantugan n contact.
hantugang pass be touched.
pati hantug intrans push to and fro gently.
hantughantugan n a dish of vegetables, made from various leaves.
hantuk 1 H intrans (ngantuk trans) return, go home (mantuk intrans) (hulih, mulih L); n return, homecoming.
hantukang pass be returned, given back.
hantuk 2 H intrans do, act; pass be done; exactly parallel with bahan L, i.e. (1) used after an adv with another vb (N-form) following; here hantuk takes the ending -a to agree with a 3ps agent, though this suffix is not usual in H. (2) after an adv, with no other vb, hantuk is without meaning, but makes the adv into a vb (3) when the main vb in such a sentence is obvious it is not used, and hantuk then becomes the only vb of the sentence, e.g. yadyapin hasapunapi hantuk ‘though however is done(-by-you) (is acted),’ …whatever you may do, … ; prep by (agent), with (instrument), because of, with regard to; conj that (+ n clause).
hantukan n matter, subject, affair (hence sahantukan ‘because of’).
hantukannyané ‘its matter’ =about it.
hantun intrans (ngantun trans) join, connect, tie together, join by twisting together.
hantun-an n join, linkage.
hantunhantun n pieces put in to lengthen a rope.
hanu 1 L pron one, a certain one.
di dina hanu on a certain day.
hi hanu L (sang hanu H) So-and-So, an unknown and unnamed person.
hanun +personal name: the one belonging to, that of human, e.g. tyangé limang hanun hi raka the field of me (is) five (times) that of Hi Raka.
hanu 2 intrans (nganu trans) disturb, annoy, anger.
bakat hanu intrans be too annoyed, be roused to indiscreet anger.
hanuda K conj that, so that (hapang L).
hanugraha C n gift, present (=nugraha, waranugraha) (S anugraha-).
hanuman n baboon, monkey (=hanoman); the king of the monkeys in the Ramayana.
ha-nut K trans follow, agree with, obey (tutut L) (this K trans form is used in Bali as a base as though pass).
hanutang pass be caused to agree.
hanutin pass be obeyed, be followed, be accepted by someone.
hanut ring hawig act according to the rules.
-hang suffix, in which the h is written only after vowels; in H the h is usually replaced by y (- yang), after vowels; the suffix is used (1) frequently (but not always) to make an imp; (2) added to the N-form it makes trans verbs from nouns and adjectives; (3) added to the N-form of verb-bases, it makes causative verbs from them; there are also other, less frequent, uses.
hang n (=ang) the third of the syllables of the holy trihaksara formula, which, according to S grammarians, make up the syllable om (=a + u + ng).
hangan R adv at all, only (=hanang).
hangan papa anything at all.
hangan hakatih a single one (long thin thing, hair).
hangas n a circle of thorns put round a tree trunk to discourage fruit thieves (ngangas trans).
hangdé (=padé) a particle put at the beginning of a sentence to suggest that the idea is not real; ‘supposing.’
hangeg intrans (ngangeg trans) bring to a stop, stop.
hangegang pass be stopped, halted.
hangeghangeg intrans stop very suddenly, pass be stopped suddenly.
hangegin pass be stopped for a moment.
hangél R intrans be in a bad mood, be melancholy, languid, weary (hengsel L).
hangen 1 H n liver, ‘heart’ (hulun hangen H, hulun hati L); the solar plexus, the pit of the stomach.
hangen 2 intrans (ngangen trans) consider, meditate on; R n sense, thought (hati L); intrans (ngangen trans) think, have in mind, desire.
hangenan n a lamp put on the breast of a corpse.
hangenang pass be desired with longing.
hangenin pass be considered.
kangen (=ka-hangen) pass pitying, moved to compassion.
hangerak intrans yell, scream, roar (a demon) (see kerak).
hanget L adj hot, warm, tepid (water) (panes R); intrans (nganget trans) be hot, heat, warm.
hangetin pass be being heated by someone.
hangethanget n hot things (taste), spices (pepper, ginger, etc.).
hangga K n body, form (hawak, goba L; raga R, rupa H).
hangganin pass be embodied in, be represented by (subject is a country, district).
hangganing (=hangga + hing) K its shape (gobané L), be like (hupama L).
hangga sarira a coarse shape of body.
hanggal intrans (nganggal trans) be free, not be employed or hustled by people; make oneself free, make someone free.
hanggalin pass be free from being fussed in the future.
hanggap intrans (nganggap trans) leave debts unpaid (esp gambling debts).
hanggapan 1 n white ants, termites.
hanggapan 2 n a sickle for reaping rice.
hanggar intrans (nganggar trans) parry, use a weapon or sth to defend oneself, raise a hand.
hanggarang pass be threatened with; hang-garang pedang be threatened with a sword.
hanggara n Tuesday (S anggara- ‘Mars’); hang-gara kasih a Tuesday of good omen.
hanggas n locust, grasshopper.
hanggé H intrans (nganggé trans) use; wear (clothes) (hanggo L); like hanggo L, the pass form hanggé is used very frequently where in Eng a prep ‘with’ occurs (see hanggo); use as (with no expression of ‘as’): papak takénang hapang hada hanggén hida tangkis dogén just anything was-asked-about so-that there-be (what) was-used (by) him (as) a pretext only.
hanggéhanggéhan H n whatever is worn, clothing.
hanggeh intrans (nganggeh trans) get sth on credit; be trusted, be believed in.
dadi hanggeh? can (I) have (it) on credit? hanggehan n a credit transaction.
mayah hanggehan pay off sth bought on credit.
hanggek intrans stop.
hanggekhanggek intrans stop repeatedly, falter.
hanggét intrans (nganggét trans) catch sth on a knife, hook sth with a knife.
hanggih intrans (nganggih trans) be willing, express willingness, promise.
hanggihang pass be caused to be willing, be persuaded.
hanggit intrans (nganggit trans) pick (flowers); quote (literary work).
hanggithanggitan n flower garden; literary work, composition.
hanggo intrans (nganggo trans) use, wear (clothes) (hanggé H); the pass form hanggo is used very frequently where in Eng a prep ‘with’ occurs: besi pakuné suba pacekanga di bedégé hanggon palunné the iron nails were fixed in the partition-wall by him with his hammer (literally, ‘was used his hammer’); use as, be treated with: hiya hanggona kekedekan he was treated with laughter.
hanggor adv (Raf) rather, it is better that.
hanggrék n satyrion (a plant); hanggrék däha a kind of orchid.
hanggrisa adj English; used to mean ‘fine,’ e.g. pinggan hanggrisa n a fine china plate.
hanggur 1 n grapes; wine from grapes.
buah hanggur grapes.
hanggur 2 H intrans belong together, be crowded, be heaped together (tambun L).
hanggurang pass be visiting.
hanggurin pass be visited by someone.
hanggur 3 intrans (nganggur trans) be at leisure, have nothing to do.
hanggut 1 intrans (nganggut trans) snatch at sth with the mouth, bite at (dog), try to catch sth in the mouth (see gutgut).
hanggut 2 intrans (nganggut trans) nod the head.
hanggutang pass be caused to nod.
hanggutin pass be answered with a nod.
hangguthanggut intrans nod the head continually.
hangin n wind.
hangin-an adj compr be bloated with wind.
hangin baret, hangin selahung L, hangin dres (=deras) H n storm wind.
hanginhangin R n fan (kepet L).
hanginhanginan adj empty-headed.
hangin mahilehan n whirlwind.
hanging (=hanghing, hangnging) conj but.
hangit n the smell of singed hair; intrans smell nasty.
hangka n numeral, cipher, figure (written) (S anka-).
hangkabang pass be moved up and down.
hangkabhangkab n up and down motion.
hangkabin pass be frightened by a movement; hangkabin barong sami be afraid of sth or someone that is not dangerous.
hangkara K adj proud, obstinate; cruel, wild, greedy, selfish.
hangkas intrans be always just about to do sth; be always prevented from doing what one intends; be always kept off one’s plan.
hangkasa n sky (langit L).
hangkat intrans (ngangkat trans) set off, march to war, depart.
hangkeb n cover, covering, lid; bedspread, tablecloth (ngangkeb trans).
hangkebang, hangkebin pass be covered up by someone.
hangkedhangked adj very bent, crooked.
hangken 1 K n power, strength, means.
hangken 2 K intrans claim as one’s own, recognize as one’s own (haku L, kangken H).
hangkep intrans (ngangkep trans) double, fold double.
hangkepang pass be folded double by someone.
hangkepin pass be given double, be folded.
hangkep-in pass be knocked on (a door).
hangker n what is terrifying, ghosts.
hangkid 1 intrans (ngangkid trans) lift, raise; promote; collect (dues).
hangkidang pass be lifted up, promoted.
hangkidin pass be tried to lift.
hangkid 2 intrans bathe in a lake or river and make an offering there.
hangkih intrans (ngangkih trans) breathe.
hangkidang pass be breathed.
hangkihan (=hangkiyan) L n breath; breathing; one minute (a breath).
hangkihang imp breathe!
hangkihhangkih intrans breathe deeply, breathe quickly, pant.
hangklonghangklong intrans walk alone, travel alone.
hangklung n a musical instrument (a row of obliquely cut bamboo in a frame, with small sticks in them, which make a ringing sound when moved).
hangkod intrans (ngangkod trans) raise, cause to go higher.
hangkodan n appeal to a higher court.
hangkodang pass be appealed (be taken to a higher court).
hangkodhangkod n all the procedures involved in an appeal.
hangkrah n rubbish (branches, etc.) floating on water.
hangkrog n gallop; intrans gallop, walk jerkily.
hangkuh 1 intrans (ngangkuh trans) undertake, aim at, have as a plan; n target, aim, plan.
hangkuhang pass be undertaken, be aimed at.
hangkuh 2 intrans be proud.
hangkuk intrans (ngangkuk trans) press down.
hangkukang pass be moved backwards and forwards (the loins in coitus).
hangkukhangkuk intrans move the loins quickly in coitus.
hangkulhangkul n thatch on an earthen wall.
hangkut intrans (ngangkut trans) buy wholesale, buy in bulk (not meat).
ha-ngling trans weep for someone (=heling).
hanglu adj ill-mannered.
ha-nglurah trans rule, govern, be prince (from lurah).
hangnging conj but (=hanghing).
hangob intrans (ngangob trans) amaze, astonish.
hangoba pass be amazed.
hangobang pass be caused to wonder.
hangobhangoban n an amazing thing.
hangohhangoh intrans be out of breath, pant with hurrying.
hangon intrans (ngangon trans) watch cattle, herd, pasture.
ha-ngretanin trans act as judge about sth, decide a law case (from kreta n).
hangsa n goose (S hamsa-).
hangsal n accent in music or dance.
hangsal bwang n a thrown-away accent.
hangsal batis n a foot-accent.
hangsana n a species of tree.
hangsang, hangsangan n the gills of fish.
hangseg intrans sigh (mahangsegan intrans).
hangseghangseg intrans be very much out of breath.
hangseh intrans (ngangseh trans) walk or run fast; make an effort.
hangsehang pass (an effort) be made by someone.
hangsek intrans (ngangsek trans) throng, be close together, push on others.
hangsekang pass be pushed close together.
hangsel 1 n word, group of letters (ngangsel trans).
hangsel 2 intrans stop for a moment in reading aloud.
hangseng H intrans breathe (=bangseng) (hangkih L).
hangsengan H n a breath, breathing; a hot blast of air; n symptom of disease.
hangsep intrans (ngangsep trans) forget (lali H).
hangsog (=hengsog) intrans wobble; shake up and down.
hangsoga (=angsoga) n a tree with splendid flowers.
hangsokang pass be stuck out, be extended; be proposed.
hangsokhangsokan n extension.
hangsokhangsokang pass be greatly extended.
hangsonhangson C n dog (cicing L, hasu R).
hangsud intrans (ngangsud trans) cross out, scratch out, erase.
hangsuh intrans (ngangsuh trans) snap at someone.
hangsuha pass be bitten by it.
hangsul intrans (ngangsul trans) go back, return, depart from (Jav wangsul).
hangsur 1 intrans (ngangsur trans) breathe heavily through a chest cold.
hangsur 2 intrans (ngangsur trans) pay by installments.
hangsuran n instalment.
hangu 1 K intrans be amazed (bengong L).
hangu 2 n the name of a species of plant.
hangus n species of mango; n a smell like burnt rice.
hancab 1 n flooding; intrans (ngancab trans) flood.
hancab 2 intrans (ngancab trans) jump, leap.
hancabang pass be made to jump.
hancabhancab intrans go up and down, walk up and down.
hancaghancag adv suddenly.
hancak 1 n fence, trellis, grille (mancak intrans =ma-hancak).
hancakhancak n the loosely-woven bottom of a basket (of bamboo); a loosely woven fence.
hancak saji n a wooden or stone trellis in front of palace or temple.
hancak 2 n the bodhi tree.
hancang 1 n sharp sticks of bamboo stuck in the top of a wall to deter climbers; rib of palm leaf.
hancang 2 (=hancangan) n overseer, one appointed to do a task; temporary substitute (man); waiter, shop assistant.
hancangin pass be waited on, served.
hancap n the tip of sth (ngancap trans).
hancapin pass have the tip cut off, be reduced.
hancar 1 n upas tree, poison tree.
hancarhancar n one who uses poisoned darts in a blowpipe.
hancar 2 adj continual, uninterrupted.
hancar 3 intrans (ngancar trans) leap, jump.
hancat intrans roast, toast.
hanceng 1 n a wooden peg, used to keep a larger thing in place; a pole; intrans (nganceng trans) peg support on a pole; give a cash advance.
hanceng-in M pass be given a deposit on goods bought but not paid for; be given a cash advance; be pegged, supported.
hanceng wirama n the baton of the conductor of an orchestra.
hanceng 2 n a précis, a note, a documentary proof; a blot.
haksara hanceng n the elaborate sign, based on nga, used in the titles of books or at the end of stanzas.
hancenghanceng n limit, boundary.
hancer n limit, boundary; intrans limit, bound.
hancerhancer n boundary, mark, sign.
hanceruk n a grub in the arén tree.
hanci n lipstick (nganci trans).
hancinin pass be reddened (lips).
hancih intrans be undecided as to one’s view.
hancihhancih intrans be very undecided.
hancit intrans (ngancit trans) draw, pull.
hancitang pass be drawn for someone.
hanco intrans (nganco trans) catch with a scoop net; n a small scoop net.
hancona pass be caught with a scoop net.
hancog intrans (ngancog trans) leap, jump, hop.
hancoghancog intrans hop about, jump about.
hancol intrans (ngancol trans) stick out the penis.
hancolang pass be stuck out continually.
hancolhancol intrans stick out a long way.
hancor n glue.
hancrag adv suddenly (=hancag).
hancrog intrans hop, leap (=hancog).
hancruk n a grub in the arén-tree (=hanceruk).
hancuk intrans (nganyuk trans) poke, prod, prick; esp break fruit off trees from below with a spear or a stick.
hancukang pass be broken off (fruit).
hancung intrans (ngancung trans) set alight, set fire to.
hancungang pass be set on fire.
hancungin pass be deliberately fired, set alight by someone.
hancunghancung intrans travel alone, walk alone.
hancunghancungin pass (Raf) be stuffed into a hole.
hancur n glue (=hancor) (ngancur trans).
hancut n an isolated, faraway, solitary place (ngancut trans).
hanjähanja 1 n a ghost that walks on its head and hands; a term of abuse.