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ga n the twelfth letter of the alphabet; gha is named ga gora, ga rambat, or ga wayah.

gabag n a type of harrow with openings in it.

gabah 1 intrans be thoughtless in speaking, blab.

gabah 2 n unhusked rice (Jav).

gabeng n what is not yet completed, not yet finished with.

gabir 1 n the dewlap of a bovine.

gabir 2 adj quivering, quaking; intrans quiver, quake (see gulabir intrans).

gabung 1 n a small package of tobacco; a measure.

gabung 2 intrans join, connect.

gacel intrans (nggacel trans) sting (insects).

gada n club, bludgeon; the weapon of Bhima and of Yama.

gadab intrans (nggadab trans) do sth in the dark or with the eyes shut; grope about.

gadägada n flag, standard.

gadagan n a species of large green frog.

gaḑang adj green.

gaḑang madun buwah adj duck-head green.

mas gaḑang n green gold.

gaḑé intrans (nggadé trans) take sth as a pledge, take temporary possession of sth.

gadéhang act as pawnbroker; pass be pawned.

gadebeg n a two-wheeled cart.

gadebong n the main stem of a banana plant.

gadgad n fleas, parasites on birds (fowls).

gadgadan n infestation of parasites.

gadibeg intrans (nggadibeg trans) tear oneself away, struggle and get free.

gaḑing K n eyetooth (caling L); a kind of small yellow coconut; adj yellow.

gadordaka n the title of a kind of Kawi-Balinese dictionary.

gaḑuh intrans (nggaḑuh trans) possess for a time; have the use of the produce of sth.

gaḑuh-an, ga-gaḑuh-an n a temporary possession, a fief.

gaḑung n thornapple (a kind of tuber; the root intoxicates when eaten); a species of jasmine.

gaga K adj high, tall; n a species of rice that grows on high ground, unflooded.

ga-gadén n pledge, pawned goods.

gagadén galur n a legal pledge; the fine demanded by a king from a defaulting taxpayer.

gagaḑuhan n fief; a temporary possession (see gaḑuh).

gagah intrans (ngagah trans) open, make sth open; rape (a woman); dini suba gagah let us open (it) here!

gagah-an n rape.

gagahin pass be raped.

ga-gahé n work; making; a meal to which guests are invited; activity.

ga-gahén-an n festival, feast.

gagak K n crow (bird) (gowak L).

ga-gambar R n the sheath of a kris, esp the decorated top (hurangka, huwangka L).

ga-gambar-an L n picture, painting.

ga-gambel-an n orchestra; the music played by the orchestra (gamelan is how the word is usually pronounced and often written).

ga-gamel-an H n power, rank, command, custody (gagisyan L).

gagana K n the space under the sky, the vault of heaven.

ga-ganda-n n a ball of musk, some of which is mixed into the ointment called boréh, used by women.

ga-gantung-an intrans be suspended.

sastra gagantungan n conjunct letters, most of which are written beneath the preceding consonant.

ga-gancang-an n quickness, speed.

ga-ganjar-an n gift, offerings to the powers below.

ga-ganjing n water meter (Bali).

gagap-an n a small gift (=gapgapan).

ga-garap-an n work, performance (of duty, service).

ga-gatol n the cock of a gun, rifle (=gagotol).

ga-gatot n hero, famous man.

ga-gawa-n C n a thing carried, luggage (habahan L).

ga-gḑé n a great man (=gedé).

ga-gecok n a dish of stewed meat; meat cooked with herbs.

ga-gelang-an n wrist, ankle; bracelet, anklet.

ga-gempol-an n nosegay, bouquet of flowers.

ga-geņḑér-an 1 n sth shaped like a gendér (a musical instrument).

ga-geņḑér-an 2 n the compartments of a mattress, stitched together at some points.

ga-gending-an n song.

ga-géņḑong n beggar.

ga-gisi-han, ga-gisyan L n rank, power, command, custody (gisi intrans hold) (gagamelan H).

ga-gitik n a stick, staff, rod.

ga-glis-an adj very quick (gelis).

ga-goḑoh n a kind of cake made with flour.

ga-goréng-an n a roast, roasted meat; baked food.

ga-gorok-an L n throat, gullet (taneng R).

ga-gotol n the cock of a gun (=gagatol).

ga-gowat-an n the last date for payment; last date for delivery of work.

ga-grantang-an n family or personal treasure, heirloom.

ga-grejeg-an n force, compulsion; arrest, taking into custody.

ga-gudén n a kind of dancing girl who belonged exclusively to a king (usually jogéd gagudén).

ga-gulung n a sort of very fine silk.

ga-gumuk n grave mound, tomb.

ga-guņa-n n usefulness; wisdom, cleverness; adj clever, wise.

ga-gunung-an n a great crowd; troops thickly congregated.

ga-gurit-an n poem, narrative, story, tale, history.

ga-guyon n laughter, amusement, fun (guy-an).

gäha adj rotten-ripe.

gähan-an n fruit ripened on the tree.

gahal intrans sing loudly.

gahalgahal intrans yell a tune.

gahang intrans crawl (on hands and knees).

gahangan n an oblong basket; a basket for a duck.

gahé 1 L intrans (ngahé trans) do, work, act, make, create, trade (karya H) (=gawé); n work, action.

gahénang imp do (sth) for someone.

gahéné the work, the doing, the action.

gahéya pass be being used; pass be caused to do, be caused to be made.

hapa gahé? what is to be done? why? what good is it? (karya napi? R, punapi karya? C)

gahé 2 n doing (in a special sense of making a feast), festival meal, family feast, a feast for the gods.

gahgah intrans unload.

gahi n what is quickly sold, what is much in demand; adj much in demand; quick; adv quickly (=gelis).

gahik intrans (nggahik trans) yell, scream.

gahit 1 n a species of bird.

gahit 2 intrans be dry, be withered (soil, leaves).

gahok (=gawok) intrans be amazed, astonished.

gahok-an n wonder.

gahu n harrow (nggahu trans).

maja gahu n aloes-wood.

gahuk intrans (nggahuk trans) scrape, scratch with the fingers.

gahunggung n a species of wild strawberries.

gaja- n elephant (in compound words) (S).

gajah n elephant; in chess, a bishop.

gajah makaképu n a special shape of balé.

gajämina 1 n a whale; the name of a constellation (=gajah mina); n a statue of an elephant.

gajämina 2 intrans (ngajäminang trans) be like wild pigs, stay all together in a herd.

gaji n wage, pay (hupah L, pikolih H).

gajih 1 n wage, pay (hupah L, pikolih H).

gajih 2 n a kind of fat black rice.

gala K adj strong, brave, firm, famous for strength, notorious.

galägala n strength, power; n a hero, a man famous for his courage.

galah 1 n boat hook, pole.

galah 2 n a string, double yarn, cord.

galah 3 n a measure (2 cihit =1 galah =1/2 madé).

galak adj hostile, ready to fight, fierce, fiery, untamed, reckless; n hostility (nggalakin trans).

galakin pass be treated in a hostile, fierce manner.

galang 1 L n light, brightness (senang H); adj light, bright; intrans (nggalang trans) shine, illuminate; make a road; enlarge the mind.

galang bulan L moonlight.

galang kangin, galang tanah n the dawn.

galang matanhahi sunlight.

galang tros adj translucent, transparent.

galang 2 n pillow (=galeng); an oblong, flat cushion (nggalang trans).

galar n crossbeam, cross-stick; the bamboo on which the floor of a balé is laid.

galayah intrans lie flat on the ground on one’s back.

galeng L n flat and oblong cushion, pillow (=galang) (papedek H, bantal C) (nggaleng trans).

galepung K n flour, meal (tepung L).

galih 1 adj unbroken whole (rice grains).

galih 2 R n bone (tulang L); skeleton.

galimgim H intrans be loquacious, not keep silent (ngalimgim trans).

galing adj slim, slender, lean, slight (body).

galinggaling n a creeper with large roots.

galir adj worn out (thread of a screw); loose (the cock of a gun).

galok intrans cry aloud, scream (=gahik).

galuh K n princess (=putri) (usually tuwan galuh).

galung 1 n headdress; arrangement of hair.

galung 2 n a species of mango.

galung 3 intrans (nggalung trans) celebrate the New Year.

galung-an n the end of the Bali year of 210 days (six Bali months); the name of the 11th seven-day week of this year.

hagalungan n one Bali year.

galur n case at law, action at law, cause.

gama K n law, religion (usually hagama); lawyer.

hi para gama the lawyers (should be written parāgama, contr from pare agama).

gamang n the shimmering sight of a distant object; an invisible being, angel, guardian angel.

gambah intrans hang loose (esp hair), be untied, loose.

gambahgambah intrans hang free, be blown to and fro by the wind (hair).

gambang n a kind of xylophone, part of the orchestra used at solemn religious ceremonies.

gambar 1 intrans (nggambar trans) draw, portray, paint, make a picture; n image, picture, portrait, illustration.

tukang ngambar n painter, artist.

gambar 2 R (=gagambar) n the top of the sheath of a kris (hurangka L).

gambel intrans play musical instruments together (magambel intrans the ‘playing’); nggebug gambel strike the instrument (gagambelan).

gambir n the name of a species of bushy plant.

gambuh n a sort of dramatic performance, drama with dancing and music; lagu gambuh soft music.

gamel H intrans (nggamel trans) hold, hold fast, have power over, govern, possess (gisi L).

gamelang pass be held; sampun gamelang have been taken over, been seized.

gampang H adj easy, not heavy (=hampang) (hihing L).

gamparan 1 n a pretty way of walking.

gamparan 2 (Raf) n shoe (=carapu).

gampél adj conjunct (consonant, written on the same line as its predecessor): pa gampél, sa gampél, şa gempél.

gampés intrans (nggampés trans) stand in a defensive posture, parry blows.

gampil intrans collect, bring together; put together in the mind, comprehend.

gampok intrans strike inwards with the flat hand.

gampulukan mata (Raf) n the circle of the eye.

gamunapa L adj how great?, how large? (lamunapi H).

gamungan n a sort of light-yellow root (like ginger), used as medicine.

kuma gamungan intrans ripen, become yellow (fruits).

gana 1 K n cloud (S).

gana 2 K adj alone, having no companions.

Gana 3 K n the god of scholars and thieves.

ganal intrans be very unsatisfactory; be wild, savage, waste.

ganda n scent, odor, esp musk.

ganda pura n a plant from which a scented oil is pressed.

ganda rasa n a species of mango.

gandharwa K n a subdivision of the demigods (S gandharva-).

gandarwo K n a sort of male demon.

gaņḑék n a traveling-bag made of woven bamboo.

gandéla n window, window frame (=jendéla).

gaņḑong L intrans (nggandong trans) carry on one’s back (pundut H).

gandrung 1 intrans be in love.

gandrung 2 n boy prostitute; boys at court, who danced in girls’ costumes.

ganḑum n wheat.

ganep adj even, (an) even (number).

ganitri n a species of tree; n beads; a rosary of seeds of the ganitri (Arab tasbih).

gaņţa 1 (=genņţa) n a bell, handbell (esp a padanda’s bell).

gaņţa 2 n a species of field grass.

gantal n a package of betel ready for use (lekesan L).

gantang n a measure for oil (1 gantang =100 cawan ‘100 cups’).

gantar adj free, without obstacles (road), smooth.

ganténg (=genténg) n short, wide pieces of bamboo, used for roofs; shingles.

ganter intrans throw with force.

ganti (=genti) L intrans (nganti, ngganti trans) change, exchange (intrans vb ‘be-exchanged-for’ is used as prep ‘instead of’); replace, succeed someone in office (gantos H); acquire wealth; n change, the changes of fortune, destiny.

gantiné n fate; a euphemism for pregnancy; somahné suba liwar ganti his spouse has been-subjected-to fate.

gantih intrans (nggantih trans) spin (yarn).

gantos (=gentos) H intrans (nggantos trans) change, replace, succeed (ganti L).

kagentosin H pass is replaced by.

gantung intrans (ngantung trans) hang, suspend.

gantungang pass be caused to hang.

gantungin pass be tied to.

ma gantung n conjunct m.

gangga K adj great, high (hagung L, hageng H); n the river Ganges; the goddess-river (déwi gangga).

ganggas intrans be tall, be high; n height.

ganggas-an compr taller, higher, greater.

ganggeng n watercress.

ganggu intrans (ngganggu trans) potter about, tinker with, pass the time with sth; stain, blot.

gangsa 1 L adj quick, rapid.

gangsa 2 n bell-metal; the metal of which the instruments of the gagambelan are made; n a type of musical instrument carried and played in the hand, not on a frame.

gangsal adj bad at speaking, bringing out words only with an effort.

gangsar intrans make haste, hurry, go fast, go on uninterruptedly (=gongsor).

gangsarang imp hurry up!, hasten!

gangsing n top (toy).

gangsur intrans breathe quickly, pant, gasp.

gangtong n water pot.

gancan n spindle (spinning); spool, reel.

gancang 1 adj hasty, rapid, premature; intrans do sth rapidly.

gancang 2 n a species of plantain.

gancé n cluster, bunch, wad (=réncé); intrans be together (many things of the same kind).

ganja n the upper rim of sth; festoon; the wide upper end of a kris sheath.

ganjah n a species of tuberous plant (biyah).

ganjar n gift; offering to the powers below, demons; n an object carried before a corpse at a cremation: two long bamboos joined together by a skein of white and colored thread on which 227 képéngs are strung.

ganjih adj brittle, fragile, infirm; n what is loosely connected.

ganjing, gaganjing n a device for measuring water (in irrigation).

ganjur K n lance, spear (=tumbak L).

ganjut (=ganjot, ganyut) n heel (=tungak bahis).

gapgap intrans (ngapgap trans) bring sth as a present to a friend or relative on a casual visit (uninvited).

gapgap-an n a present (as above); souvenir (=temontemon).

gapgapang pass be brought as a present.

gara K n a married woman; a prince’s wife.

garandang n a species of sea-animal with sharp thorns on its back.

garantim n a fashion of head of a kris-hilt, made of gold, with lozenge patterns of iron wire.

garang intrans (nggarang trans) attack with many others; scramble.

garangan n mongoose.

garap n work, deed, action, performance (nggarap trans); intrans touch with the hands, work with the hands; perform (duty).

garbhini K adj pregnant (S garbhinī-).

garéja n sparrow; kedis garéja sparrow.

garejeg n force, violence, power, superior force (=gerejeg).

gargaji n saw (tool).

gargita H adj happy, glad, joyful (=kénak) (kendel L).

garing adj dry, dried (food).

garis L n line; garis karwan regular lines.

garjak intrans (nggarjak trans) execute (a criminal).

garjjita C n joy, gladness (demen L) (S garjita-‘jubilation’).

garpu n fork.

garu n aloes-wood.

garuḑa K n a fabulous bird like an eagle, on which Wisnu rides (S); garuḑa mungkur ‘garuda at the back’ =an ornament worn by padandas on the back of their heads during some ceremonies.

garung n a kind of clay.

garunyan (=gerunyam) adj rascally, no good, rogue.

garut 1 intrans (nggarut trans) stretch the arms out in front so as to reach sth; take everything at once, seize sth violently for oneself.

garut 2 intrans (nggarut trans) answer a speech with few words.

gas (=hegas) n gas; lengis gas n petrol for motorcars (Am).

gasa 1 K n bracelet anklet (gelang L).

gasa 2 adj quick, rapid, with speed.

gasal adj odd (number); unequal (stakes at games or betting).

gasgas n itch, itching; intrans scratch (cat, etc.); intrans (nggasgas trans) scratch an itching place (=gésgés).

gatah n gum (used as medicine); gatah kayu n resin, gum from trees.

gatar intrans tremble.

gatel H intrans have an itch; sexual desire (genit L); n an itch.

gatép n a tree with broad leaves and scented flowers, which produce fruit that tastes somewhat like chestnuts.

gati L adj important, true, essential, needing to be done (gatos H); adv very, incontestably (pisan H); adj urgent, hurried, hasty, needed in a hurry; n speed, haste; intrans (nggati trans) do in haste, do quickly.

gatiyang pass be done in haste.

gumati intrans do in haste, worry.

gaţik intrans just able to touch everyone; knock, be in contact.

gatot K adj strange, unusual, wonderful.

gagatot kaca seraya the name of a poem and of its principal character.

gatra 1 L n plan, project, proposition (gatri C).

gatra 2 n news (horta L).

gatra 3 adv almost, nearly, about.

gawa C intrans (ngawa, nggawa trans) carry (haba L).

gawé (=gahé) intrans (ngawé trans) do, make, work.

gawénang pass be done, be made.

tan pagawé L (tan pakaryya H) adj useless, in vain, pointless.

gawok (=gahok) intrans marvel, be amazed.

gawu (=gahu) n harrow.

gayot 1 (Raf) n mole, wart.

gayot 2 adj tied at both ends, like a carrying-mat.

gayung 1 n a coconut shell ladle, used in religious rites.

gayung 2 intrans (nggayung trans) swing to and fro continually hanging on sth; dance in a certain fashion.

gayur n the tusks of a kidang (roe-deer) (=kambit n bite).

gebag L intrans (nggebag trans) watch, keep watch on, observe, care for (kemit H, jaga C); n watch (division of time).

gebag-an n the watch, watchman, sentry; the personnel serving in a palace.

geban-géban intrans go up and down, hop, skip, shake (hair).

gebang n a species of wild palm-flowers.

duwin gebang n a mode of damascening on the blade of a kris.

gebeg intrans (ngebeg trans) rub, make contact with friction.

gebegang pass be rubbed, be ground (with a stone).

gebeh n a large container for water, of clay or metal.

gébér n dewlap (of cattle) (=gabir).

gebiyog n entrance to a fort; door or gate of a fortified place.

geblag intrans (nggeblag trans) smack with the flat hand.

gebog 1 intrans (ngebog trans) collect, gather, unite, add together; n meeting, gathering.

gebog-an n amount, sum, total; wholesale buying or selling; the amount agreed as payment for work.

gebogang pass be added up.

gebog 2 n a measure of length (=twenty fathoms); a roll of cloth of this length.

gebog 3 L n an offering made to the household gods at New Year (pajegan R).

gebrag intrans (nggebrag trans) startle, frighten.

gebras intrans raise the voice (magebras intrans).

gebug intrans (nggebug trans) strike, hit with a fist; strike a musical instrument (drum, gong).

gebuh adj tender (meat); soft (ground, fruit).

gécék intrans (nggécék trans) trickle.

gecok n stewed meat; a dish of meat stewed with herbs (=gagecok).

gedabag n a thud.

gedabaggedubug intrans walk heavily, tramp.

gedubug n a duller thud than gedabag.

geḑah n glasswork, crystal.

gedal intrans (nggedal trans) fall continuously on (e.g. heavy rain); trounce, beat.

gedang n a kind of plantain; n a kind of mango; n a papaya fruit; gedang saba n a species of papaya.

gedé L adj large, big, great; heavy, thick; noble, respected; high (water) (hagung R, hageng C) (nggedénang trans).

gedé keneh L be conceited.

gedénang pass be made great, magnified.

hida gedé n title of brahmana priests.

geḑé n bigness, size, greatness; n the name given to the eldest son (not daughter); n a title used for respectedśudras.

balé geḑé n the principal balé in a house complex (always of the same pattern) (balé hagung the chief balé in a temple or palace; temple).

geḑénan n a great person; compr larger, greater.

geḑénné its size (hageng hipun H).

paling geḑéna greatest.

gedebeg n a hollowed-out tree trunk on wheels; a Bali cart.

gedebong n the shredded stem of a banana plant, fed to pigs.

gedebong basah n a blade shape of kris.

gedeg n hate, ill will, anger; gedeg basang kahiné ‘is-hated (by) my guts.’

geḑeg L intrans (nggedeg trans) have ill will, be angry, hate (duka H).

geḑegang pass be hated.

geḑi intrans (ngedihang trans) go away, go out, remove oneself (magdi intrans).

gedog n the box in which the puppets for the wayang are stored, on which the dalang beats a rhythm to accompany his recital.

gedog-an n a wooden stable.

gedogolan n insects; unfledged young birds.

gedong n (Tenganan, EBali) a square cage, without floor and roof, built of bamboo, carried by the boys who are being initiated (teruna nyoman), from inside which they throw mud at the girls (gathered as sekaha dähä) in a balé.

gedong-an n a house built of stone; the sleeping-house (metén).

gedong kirtya n library.

gedong metén n the stone windowless house in which the parents sleep, in which also the family valuables are kept.

gedong tanah n underground house, cellar.

geḑong 1 n one room in a house of several rooms; a stone building.

geḑong 2 n a house for gods, built on four stone pillars.

géḑor intrans (nggédor trans) move the closed hand as though beating time.

géḑorgéḑor intrans wobble in the body (a fat man), move like a fat pig.

gedos intrans (nggedos trans) drive someone from his home, drive into exile.

geḑubang n the first red spittle from a betel-chew.

geḑuh adj sticky, soft (ground).

geḑuhgeḑuh n small holes left by the sea on the sand.

gedul adj blunt, blunted (the point of a knife).

gega C intrans (ngega trans) believe, trust in, obey (=gege) (sadin L, gugu H).

gegarang n a species of plant.

gegas conj (Raf) so that, until, finally.

gegem n fist, handful (nggegem trans).

hagegem n one fistful, as much as can be grasped in the hand.

gegémpélan adj conjunct sa, şa, and pa, which stand on the writing-line.

gegénan the usual pronunciation of gagahénan n.

gégér H n uproar, clamor, noise (hendeh L).

geginan n passion, desire (for things, action); devotion.

géh interj a sound made to encourage pigs to fight.

gehenggangsa n a species of caterpillar.

gejir n rocking on the legs.

gejor n shaking, earthquake (=linuh hageng ring bhūmi a great quaking on the earth); intrans shake, quake.

gela n pain.

gelägelä n a groaning sound, torture, torment.

geladag n a smooth floor of wood or stone;

geladag prahu the deck of a ship.

gelagah n a long, thick species of reeds.

gelah intrans (ngelah, nggelah trans) have (possess), have (a child); L n property.

gelaha pass be owned.

gelahang pass be caused to own, be claimed as one’s own.

gelahé the property (the word is used to mean ‘the property of,’ and often must be translated ‘my own, our own,’ ‘our’ (deruwé H).

gelahgelah, gelahgelahhan n property, possessions.

gelalanggeliling intrans roll to and fro.

gelam n a fungus-like climbing plant.

gélan intrans betroth.

kagélan pass betrothed (=n fiancé, fiancée).

gelanting intrans (nggelanting trans) hang loose from, hang on the hands.

gelang L n bracelet, anklet (pinggel R).

ga-geleng-an n wrist, ankle (pa-pinggel-an R).

gelang jalanan n door handle.

gelang kala n armlet.

gelanggang n a sharpened bamboo, used as a pike.

gelap 1 H n lightning, stroke of lightning (tatit L); intrans flash (of lightning).

gelap 2 H adj dark (peteng L).

gelar intrans put in order, arrange, spread out (ngelar trans); n order, regulation; strengthening; enclosure, ambush; battle-order; what is necessary for a feast; what one relies on; n stakes (at gaming).

gelarang pass be arranged.

gelas n glass (D).

gelatik n rice-bird; n a kind of melon.

gelayot intrans (nggelayot trans) swing to and fro, be pendulous.

gelbung n barn (=payung, jenang, panggong).

gelebeg n rice store (raised on posts).

gelebug n the thud of an object falling on the ground.

geleḑug (=geluḑug) intrans thunder (not violent); roll (stomach); n gentle thunder, rolling sound of the abdomen.

geleh intrans cry out in sleep, start up out of sleep with a cry.

gelek L intrans (nggelek trans) swallow, swallow down (heled H).

gelekang imp swallow it!

gelem L n illness, sickness, fever (sungkan R); adj ill; intrans be ill.

gelemgelem n pl sick people.

gelemgeleman intrans be sickly, stay in bed.

gelem ngapwan n tertian fever.

gelem ngator n fever which causes trembling.

gelem ngatung n quartan fever.

gelémék 1 intrans (nggelémék trans) blame, censure, advise, forbid.

gelémékin pass be blamed, censured.

gelémék 2 adj suitable, befitting.

gelénténg intrans (=gelanting) hang loosely from, hang on the hands.

gelénténg-an n a small kind of scoop-net.

geleng 1 intrans (nggeleng trans) attend to, give one’s full mind to; stare at.

geleng 2 K n anger; intrans be angry.

geles adj fine, beautiful, tender.

gelgel adj crooked, pulled awry, bent round, not capable of being put right.

geli intrans creep away ashamed, slink past someone.

gelibeg intrans (nggelibeg trans) lean over, topple.

gelidahgelidah intrans move about restlessly on a bed (=galédah).

gelili n barley sugar.

gelilik intrans (nggelilik trans) roll, revolve (see gilik).

gelinting intrans rise from the ground.

gelip intrans not dare to show oneself, creep away ashamed.

gelis H adj quick; adv rapidly, immediately (gangsa, hénggal L); intrans (nggelis trans) be quick, rapid.

gelisang pass be quickened, expedited, hurried.

geliyur intrans be disarranged, mixed up, confused.

gelodog adj coarse, roughly woven (mat, basket).

ga-gelodog-an n coarse woven work.

gelogoh n the sound of rushing water (nggelogoh trans).

gelogor n stable, hut for animals (cows, pigs, horses etc.) at night; n a woven bamboo cage for catching monkeys.

geloh intrans (ngeloh trans) flow, move about.

gelomoh adj pudgy, fat.

gelontongan n a block of wood; a short, thick log.

gelong R n the hair-knot usually worn by men (=gelung) (jempong L).

geludug (=geleḑug) intrans thunder gently; rumble (stomach); n thunder, rumbling.

geluluk intrans roll, revolve (=gelilik).

gelung n hair-knot of Bali men (=gelong).

gelur intrans cry aloud, weep loudly.

gelurgelur intrans yell often and loudly.

gelut intrans (nggelut trans) embrace, include, join together, unite to do sth.

gemal n a measure, a hand, four inches.

gemba adj brittle, weak, fragile; intrans not be strong enough for sth.

gembad n landslide; fall of a wall (=gembid); intrans fall down (wall), fall in (ground), burst out, erupt (volcano).

gémbal n the mane of a horse; a kind of maize.

gembid n landslide; intrans fall down, subside (ground), erupt (volcano) (=gembad).

gémbléng L n vulva (baga R, sarira C).

gemblung n the blunt thud of the alarm-block; the plump of sth falling into water.

gembol intrans be round, be spherical, fat (=gemol).

gémbol n a growth, swelling (body); a knob on a tree.

gémbrong adj having thick or long hair (animals).

gémé adj dirty, muddy, filthy (=daki).

gemel L n fist, clenched fist (kepel H); intrans (ngemel trans) hold in the fist, crush in the hand.

hagemel n a fistful.

ngemelngemel trans knead well.

gemes L adj hard, severe, cruel; n inhumanity, cruelty (keras H); intrans (nggemes trans) treat people harshly.

gemesang pass be forced (to do sth), be treated cruelly, severely.

gemgem intrans squeeze between two things.

gemol intrans be round, fat (=gembol).

gempal intrans (nggempal trans) break to pieces, break a large piece off sth.

gempel adj gathered thickly.

gémpél 1 intrans stand close together, be grown together (fingers, toes).

gegémpélan adj conjunct pa and sa (see gampél, gegémpélan).

gémpél 2 intrans be flat, not projecting (magémpél intrans).

gempilis n a kind of cake made with rice.

gempinis n a species of plant.

gempol 1 intrans tie together (mangempol trans).

kagempol pass be tied together.

ga-gempol-an n nosegay, bouquet.

gempol 2 intrans swell, be swollen; n a swelling, a thick lump, knob.

gempong n the rind of the fruit delungdung, used as an unguent for the skin.

gempuk adj prettily curled (hair).

gempuluk n a pack, burden, a package to be transported.

gempuluk-an n a package.

gempulukan mata n eyeball.

gempung intrans be wholly perished, annihilated, totally destroyed.

gemuh adj fertile (land); rich; abundant; n abundance, wellbeing.

gemuk adj immovable, stiff (nggemuk trans).

gén abbr of hanggén pass ‘be used’; abbr of dogén adv ‘only’.

gena L interro pron what? (=hapa); used only in: bakal gena?, lakar gena? what is it for? what good is it?

hanggona gena seken be-used-for what definite (purpose)?

genah H n place, situation; room, empty space; address (tongos L); adv where.

genahang pass be placed, laid down (nggenahang trans).

genahnyané ‘its place’ =where it is.

geņḑa n fault, mistake (esp in a game) (=danda).

ngendahang trans put at fault.

geņḑéla n window, frame (=jendéla).

geņḑeng adj foolish, simple, ignorant.

gendenggendengan intrans act ignorant, act foolish.

hanak geņḑeng n idiot.

gendér n a musical instrument: a row of thin copper keys tied together with strings, over a row of bamboo sounding boxes, used chiefly at the shadow-play.

geņḑing n tune, melody, song (nggeņḑing trans).

ga-geņḑing-an n song.

geņḑinggeņḑing intrans hum, drone.

geņḑis H n sugar (gula L).

geņḑis rateng adj dark brown.

gendolagan adj bare, unfledged (young birds).

géņḑong, gagéņḑong n knapsack, a beggar’s bag.

hanak géņḑong n beggar.

geņḑongan n a large gland in the neck beside the ear; a swelling of this gland.

genep L adj even (number); full, complete (jangkep H); intrans (nggenep trans) complete, fill, finish.

genéya K n southwest/northwest (kajakahuh L) (=gnéha) (S agnéya-).

geni (=gni) H n fire (hapi L); abbr of agni ‘used’ (S agni-).

genirowa, genirwa K n certain days of the month on which roofs must not be thatched (because they will catch fire).

genit L intrans be itchy (ngenit trans).

geņţa 1 n hand bell, used by padandas (S ghanta-).

geņţa 2 n a species of grass in fields.

genten H adj new (hanyar L).

gentén (=genti-an) n waiting.

genténg n small broad strips of bamboo, used as shingles for roofs, instead of thatch; rahab genténg a shingled roof.

genter, gentur n the rumble of thunder.

hagenturan adj like the rumble of thunder.

genti (=ganti) L intrans change, exchange (gentos H); silur genti L alternate (panyilur gentos H, pagentos gentos C).

geņţong n a large earthenware jar, used for water or oil; a measure.

gentos H (=gantos) intrans (ngentos trans) change; replace; renew; withdraw, give way; change one’s position (genti, gingsir, salin L).

gentosin pass be replaced (by) (gentinin L).

gentur n the rumble of thunder (=genter).

geng abbr of hageng H adj ‘great.’ génggang n name of a material for clothes.

géngséng n a copper frying pan.

génggong n a mouth-organ played with the fingers, like a Jew’s harp.

gencer intrans bite (ngencer trans); do sth often, urgently.

genyi adj spoilt (e.g. food with sand in it), uneatable.

genjang intrans (nggenjang trans) hurry, run fast.

génjanggénjong intrans shake as in an earthquake (=genjung).

genjargenjir intrans rock with the legs, rock in a rocking-chair.

genjé n a species of hemp.

genjé hamuk n a species of hemp used to make crickets ready to fight.

genjira K n a steel spur for tying on roosters’ feet (taji L).

génjong intrans shimmer, tremble (of the air) (=genjung); shake to and fro sideways, but fixed at the bottom (nggénjong trans).

génjongang pass be caused to move to and fro (magénjongan intrans shiver).

genjung intrans shake (see ka-pa-genjung); n shaking, tremor.

genjung guminé n earthquake.

genyug intrans (ngenyug trans) hit in a collision (spinning tops).

genyuga pass be collided with.

gepé intrans be utterly exhausted, dead tired, unable to go on.

gepéng intrans in the phrase batu gepéng: disobey an order, refuse a summons to military service.

geplug intrans (nggeplug trans) hit with the fist (=gebug, but less hard).

ger n rumor; intrans be rumored (nga-ger trans).

gér n the edge of a cliff, the rim of a hollow (=tembing).

geradaggeredeg intrans run to and fro in great fear; n the beating of the heart.

geradaggerudug 1 intrans run to and fro with a crowd; rumble (belly); crash, bang (doors, wheels).

geradaggerudug 2 n a throng.

gerah H n fever (panes L); adj dry, hot (skin), feverish; intrans be ill (=sungkan) (sakit L).

gerakgerok intrans gurgle, make a roaring sound.

gerantang n the stone head of an opium pipe (=cupak).

gerantangan, ga-gerantangan n things hung near the ceiling of the gedong metén (stone sleeping house) for safekeeping.

gerantim n a kind of gold head for a kris hilt decorated with a check pattern of iron wire.

gerang adj dried in the sun.

bé gerang n small fish dried in the sun.

gerap adj timid, cowardly (=getap).

gerasakgerasok intrans move restlessly like someone who cannot sleep, toss and turn, move about (=gurasakgurisik).

gerat adj dried out, withered; thirsty; dry and hot (skin); n inflammation.

gerayang intrans crawl about on legs (crabs, insects) (=grépé).

gerebed n confusion, disorder; adj disordered.

geredeg n the sound of many feet; the rumble of thunder (=gerubug).

gereh n noise, rumble; the sound of thunder; raving, raging (=geruh) (magereh intrans).

gerejeg n force, superior might (=garejeg) (nggrejeg trans).

gerénténg 1 n the stone head of an opium pipe (=gerantang).

gerénténg 2 n the sound of metal being struck; intrans (nggrénténg trans) clink, clang.

gereng n hum (of a crowd), roar (nggereng trans).

geréng adj harsh, hard (voice) (nggeréng trans).

gerénggeréng adj very harsh.

geret intrans carve, cut.

gereta pass be cut, carved.

gergaji n a saw, saw blade.

gerinda n a round grindstone; intrans (nggerinda trans) grind (knives etc.).

gering n sickness, affliction of the body, illness; pestilence; intrans have an affliction, be ill.

pagringan n plague, affliction.

geringsing n a kind of batik; geringsing sumäguna, geringsing wayang other kinds of batik.

gerip n pencil (D griff).

gerit intrans (nggerit trans) scour, scrub.

gerobag n a large coffer or chest.

gerobog intrans low, bellow, roar.

gerok n death-rattle; intrans (nggerok trans) make the sound of the death-rattle.

gerong n roar (=gereng); intrans roar, howl; sulk.

gerubug n cholera, epidemic disease; intrans have an infectious disease.

duk gerubugé at the time of the cholera.

geruḑa n eagle (=garuḑa).

gerudug n the sound of many feet; rumble of thunder (=geredeg) (nggrudug trans).

gerug n noise, raging; the sound of thunder (=geruh).

geruh n noise; sound of thunder (gereh, gerug).

gerunyam (=garunyam) adj naughty, like a scoundrel, like a rogue.

gerus intrans (nggerus trans) stroke over sth, smoothen, iron (clothes).

ges adv the day before yesterday; huling ges pwan (=huli hi pwan) since the day before yesterday.

gesah n trouble, affliction (=gisuh); intrans have trouble with sth, fail to reach one’s goal quickly.

gesang intrans live, be alive (=hurip).

gesar intrans be boiled till dry (rice); stick like dry sand.

gésé intrans be close, near (used with a vb =almost, very nearly).

géségéséyan intrans be very close.

geseng H intrans (ngeseng trans) set on fire, light, scorch, singe (tunjel, ludus L).

gésgés intrans (nggésgés trans) scratch an itching place.

gesik 1 n violin bow (=gosok).

gesik 2 intrans blow the flute.

gesing n thorny bamboo.

gesit 1 intrans shiver, have gooseflesh, shudder.

dingin gesit there is a nip in the air.

gesik léték unsalted, insipid.

gesit 2 intrans be uncombed or dirty (hair), have sticky dirt on the skin.

géso 1 n a bright red, non-patterned material for loincloths.

géso 2 n abbr of gerakan satu Oktober (a reference to an attempted coup in October 1965).

gestok n abbr of gerakan satu Oktober (a reference to an attempted coup in October 1965).

getak intrans (nggetak trans) drive before one, drive cattle.

getap adj frightened, timid, fearful, cowardly.

getar adj clear, enthusiastic (speech).

getas 1 K n mango (poh L).

getas 2 adj broken, broken off; clear, properly accentuated (speech) (see tas, tastas).

getel intrans (nggetel trans) pinch, break off with the fingers, pluck, pluck, off (leaves) (=getil).

getep intrans (nggetep trans) clip (wings); cut to a point, sharpen.

geti n a kind of delicacy.

getigeti n pl sweets, candy.

getih L n blood (rah, herah R).

getik intrans (nggetik trans) make a knocking sound.

getil intrans (nggetil trans) pinch, pluck with the fingers (=getel).

geting intrans repel, disgust, arouse dislike or anger.

geţing 1 intrans become narrower, come to a point; be thick at the ends and thin in the middle.

geţing 2 n repulsion, dislike, disgust.

geţok intrans (nggetok trans) rap, tap (with the knuckles); knead dough.

getor n shivering, trembling (nggetor trans).

gelem nggetor n ague.

getul intrans be extremely small (=getung).

hagetul n a tiny bit (=hagetung).

getung intrans be extremely small (=getul).

hagetung n a tiny bit (=hagetul).

géwar n the sound of many voices, din, noise.

gibeg intrans (nggibeg trans) tear oneself free, loose (=gadibeg).

gidat n forehead; sakit gidat n headache.

gidgid adj sharp (stones).

gigi L n tooth, tusk (huntu R).

gigi kilap n thunderbolt.

gigina, giginyané his teeth, tusks.

gigir R n back (of the body) (tundun L).

gigis 1 intrans be little, gentle, unimportant, be not bad.

gigis-an compr less, less bad; better (health after illness).

gigis masahut intrans give a gentle answer.

gigis 2 n a bit.

hagigis one bit.

gigis 3 n the third day of the eight-day week.

gigit intrans (nggigit trans) eat the opium that remains stuck to the pipe.

giha K n rock cave, grotto (=giya, gwa).

gihet intrans be in earnest, be serious (=giyet).

gihing n backbone, spine.

tulang gihing n vertebra.

gila n revulsion, horror; intrans be repelled by sth.

gilak adj rapid, hasty; making rapid movements indicating madness.

gilap intrans shine, beam, gleam; n shine, coat of varnish.

gilgil intrans tremble, shiver with cold.

gilgilgilgil intrans tremble with old age; tremble over the whole body.

gili K n ridge, long hill; small island.

gilih intrans (nggilih trans) change positions with someone, take over duty, relieve a guard; do sth in turns, in course; n exchange, change, taking over (duty), relief.

gilih-an adj acting in turns, in course.

gilik intrans (nggilik trans) turn sth about, roll away (a large object); adj round, spherical (bunter H).

giling intrans (nggiling trans) turn, roll.

gilir intrans exchange with someone, take turns (=gilih).

gilir-an n watch, period after which a guard is relieved.

gina K n hook, barb (bucu L).

hastagina having eight corners (a shape of balé).

pancagina having five corners (a shape of balé).

ginawé K pass be being done, have been taken in hand (gawé +infix -in-).

gintan n cumin.

gintan cemang n black cumin seed.

gintil n pimple, lump on the skin.

ginggang intrans totter, waddle, be unsteady; intrans be of changeable temper, unsteady of purpose (=hobah).

gingser intrans go more rapidly (ngingser trans).

gingserang pass accelerate (of a car).

gingsir H intrans change one’s place; remove, withdraw, yield (gentos H, kisid L).

gingsul intrans be set crooked, be twisted (teeth) (=salah genah be wrongly positioned).

ginceng intrans have the hair in disorder; be very frayed (a rope).

ginjal 1 intrans (nginjal trans) stamp with the feet; tread on, trample on.

ginjal 2 intrans (nginjal trans) not go smoothly; be displaced (numbered pages).

ginjal 3 n what is left over after sth has been shared out.

ginjel n little lumps of fat on the neck.

gipih n speed, haste; adj rapid (=gupuh); intrans hurry, hasten.

gir intrans make the sound of a small gong.

girang intrans rejoice, be very happy, do sth with pleasure.

giri K n mountain (gunung L M).

girik intrans (nggirik trans) toy with, fiddle with; bore a small hole; clean cotton by stirring with a stick.

giring n side, edge (nggiring trans).

gisang intrans (nggisang trans) touch with the hand.

gisangin imp handle (it)! gisgis intrans scratch with the nails (=gasgas).

gisi L intrans (nggisi trans) hold, hold firmly, keep firm hold (gamel H).

gisina kébotina pass ‘is-held is-be-lefted-by him’ =is held by him in his left hand.

gisina knawanina pass is held by him in his right hand.

gisok intrans rub (=gosok).

gisuh n difficulty, trouble (=gesah); intrans have trouble with sth, not reach one’s goal easily.

gita K n story, narrative, poem (S gītā- ‘song’) (gaguritan L); n melody, tune (gending L).

gitik n rod, stick, staff.

ga-gitik n rod, stick, staff.

giwang 1 n talc-earth.

giwang 2 adj inlaid with lozenges of mother-of-pearl (comb, knife etc.).

giya K n cave, grotto (=giha, gwa).

giyat n pimple, pustule on the face.

giyet L intrans be serious, be in earnest about (=gihet) (hitep H).

giyetgiyet intrans make a great effort.

giying n spine, backbone (=giing).

giyur n clamor, roaring, raving.

gl- words beginning gl- are also spelled gel-.

glagak R intrans (ngglagak trans) drink by pouring from a vessel into the mouth (cérét L).

glekglekang intrans drink reluctantly (e.g. dirty water).

glendarglendir intrans saunter about, roam idly, stroll in the streets.

gli n a tickle; gli hatiné n an impulse to laugh.

gliņḑeng, gliņḑenggliņḑeng L intrans wander, stroll, go off alone with no set goal (malalancaran R).

gliņḑer intrans lose one’s balance, fall over.

glogor L n stable, barn, shed (kandang H).

gluglu intrans sob; n sobbing.

gmesang pass be caused to be severe (gemes adj).

gnéha K n southwest (=genéya) (S angéya-).

gnep n completion; intrans be completed (=genep).

gni K n fire (S agni-).

go K n cow, bovine (S go- in compounds).

goba L n form, outward appearance, manner, shape, figure, face, color (warna R, rupa C) (nggoba trans, magoba intrans).

goba jelék n ugly shape, ugliness.

gobéd n a sort of knife for slicing fruit, vegetables, etc. (nggobéd trans).

gocék intrans (nggocék trans) put a rooster through its paces.

gocék-an n a small cockpit, used for testing roosters.

goco, gocogoco intrans pretend to be what one is not.

goḑa intrans (nggoda trans) tempt; god,a n temptation.

goḑég n the leg-feathers of a fowl; hair on a man’s feet.

goḑég drupa n fowls’ feathers reaching beyond the thigh.

godél n the young of a domestic animal.

godél kambingé n kid, lamb.

godél kuldiné n the donkey’s colt.

godél sampi n calf.

godem n a sort of barley; (Raf) millet.

goḑoh, ga-goḑoh n a cake made with flour.

goḑong K n leaf (hedon L).

godot intrans (nggodot trans) saw, hack with a knife.

gogong intrans (nggogong trans) carry sth with the help of many others, carry on a litter.

gohok n hole, hollow, opening, a small cave (=gowok).

golak intrans (nggolak trans) grope after sth, seek persistently till one has found sth.

goléng intrans have spindly legs, grow out of one’s clothes; be top-heavy.

golgol adj blunt, blunted (a cutting tool).

goloh adj wide, roomy; loose-fitting (clothes); n what does not pinch, does not squeeze; what goes in or comes out easily.

golok n a large knife, chopper.

golong intrans form a body; be united in a group; make (rice) into a ball (nggolong trans).

golongan n troop of soldiers.

gholongan Legion (Lk 8.30).

gombéng intrans (nggombéng trans) pull on sth held between finger and thumb; pinch (=gompés).

gombét intrans (nggombét trans) break sth off with one’s nails, scratch to pieces.

gomboh adj too wide, too roomy (clothes); intrans be loose, not tight enough (rope).

gompés intrans pull on sth held between finger and thumb (=gombéng).

gomplok n troop, band; intrans form a troop.

goņḑa n a species of shrub.

gondala n a sort of fat nodule on a fowl’s ear.

goņḑang n a large water-snail.

goņḑong n a great swelling on the neck, goiter.

gonték intrans (nggonték trans) strike with the fingers towards one’s body.

gonténg intrans (nggonténg trans) tear open, scratch open.

gonténgang pass be torn open (the lobe of the ear by wearing a subeng, a heavy earring).

gong n a large gong (used also for the whole orchestra).

gonggang intrans sway, swing, oscillate; squabble (magonggang intrans).

gongséng n a necklace with little bells on it, bells worn on the neck (magongséng intrans).

gongsor intrans make haste, hurry, go on without interruption.

gonjak n amusement, fun, romp.

gonjan n noise.

gopél 1 intrans break one or more pieces off sth.

gopél 2 n a kind of cake.

gopés intrans pinch between two fingers, squeeze.

gopiţa K n an aphrodisiac; n a kind of cosmetic.

gopura n the panel of carving above the gateway of a temple or a palace.

gordi n gimlet.

goréng intrans (nggoréng trans) roast, broil, fry, cook.

gorénga pass be fried.

gorét intrans (nggorét trans) croak.

gorétgorét intrans croak continually about sth.

goroh n prodigality with money; intrans squander one’s money, be prodigal; be generous.

gorok intrans (nggorok trans) cut the throat of an animal, slaughter.

gorok-an n sacrificed animal (=korban, semblingan).

juru gorok n slaughter man.

goros intrans (nggoros trans) drag a heavy weight after oneself.

gorot intrans (nggorot trans) stroke over or along sth; play a violin.

gosok intrans rub, scrape (=gesik); n violin bow.

gosong intrans (ngosong trans) pick up, carry on the shoulders, carry away.

gosonga pass be carried by.

got n gutter, drain (Mal).

goţok intrans hammer.

gotol n the cock of a gun.

gagotol n the cock of a gun.

gotong n piece, fragment; adj broken in the middle.

gotra R n scissors (gunting L).

gowa n cave (=giha, gwa).

gowak 1 n raven, crow (=gwak).

batu gowak n obsidian.

gowak 2 n a kind of pulse seed.

gowakgowék intrans quack (ducks).

gowang n a headless ghost; a kind of monster (=lawéyan).

gowargowar intrans speak in a subdued voice, complain, wail.

gowat, ga-gowat-an L n the last date for payment; the day by which work has to be delivered (wates H).

gowéhgowéh intrans shout, cry from a distance.

gowok n hole in the ground, den (animal), hollow, opening (=gohok).

gra K n top, point.

grabad n thing, substance.

grabad-an n merchandise, what is kept in a shop.

gragas intrans (ngragas trans) climb sth with the help of the hands.

grago n a species of shrimp.

gräna K n eclipse of the sun (kapangan L ‘is eaten’).

grana Jav n nose.

grami n a species of fish (bé gerami).

grantangan n family valuables hung near the ceiling for safety in the gedong metén (parents’ sleeping house); n valuables carried about in one’s sash to keep them safe (=gerantang, ga-grantangan).

grantangan basa n the interlinear translation of a document.

granggeng n grumbling (=grenggeng); intrans mutter, grumble.

grayang intrans (nggrayang trans) move along (a swarm of ants); skip along.

grebeg intrans (nggrebeg trans) surround a high personage (of a crowd); n the customary procession of district chiefs and their subordinates round the king’s palace.

grédag intrans (nggrédag trans) exorcise evil spirits; n exorcism.

gregaji n saw (tool) (nggregaji trans).

grégatgrégot intrans hobble along.

gregeh, grégéh intrans neigh, whinny (nggrégéh trans).

grégot adj waddling, tottering (gait) (see grégatgrégot).

gréja n a high balé, used as a watchtower in war.

grembengan n a wooden block put on oxen at the beginning of ploughing; a wooden bell for oxen (the same, but smaller is kroncongan).

grémbéng adj steep, vertical.

grémbéng-an n a steep drop, slope, an abyss.

grembini H intrans (nggrembini trans) have peculiar desires for food (a pregnant woman) (hidam L).

gremeng intrans (nggremeng trans) be half-dark, foggy, shortsighted; loom up.

gréméng adj in tatters (a garment); eaten by caterpillars (leaf).

gremong intrans stick up (the feathers of a fowl).

greng K intrans shout (magrengan intrans).

grenggeng intrans mutter, grumble, talk to oneself, growl (=granggeng); n mutter, grumble, growl.

grenyatgrenyit intrans move about on one’s feet, be in continual motion; rock oneself in a sitting position.

grépé, grépégrépé intrans (nggrépé trans) crawl about on legs (crabs, insects); crawl forward with one foot at a time.

gretép intrans act energetically.

grindemgrindem adj rainy, (sky) covered with rainclouds.

gringsing n a kind of batik (see geringsing).

grinjem n borer, esp for boring guns or blow-pipes.

grisgis n a deep breath (in sleep) (=grusgus).

griya C n the house of a brahmana (gradation: griya, puri, jero, humah) (S grhya-).

griyamgriyam intrans swarm, be present in large numbers (insects).

griyenggriyeng intrans mutter, grumble, talk to oneself, growl (=grenggeng).

griyohan n hubbub.

grobag n a box (of wood or woven work).

grobogan n waterfall (roaring water).

grongsang n a fowl with curly feathers.

grongsyang intrans (metal objects) clash together.

growanggrowéng intrans roar (a captured tiger).

groyohgroyoh intrans sway the body, roll, shake, rock.

grumbungan n a wooden block put on oxen at the beginning of ploughing; a wooden bell on an ox (=grembengan).

grusgus n deep breathing in sleep; the sound made by a carpenter’s plane.

gua n cave (=gia, gowa).

guak n crow (bird) (=gowak).

guak selem n raven.

gubar K n an oblong drum beaten with sticks, war drum (=kendang).

gubeg intrans (nggubeg trans) be restless.

gudgud adj worn out, old, used up, useless.

guḑig adj covered with sores (skin), scurvy; n scurf.

gudug n a kind of leprosy.

gugonin pass be believed (=gugu).

gugu H intrans (ngugu trans) believe (sadin L, gega C); n faith, belief (sadin L).

guguwang pass be believed; post bail for, act as surety; guguwang habet be surety for conduct; guguwang hada be surety for personal safety; guguwang panganggo act as full surety in law.

guguh intrans pine away with age (animals), be very old.

gugul intrans (ngugul trans) disturb, worry, trouble (=gulgul).

gugut intrans bite, gnaw, snap (=gutgut).

guhguh intrans be very old (=guguh).

guhun n the warp in a loom.

guhung 1 (=guwung) intrans shut in, cage (ngguhung trans).

guhung-an n a cage for a gamecock (circular, with a curved roof).

guhung 2 (=guwung) n the sign for conjunct r after a consonant (cakra K).

gujeg intrans (nggujeg trans) press in on sth; fight about sth, squabble.

gula L n sugar (from cane) (gendis H).

gula batu n loaf sugar.

gula pasir n powdered sugar.

gulabir intrans wobble (fat); quiver, shake; shimmer (the horizon in heat) (=gabir).

gulakgulik intrans roll about in one’s sleep, turn over and over.

gulem L n cloud (méga H); intrans be cloudy (sky); gulem ngemu n a rain cloud.

gulgul intrans (nggulgul trans) excite, stir up, annoy, hinder.

guli n (Raf) finger joint.

gulik intrans (nggulik trans) roll, roll away, roll round.

guliling intrans (ngguliling trans) twist round, turn round.

guling 1 intrans (ngguling trans) roll up; turn round and round, cook sth on a spit.

bé guling n meat roasted on a spit; a roast sucking pig.

guling buntut n human sacrifice (as formerly practised).

gulingin pass be rolled up by someone.

guling 2 n a round cushion, bolster.

gulis intrans (nggulis trans) cut the flesh from the bones; fillet fish.

gulu C n neck (bahong L).

gulung L intrans (ngulung trans) roll (lelet H); n roll (of material).

gulung-an n roll, bale; intrans roll, turn over.

gulungin pass be rolled; saling gulungin roll over someone.

gumana n intention, purpose, proposal (nggumanayang trans).

gumanayang imp pay attention! be purposeful!

gumanti 1 L conj until (ganti +infix -um-) (gumentos H).

gumanti 2 intrans (gati + vb) do sth with great concentration.

gumasih in the phrase sih gumasih n enduring love, mutual love (sih humasih =hasih +infix -um-).

gumatapgumitip, gumatatgumitit n creatures, esp flying insects or creeping things.

gumatargumatar intrans tremble violently (gatar +infix -um-).

gumati intrans be diligent (gati +infix -um-).

gumbreg n the name of the sixth week.

gumentos H conj until (gentos +infix -um-) (gumanti L).

gumenyah intrans burst forth in crowds.

nyahnyah gumenyah have many children.

gumi L n country (political), realm, kingdom; town, city; ground, land, soil (negara, negara H); (=ghumi) the world.

guminé the land, the earth.

guminné their town.

guminnyané his country, district.

gumi pulangan retired members of the village council.

gumilap intrans glitter, sparkle (gilap +infix -um-).

gumitir n a species of flower.

gumpang n the heads of rice when the grain has been beaten out.

gumpung intrans fall out (hair), have fallen out.

gumuk n grave mound, mound, heap of earth (=gagumuk).

gumulah adj boiling (water).

gumuruh K intrans make a great noise (guruh intrans +infix -um-); n the sound of many voices.

guņa K n profit, gain, advantage; energy, force, magic (S guna-); adj clever, capable, able.

guņanné his gain; its advantage, profit, point.

gunati n title of a poem (=dé gunati).

guņḑik n concubine; a prince’s secondary wife (śudra).

guņḑul adj (ngguņḑul trans) bald, completely shaven.

gunem n music performed before the shadow-play.

gun-gun intrans (ngun-gun trans) give in to one’s child, spoil a child in this way.

guntek n a species of fish.

gunting n scissors; intrans (nggunting trans) shave, cut the hair.

guntingan n small insensitive pimples on the skin.

guntung n thin fibers from the midribs of palm leaves, twisted into rope.

gunung n mountain.

gunung-an, gununggunungan adj mountainous, looking like mountains.

gunung batu n solid rock.

gunungé, gunungngé the mountain.

gununggunung pl mountains.

gung L n amount, total (abbr of hagung).

gung hartta, gungngartta total amount of money.

pigung n amount, count.

gunggung n a species of wild strawberries (=gaunggung).

gupek n an oblong drum, beaten with the fingers.

gupremén n government (D gouvernement).

guprenul n governor (D gouverneur).

guprenul jéndral n governor-general.

gupuh intrans hurry, be quick; n speed, haste; adj hasty, hurrying.

gur intrans make the sound of a large gong.

guragada adj very arrogant.

gurasakgurisik intrans toss and turn when unable to sleep; move about restlessly; be movable (=gerasakgerasok).

gurda K n banyan tree (bahingin L).

gurit n poem, story, narrative (see gorét ‘croak’); intrans (nggurit trans) tell a story, recite a poem, compose literary work.

guru 1 n teacher (S guru-); spiritual teacher; hi guru suśrusa respect for teachers and elders as a religious duty.

para guru the teachers.

guru 2 H n father; used as pron =you, I, he (like bapa); hi guru Father.

bhatara guru a title of Siwa.

guru loka the king’s priest, the priest presiding at a national religious festival.

gurun cningngé thy father (to Jesus from his mother, Lk 2.48).

guruh K intrans make a loud sound, the sound of many voices or of thunder (=gereh).

gusti H n lord (written ghusti, gusthi); master; address of a wife to her husband.

gusti, hi gusti used as pron ‘you’ to high persons; hi gusti and hida gusti are part of the names of persons of the wésya and satriya castes (male and female).

gusti hayu title of female wésya.

gustin méméné (my) lady mother.

gutgut intrans (nggutgut trans) bite (men and animals), snap, nibble, gnaw (=gugut).

gutil intrans (nggutil trans) bite (snake).

guto n the name of the alleged ancestor of the sengguhu (śudra priests).

guwam, guwaman n a disease of the mouth in children; quinsy.

sakit guwam intrans have quinsy.

guwangan n an instrument on a kite, sounded by the wind.

guwét intrans (ngguwét trans) carve, cut into, make incisions in.

guwi in guwi tengah marcapada n the equator.

guwung n the conjunct r after a consonant (=guhung) (cakra K).

guyang intrans roll in the dust; throw oneself round and round, lying on the ground.

guyu intrans (ngguyu trans) laugh; n a laughing face, laughter.

guyonin pass be laughed at.

guyul adj weakened with age, stiff in the joints with age (ruyut H) (not as extreme as raya L).

gwa n (=guwa) cave, den.

gwak n crow (bird) (=gowak).

gwak selem n raven.

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary

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