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Оглавлениеcempaka 1 (=cepaka) n frangipani, gardenia (the name of several species of tree).
cempaka 2 (=cepaka) n a type of bodily structure, neither too big nor too small (nempaka trans).
cempala n the wooden hammer of the dalang, giving the rhythm of his recital.
cempaluk n the young fruit of the tamarind.
cemped n riddle, puzzle (=cimped).
cempedan n riddle.
cempéd intrans sound like a slap on the body (=cepéd).
cémpéng adj chipped, dented, jagged (=compéng).
cempér (=cepér) n a basket of green or dry coconut leaves, woven square, used as the base on which an elaborate offering is built up.
cempiyit n a species of small bat.
cempléngcempléng intrans speak unfathomable words.
cemplung 1 intrans (nyemplung trans) coddle, pet, spoil (a child) (Tabanan).
cemplungang pass be coddled, petted.
cemplung 2 intrans (nyemplung trans) fall into water.
cemplungang pass be dropped into water.
cemplungin pass be dived into.
cempurit R n a kris sheath (panyambung L, panyejer C).
cempurong n a banana leaf folded and used as a plate.
cemul adj having fat cheeks; fat (cheeks) (=cemil).
cén interro pron which? what? (abbr of hencén).
cénan compr which one? cenag n a shape of the body in which the chest bulges out.
cenan (Raf) adv beside.
cenana n sandalwood (=candana).
cenana jenggi n black sandalwood.
cénang n a kind of beaker; n the traditional hand-part of the hilt of a kris.
cenat intrans be bent upwards; hang back on the neck (head).
ceņḑala intrans be physically defective; be mean, bad; have an infectious disease.
hanak ceņḑala n a social outcast.
manak ceņḑala n a child born defective.
cendek H intrans (nyendek trans) be short, be brief (bawak L).
cendekan n a spear with a short shaft.
cendekang pass be shortened, abridged.
cendekné adv in short, in brief.
cendetné n (Karang) used as adv shortly, in a short while (=cendek); cendetné tyang jani mulih in a short while I now (am-going) home.
cendikih n a long river-fish, with black spots.
céndol 1 n a syrup made of rice or sago and coconut milk.
céndol 2 intrans (nyéndol trans) swell.
cenidra intrans (nyenidrahin trans) suspect (=celidra).
cenidrahin pass be suspected.
ceniga, cenigan n an ornament used in religious ceremonies, made of coconut leaves or other palm leaves.
cenik L adj little, small (=cerik) (halit H); n smallness (nyenik trans).
cenikang pass be made smaller (=cenikin).
cenikcenik n pl children.
cenikcenikan adj very small.
hanak cenikné his child.
monto cenikné ‘so-much his smallness’ =though he is so small.
cenikih n a species of watersnake.
cenil adj small (=cenik, cerik).
cening M n child, son (cerik L); adj young, small (=cenik); you (the normal word adults use in addressing children).
ceningé, ceningngé after a n =your.
cening dé n boy.
cening luh n girl
hi cening pron you.
centang intrans make the sound tang.
céntél intrans join closely (nyéntélang trans).
céntélan n match, equal; marriage partner.
céntélang pass be involved, closely joined.
centeng intrans make the sound of iron being struck.
ceņţéng adj soft, fine (voice); munyi ceņţéng a lovely voice.
centok intrans (nyentokang trans) match, compare with.
centokang pass be compared with, be matched with.
céntong n a metal (tin) measure of volume (grain).
centula adj defiled, impure, ceremonially unclean.
centung intrans make the sound tung (a small copper bowl, a percussion instrument, in the orchestra).
céng 1 intrans make the sound céng, make the sound of the cymbals (céngcéng).
cecéng intrans make the sound of the cymbals (céngcéng).
céng 2 n the eyeteeth (=caling).
cengag intrans be rooted to the ground with astonishment.
cengakcenguk n the cry of the quail; intrans cry (quail).
cengceng, céngcéng n cymbals; small copper bowls, part of the gagambelan (nyéngcéng trans).
céngcéngin pass be played (the céngcéng).
cenged intrans (Gyanyar) have children quickly.
cengeg intrans (nyengeg trans) take, catch, seize, arrest.
cengegin pass be caught, seized, arrested.
cengeh 1 adj exhausted (a rooster after a fight) (macengehan intrans).
cengehcengeh intrans groan, moan.
cengeh 2 intrans (Tabanan) run fast out of fear.
cengéh intrans make the sound ngéh (a newborn baby).
cengel-an n the nape of the neck.
cengelin pass be hit on the nape of the neck.
cengeng intrans make an earsplitting noise (=cengung).
cengér intrans make the sound ngér (a small child crying) (=clengér).
cengércengér intrans cry (a small child).
cenggeh intrans oppose strongly, defy.
cenggorét n a species of insect.
cengik intrans make sound ngik (a mournful sound) (=crengik).
cengil n dispute, argument (macengilan intrans).
cengkal intrans talk a lot.
cengkang n a span (tip of the first finger to thumb).
hacengkang n one span.
basangné hacengkang ‘his belly (is) one span’ =he is easily offended.
cengkéd n a physique curved in front; intrans have a swelling belly.
cengkéh 1 n cloves (spice).
cengkéh 2 adj morbidly talkative.
cengkéng intrans have a high-pitched voice, talk loudly; adj morbidly talkative (=cengkéh).
cengkilik n a measure (= ½ of cerongcong, = ¼ of a coconut shell).
cengking 1 intrans make the sound king.
cengking 2 intrans bear a grudge (ma-cengking intrans).
cengkir 1 n a young coconut.
cengkir 2 intrans (SWBali) be stunted, dwarfish.
cengkok intrans change the rhythm (in Bali music).
cengkong intrans (=ngongkong) bark, bay (dogs).
cengkorék n a species of crow (=cengoréd).
cengkorét n a species of insect (=cenggorét).
céngkrong n a shape of kris hilt; intrans be bent, crooked.
cengong intrans be growing rapidly less; cen-gong bayunné his strength is decreasing greatly.
cengongol intrans ponder, muse on (nyengongol trans).
cengongolang be pondered on in solitude;
Nguda cengongolang hibané ditu? Why are (you) musing alone there?
cengor intrans make the sound ngor (the roar of water); sound like roaring water.
cengoréd n a species of crow (=cengorék).
cengung intrans make the sound ngung (a whizzing sound, as of an arrow); a droning sound that pierces the ear.
cengur intrans make the sound ngur (weeping).
cepag adj short and fat, stocky, dumpy (body) (=ceplag).
cepaka n gardenia, frangipani (=cempaka).
ceped intrans (nyeped trans) strike, hit.
cepedin pass be hit, struck.
cepéd intrans make the sound of a flat hand hitting part of the body, smack, slap.
cepédin pass be slapped, smacked (nyepédin trans).
cepek intrans (nyepek trans) suit, fit.
cepeng adj smooth, equal, clean (of lines); adv straight out; intrans be exactly on the target.
cepér 1 n a square basket of green or dry coconut or jaka leaves, used as the base of an elaborate offering (cempér).
cepér 2 adj having fine features (face).
cepet 1 intrans always hit the bull’s eye, always be lucky (macepetan intrans).
cepet 2 intrans be quick, fast (Mal).
cepikan n the tip, topmost part.
cepil, ceping adj accurate.
ceplag adj short and fat (body), dumpy, stocky (=cepag).
ceplos intrans (nyeplosang trans) have come off, come loose (what should be fixed), be 1oose.
ceplosang pass be caused to come loose, come off.
cepo 1 n a small copper box.
cepo 2 n a large boil (=sepo).
cépo n greed, gluttony.
cepok L adv once, on one occasion (pisan H).
cepokang pass be done once (nyepokang trans).
cepok pindo ‘once, twice’ =now and then, once in a while.
pang cepok adv once.
cepol intrans (nyepol trans) fall.
cepolang pass be made to fall, be dropped.
cepolcepol intrans fall one by one.
cepolin pass be dropped by someone.
cépol n dwarf; adj dwarfish (=cabol).
cepong intrans (nyepong trans) make a hole, stab, pierce, perforate.
cepongang pass be pierced, stabbed, perforated.
cepuk 1 intrans (nyepuk trans) meet, come across, find.
cepukang pass be brought face to face with someone by someone.
cepukin pass be come across, be met accidentally.
cepuk 2 n a kind of cloth.
cepung 1 intrans not be (joint) heir (=ceput).
cepung 2 intrans (nyepung trans) be steep, be deep; habing cepung the river-bank is-steep.
cepungang pass be made steep, made deep.
cepung 3 intrans make the sound pung.
ceput intrans have no heirs (=cepung).
cerah intrans (nyerah trans) split right across, split all along, break completely.
cerahang pass be split by someone.
ceraki n merchant, wholesaler.
cerakén (=ceraki + -an) herbs, spices.
ceraking tahun n a waterspout on the sea (in these Vishnu is supposed to go up to heaven); perhaps also ‘water hose.’
ceramcam n a plant with edible leaves.
cerangcang n the triangular air holes in the clay walls of houses.
cerawis C n beard (jénggot L).
cerégah n a species of long banana.
cerek intrans (nyerek trans) (EBali) pinch.
cereka pass be pinched by someone.
cereking adj grasping, greedy, miserly; intrans have to be asked often to do sth.
ceremén n a species of plant (=carmén).
ceremi n a species of plant.
cereng intrans (see cureng).
cerét intrans make the sound of water running out of a vessel.
cerét cerét intrans drink by pouring water into the mouth from a distance.
cérét L intrans (nyérét trans) make the sound of water running out of a vessel (ngglagak R).
céréta pass be drunk till empty.
cérétan n a vessel for water.
cérétin pass be tried to drink.
cerik 1 n towel, scarf, a cloth worn over one shoulder (=selandang).
cerik 2 (Raf) n kettle.
cerik 3 intrans (nyerik trans) be small; L adj small, little, young (cening M, halit H); n child.
cerikang pass be made small.
cerikceriké the children.
cerikin pass be reduced, made smaller.
cerik kelih adults and children, small and large.
cerik mwani boy.
hané paling cerika which (is) youngest.
cerita (=carita) n story, tale, history.
cerma R n mirror (cermin H (Mal), meka L).
cerok intrans be hollow, sunken.
cerok dayanné his tricks are evil, his ways are bad.
cerok matanné his eyes are sunken.
cerokcok intrans drip off, fall in drops, trickle down (tears).
cerongcong n a kind of funnel (congcong with infix -er); n measure (= ½ céhéng).
ceroring n a species of fruit-bearing tree.
cerucuh 1 n semen, man’s seed (a very vulgar word for pejuh L, used as a term of abuse).
cerucuh 2 intrans abuse verbally, shout at.
ceruk n a grub infesting the arén tree (=hanceruk).
ceruwih intrans make the vague squeaks of young animals.
céscés intrans make the sound cés.
céscésan n a fish, the mudskipper (which says cés).
césta adj clever (=céstakara).
cét L n paint, color (=cat, pulas) (ngecét trans).
cétang, cétin pass be painted, colored by someone.
ceta 1 intrans (nyeta trans) guess.
ceta 2 intrans (nyeta trans) starve.
cetana pass be denied food, starved.
cetag 1 intrans make the sound tag (a rifle-shot).
cetag 2 intrans (nyetag trans) collide with (SWBali).
cetaga pass be collided with.
cetak intrans (nyetak trans) cast metal, cast type, hence ‘print’ (books).
cetakan n casting, printing.
cetakang pass be caused to be printed.
cetég intrans make the sound tég (a thunder-clap).
ceteng intrans not be feeble, be strong; hiya henu ceteng he is still strong.
cetét 1 intrans (nyetét trans) slit, cut; cetét layah siyunngé the tongue of the mynah has been slit.
cetéta pass be slit by someone.
cetét 2 intrans (nyetét trans) snatch, take quickly.
cetét 3 intrans cleanse with cotton wool.
céţi n pimp, pander (masc and fem).
ma-céţi intrans use a pimp.
ceţik n poison (artificial); adj poisonous (nyeţik trans).
ceţika pass be poisoned by someone.
céţok n a tool used by masons.
cetot intrans peck (bird), bite (snake) (=cotot).
cétra K n the first month of the Saka year (=March/April).
cétramasa n the beginning of the year.
cétrung n a species of bird that eats grubs, caterpillars.
céwagara n the name of a person in the stories of Nī Tantrī (nyéwagara trans).
ci L M ps pron thou (abbr of cahi).
cicang n a tuberous plant, used as a vegetable (=kecicang).
cicih intrans be ripe, before time; n premature birth; adj prematurely ripe.
cicil intrans (nyicil trans) continue to do, do gradually.
cicilan n a gradual step; instalment of cost.
cicilang pass be done gradually, be paid in instalments.
cicing L n dog, wolf (fox, jackal) (nyicing trans).
cicing kanta wild dog.
cicing paburu n hunting-dog.
cicip intrans (nyicip trans) taste, try, touch with the tip of the tongue.
cicipin pass be tasted, tried.
cidra 1 intrans (nyidra trans) be false, deceitful (S chidra-); n treachery, falseness, trick-ery; stab, murder someone in his sleep (=singsé).
cidra 2 intrans be cautious, careful.
cihing intrans be hard to deceive.
cihit 1 n a measure of a length, a unit of weaver’s thread (1/4 of madé).
cihit 2 intrans (nyihit trans) tie, bind firmly.
cihitin pass be tied firmly.
cihit 3 intrans chirp, make the sound of small birds.
cihna (=cina) H n sign; address of a person; title of a book (ciri L) (nyihna trans) (S cihna-).
cihnanné the sign of it, his address.
cik n form of addressing a Chinese male.
cikal n a species of creeper bearing hard, round fruits, used by children to play ball with.
tulang cikal n kneecap.
cikar 1 intrans (nyikar trans) speak angrily, sharply.
cikar 2 n wagon, cart, bullock cart (nyikarin trans) (Mal).
cikräbala n the people of Yama (god of death).
cikup intrans enclose, hold together (=cakup).
cikut n neck, nape of the neck.
cilak n a kind of ornament for the eyelashes.
cilalongan n a species of bird.
cili adj small, miniature; n a doll, puppet, small puppet.
cilicili n the little ones.
cilicili n a yellow brinjal.
cilicilihan jagung n maize newly come out, with red threads.
cimped intrans ask riddles (=cemped).
cimped-an n riddle.
ca-cimped-an n riddle.
Cina 1 adj Chinese; hanak cina n a Chinese man.
cina 2 name of a kind of balm; buka cina kabégal ‘like balm stolen’ =a great commotion.
cina 3 H n sign, address (=cihna) (ciri L); the name of a card-game.
cina wyakti H n eyewitness, corpus delicti.
cina yakti H n argument, reasoning.
cindaga n a plant like the pandanus.
Cintiya n a divine being, Lord Hyang Maha Esa.
cing n abbr of cicing in children’s riddles.
cingak H intrans (nyingak trans) see, look at (hiwas L).
cingakin pass be looked at, seen by someone; imp see, look at (him)! cingcing intrans tuck up the loincloth, as when wading a river (macingcingan intrans).
cingcingang pass be tucked up by someone.
cinging intrans (there) is too much prohibited; adj touchy, easily annoyed.
cingkelak intrans (nyingkelak trans) a children’s game of jackstones.
cingkelik n a wooden saron, xylophone; a musical instrument.
cingkerem n deposit of money; entry fee for a sekaha; moneybox (nyingkerem trans).
cingkrung intrans (nyingkrung trans) sleep with the legs drawn up.
cinglar 1 n a species of bird.
cinglar 2 intrans be invulnerable, immune to disease.
ciplak intrans (nyiplak trans) smack one’s lips while eating; chew (macaciplakan intrans).
ciplakan n the sound of chewing.
ciplakang pass be chewed.
ciplakciplak intrans smack the lips loudly.
cipta K n idea imagination, wish, desire (=citta) (S cipta-, cipta-).
cir n a small pipe emitting water.
circir n the movement of a male dog when copulating.
ciri intrans (nyiri trans) mark, betoken; L n sign, token; address (letter).
ciri cabang n asterisk.
ciri kapedasan L n the grounds of an argument.
cirin the sign (of).
ciriyang pass be marked by someone, be addressed by someone.
ciring n latrine, toilet, W.C. (paciringan, pejunan L; poratan R).
cirup intrans (nyirup trans) dye; n dye; writing on some substances.
cacirupan n dyed stuff.
cit interj (used to call piglets).
cita 1 (=cipta, citta) H n heart, feelings (hati L).
cita 2 n printed cloth.
citā (=cipta, citta) K n heart, feelings (hati L).
citah (=cittah) interj (used to call pigs).
ciţakan L n brick, material for making bricks (bata H) (nyiţak trans).
citta K n heart, seat of the personality (=cipta).
ciwa n a game consisting in throwing small things through two rows of holes in a long board called ḑakon (Jav).
ciya intrans disagree, not share a view.
cl- all the words beginning thus may also occur with initial cel-.
clabah n ditch, trench, moat.
clacar n a species of parasitic plant, epiphyte (nylacar trans).
claduk intrans be in disorder.
cladukang pass be disarranged by someone.
clagcag intrans be in disorder (=clogcag).
clagcagcligcig intrans walk to and fro alone.
clalongan n golden oriole.
clapcap intrans like to steal (dog).
clebok n a shallow hole in the ground (=clekodok).
clebongkak n a coconut husk cut in two.
clebungkah n a fragment of a clod of earth.
clebut intrans make the sound of an object falling into water.
cledced intrans (nyledced trans) file (wear down), abrade.
clégong n a hole in a road (=céglong).
clegos intrans be in mud.
clegosclegos intrans walk in mud with the feet sinking in.
cleguk intrans be in a hole (=clegut).
clegukcleguk intrans be sobbing.
clekék n the sound of swallowing (=slekék).
cleket n a species of tree with edible fruits.
cleketek intrans (nyleketek trans) scatter in disorder.
cleketik, clekitak intrans throw away, catapult.
clekitikan n a species of small dragonfly.
clekodok n a shallow hole in the ground (=clebok).
clekontong n a place where offerings are made (one of many).
clekongkong intrans (nylekongkong trans) sit, squat in such a way as to allow the private parts to be seen (women).
clekongkongang pass be displayed (as above).
clekotok L n eye (nylekotok trans).
clekur n circle, curve (nylekur trans).
clekut intrans be stagnant, confined (water).
clekutan adj confined, stagnant.
clekutclekut intrans be closely confined, oppressed.
clembeng intrans enter easily.
cléméh intrans be talkative, garrulous (=cléwéh).
clemik 1 n a place where offerings are made.
clemik 2 intrans speak (maclemikan intrans).
clemonosan intrans come out or arrive easily.
clempang (NBali) n balcony, veranda, porch.
clempik (SWBali) n lamp using coconut oil.
clempung intrans (nylempung trans) fall into water.
clempungang pass be dropped into water.
clempungin pass be fallen into, be entered.
clengek intrans make the sound ngek.
clengék intrans make the sound ngék.
clengér intrans sound like a small child crying (=cengér).
clenggek intrans stop every few moments.
clengik intrans make the sound ngik (a child crying).
clengking n a high-pitched voice.
clengkung intrans make the sound kung (a dog barking).
clenguk intrans make the sound nguk (when hit in the solar plexus).
clepeh intrans speak slowly.
clepehclepeh intrans speak slowly but correctly.
clepék intrans (nylepék trans) sleep soundly.
clepotahang pass be neglected (nylepotahang trans).
cleteng intrans (nyleteng trans) spot with black.
cléwéh intrans be garrulous (=cléméh).
clewis intrans enter smoothly into a hole (an elliptical object) (=cluwing, cluwis).
clicig, cligcig intrans walk alone in haste without looking about.
clagcagcligcig intrans walk to and fro alone.
clidra intrans suspect, be suspicious (=cenidra).
clika intrans (NBali) suspect, be suspicious (=cenidra).
climik intrans speak (=clémik).
cliring intrans be cautious, careful.
cliscis intrans (nyliscis trans) walk silently.
clocoh 1 intrans lack caution, be rash.
clocoh 2 n channel, groove (nylocoh trans).
clocohan n channel, groove.
clogcag intrans be in disorder (nylogcag trans).
closcos intrans jump about.
clucuh intrans be indecent, disgusting.
cludak intrans (Gyanyar) lust after someone’s wife.
cluluk 1 n widow, widower (balung L).
cluluk 2 intrans shout to make known where one is.
clungap intrans (nylungap trans) keep on asking, beg.
clupcup (=clubcub) intrans come or go one at a time.
cluwag intrans be rash in speaking, be pushed into speaking.
cluwing, cluwis intrans go smoothly into a hole (an elliptical object) (=clewis).
cob (=hecob) intrans fade (colors in cloth).
coba intrans (nyoba trans) test, find out if sth is satisfactory; n testing.
cobayang pass be tested.
cobcob intrans have meals at irregular times (=cebceb).
cobék (=cubék) n bowl, basin.
coblak (=coblek) intrans be uneven (=cublak); hentikan padiné coblak the growth of the rice is uneven.
cobling (=cubling) n a figure in a popular Bali story.
coblok n a box for keeping lime for betel-chewing.
coblong n a small pottery cup; intrans have a round bald spot on the head (=lengar coblong).
cocoh intrans (nyocoh trans) prick, stick a point in, make dots (=cohcoh).
cocok 1 adj dirty, greasy; improper, untamable; stupid; impolite (nyocok trans).
cocok 2 intrans (nyocok trans) fit, suit, agree with.
cocokang pass be fitted, suit, be made to agree.
cocok 3 intrans ask for food from other people.
cocol n heap, pile (nyocol trans).
cocolan n pile, heap.
cocolang pass be piled, heaped up, stacked.
cocolin pass be contained in; cocolin huyah (it) has salt in it.
cocol warak n rhinoceros horn.
cocong n a boy’s penis.
cocor n jib-boom (ship); rhinoceros horn.
cod intrans decrease in size, shrink.
coda n a kind of black skin-disease.
codcod intrans (nyodcod trans) be out of step, unrhythmic.
codcoda pass be read without rhythm.
codet n the scar of a wound.
cog (abbr of kecog) intrans hop like a bird, jump.
cogcag intrans be in disarray (=clogcag).
cogcog intrans hop about (see kecog).
cogér intrans (nyogérin trans) stick fast in sth.
cograh, cogréh, cokrah, cokréh intrans quarrel, dispute (=coréh).
cogroh intrans (nyogroh trans) paw, scratch (by a cat).
cogroha pass (it) is pawed, scratched.
cohcoh intrans (nyohcoh trans) stick (a point) in often, make holes, perforate.
cohcohang pass be stabbed into, have sth stuck into.
cohok (NBali) n appetite, taste.
cohong intrans look thin and pale (as one suffering from diarrhoea).
cok (=hecok) intrans lay a bet with dissimilar stakes.
cok n king (abbr of cokorḑa).
cokcok intrans (nyokcok trans) peck repeatedly (rooster); pound betel in a mortar.
cokéh intrans (nyokéh trans) dig out with a point, pick out.
cokéhang pass be dug out for someone.
cokéhin pass be dug out, picked out by someone.
cokeli n a kind of mother-of-pearl, used for inlaying.
coklat n chocolate (D); adj dark brown.
cokobiyoh adj irregular, careless, squandering.
cokol intrans (nyokol trans) squat, dwell, sit beside.
cokor C n foot (batis L) (nyokor trans) (Jav suku).
cokorné his feet.
cokor hi déwa, cokor hi ratu phrases used to very high persons as pronouns: ‘you.’
cokorḑa in the past, the title of the kings of Badung and Tabanan; now used as ps pron ‘you’ to kings, esp the déwa hagung of Kalungkung (the kings of Bangli, Buléléng, Gyanyar, Jembrana, and Karangasem were hanak hagung; the king of Kalungkung, who claimed to be over-king of all Bali, had the title déwa hagung).
cokot intrans (nyokot trans) snatch away, remove secretly, take with the fingertips; peck away, grab with the beak (birds) (see cotot).
cokotang be caused to be taken.
cokotin pass be taken away by, pecked away by.
cokrah, cokréh intrans quarrel, dispute (=cograh, cogréh, coréh).
cokrék intrans be in great need, be wretchedly poor.
col intrans (eat rice) without relishes; nahar nasi col (eat plain boiled rice).
colék intrans (nyolék trans) break off a small piece (=culik).
colékang pass be broken off for someone.
colékcolék intrans repeatedly break bits off.
colékin pass be broken off by someone.
colo intrans (nyolo trans) apparently be drinking (like a fish).
colob 1 intrans have sexual intercourse with a woman (very low).
colob 2 pass be allowed to remedy a fault in playing cikal.
colocolo n a species of sea fish.
coloh intrans be widely different.
coloh tujuh the index finger is distinctive.
coloh tendas, kelet hikuh ‘widely different is the head, skinned is the tail’ =he looks attractive, but is in fact stingy.
colok L n matches (fire) (=korék).
colong 1 n a rite performed when a baby is three months old.
colong 2 intrans (nyolong trans) steal, smuggle, take away quietly.
colongin pass be stolen (see majang colongin).
nyolong smara ‘steal love’ =commit adultery.
coma n moon, Monday (=soma K).
comél 1 adj talkative, jocular.
comél 2 intrans be repetitious, troublesome; mutter, murmur.
compak intrans (nyompak trans) notch, make an incision in (as a rubber tree).
compakin pass be tried to notch, tap.
compang intrans lack some pieces, have pieces missing, be dented, spoilt (=compéng).
compéng adj chipped, dented, jagged at the edges (nyompéng trans).
compéngang pass be chipped at the edge by someone.
compong intrans (nyompong trans) cut, cut some off, cut some out.
compongang pass be caused to be cut, be cut out for someone.
Coņḑong n the woman who is the principal supporting character of the heroine in dramatic performances (nyoņḑongin trans).
cono intrans go upwards and backwards (a cow’s horns).
conteng L n spoon (=séndok) (cékot H).
conto 1 L n sample, example, pattern (=tulad) (tilad R, tiru H).
conto 2 intrans (nyonto trans) be a pattern, give a sample, specimen.
contohin pass be given a sample; be set an example.
contok n a game, throwing coins into hollows.
contréng intrans (nyontréng trans) streak, scratch, tattoo.
contrangcontréng intrans be full of streaks and scratches.
contréngin pass be scratched, streaked by someone, undergo tattooing.
congah 1 L intrans be presumptuous towards superiors, refuse an order (prasangga C).
congah 2 n guilt, misdeed, presumption.
congak intrans (nyongak trans) be very bashful, timid.
congcong intrans (nyongcong trans) dig, dig a hole.
congcongang pass be dug for someone, be caused to be dug.
congcongin pass be dug by someone.
congécongé n an insect that makes a sound when it is alone.
congéh intrans be chipped, have bits broken off the edge (=cungih).
conggér n flowers attached to the hair of dancers (nyonggérin trans).
conggérin pass be so decorated with flowers.
congkak 1 n a hole dug in the ground with a hoe, for seeds (nyongkak trans).
congkak 2 n a the name of a card in ceki.
congkéh 1 intrans (nyongkéh trans) dig a hole with a point, dig out with a point (=cokéh).
congkéh 2 n (in some parts of Bali) coffee, coffee bush.
congkél intrans lever a small thing out of the earth.
congkelok adj bent round forwards (the horns of a cow).
copét n pickpocket; intrans (nyopét trans) pilfer, pick pockets.
copong adj dismembered (see compong); n the stump of an arm or leg.
cor 1 (=hecor) intrans (ngecor trans) pour (water).
kocorina pass (it) was poured-on.
cor 2 n oath (in the phrase nayubang cor ‘drink the oath’)(=sasat Raf).
corah adj evil, wicked, unjust, dishonest, sinful; n evil, sin.
corah-an n wickedness.
corahcorah n pl sinners, evil men.
corahné its evil.
hanak corah evildoer, thief, sinner.
corak n pattern (in weaving, etc.) (Mal).
coran adj subordinate (=cora K carry out an order); hané paling coran who is lowest in rank.
coratcoratan H n a big stream of water from a pipe; fig garis sané nénten karwan lines that are not regular.
corcor intrans (nyorcor trans) flow, pour, drop (liquid).
corcor-an n drain, water channel.
corcorang pass be poured, be dropped, be let drop on.
corcorin pass have (sth) poured on by someone.
coré adj evil, mean, vulgar; n a kind of demon.
coréh (=cokréh) intrans dispute, quarrel.
corék intrans (nyorék trans) scratch, draw a line, make a streak.
corék-an n scratch, streak, line.
corékang pass be caused to scratch, streak.
corékin pass be scratched, streaked; be underlined, be crossed out.
corok 1 intrans (nyorok trans) assume, guess, fathom, accuse.
coroka pass be accused.
corok 2 n adultery.
corong 1 n flame; intrans flame, blaze (nyorong trans).
corong 2 intrans (nyorongin trans) observe closely.
corongin pass be observed closely, be looked at through a telescope.
coţa intrans (nyoţa trans) be without a girdle.
coţé intrans (nyoţé trans) put the kris in the front of the belt, be ready to fight.
coţék (=cacoték) n a species of fish; lalayangan coţék a kite in the shape of this fish.
coţék masambung layur ‘a coţék (that) has been hooked is a layur (a bigger fish)’ =a small thing is greatly magnified.
cotot intrans (nyotot trans) peck, pick up (bird), bite (snake).
cototin pass be pecked, bitten.
saling cotot intertwine beaks.
cowak 1 n name of a song containing an old man’s advice.
cowak 2 intrans be spaced apart at varying distances.
cowet intrans sound like the cry of a bird.
cr- words beginning with cr- often are spelt cer-.
cracah a species of sea fish.
cracap n a sharp point; cracap pancing the barb of a fishhook (nyracap trans).
cracakcrékcék intrans drip here and there, drip everywhere.
crakén n a rectangular section of a rice field (nyrakén trans).
craki n seller of spices.
craki keling n a very stingy person.
cramcam n a vegetable soup containing creamed coconut.
crangcang n latticework (nyrangcang trans).
crangcangin pass be filled with latticework, provided with a lattice.
crapcap n a sharp-pointed thing (=cracap).
creced intrans file sth down (=cledced).
creceh intrans happen little by little.
crecek intrans be pockmarked (=crekcek).
crecek-an n pockmark.
crécék n drop (of liquid) (=crékcék).
crécét intrans spill, scatter (=crétcét).
cregem intrans (nyregem trans) scratch with nails or claws (=crekem).
crekcek intrans be pockmarked (=crecek).
crekcek-an n pockmark.
crékcék n a drop of liquid (nyrékcék trans) (=crécék).
crékcékang pass be made to drop, drip.
crékcékin pass be dripped by someone.
crekem intrans scratch with nails or claws (=cregem).
cremé n a species of fruit.
cremén n a species of fruit.
cremi n mirror (meka L, cerma R).
crénggah intrans have many branches (=curénggah, curénggéh).
crengik intrans make a mournful sound ngik (=cengik).
crérétin pass have liquid sugar poured on it (see hacrérétan).
crétcét intrans (nyrétcét trans) spill out, scatter, run over (liquid from a bowl) (=crécét).
créwét intrans be hard to please, be fussy.
crigcig intrans walk alone in haste without looking about (=cligcig).
crik n child; adj little, young (=cerik).
criret intrans (nyriret trans) shrink.
criring intrans be alert, very cautious; be miserly, closefisted.
crobo adj improper, awkward, cruel.
crocot intrans make the sound of a pig eating (=crotcot).
crokcok intrans (nyrokcok trans) fall in drops everywhere.
croring n grief, sorrow.
crorot n a sort of sweet wrapped in coils of coconut leaves.
crotcot intrans make the sound of a pig eating (=crocot).
crucuh intrans like to use foul language (=cruhcuh).
crucut intrans walk alone, not looking about (=crutcut).
cruhcuh intrans like using foul language (=crucuh).
crukcuk n song-thrush.
crungcung intrans cut the tips off (=cruncung).
crutcut intrans (nyrutcut trans) walk alone not looking about (=crucut).
cruwét intrans make the sound of a monkey or a bird (=cuwét).
cruwi, cruwing adj mean, closefisted.
cruwit intrans sound like a hungry piglet.
cub (=hecub) intrans stop for a moment (usually macub intrans).
cubang n a pit to collect rainwater.
cubék n pan for boiling rice; stone cooking pot (=cobék).
cublak intrans be uneven (in growth, etc.) (=coblak).
cublik n a small lamp.
cucu L n grandchild (putu R).
cucunné her grandchild.
cucud L intrans (nyucud trans) ask persistently, often (sesed H).
cucuh intrans spit, spew; cast out; say what comes into one’s head (=cucur).
cucuk 1 n the beak of a bird; the foremost point of sth; vanguard; intrans (nyucuk trans) peck, skewer with the beak; be foremost; be next in rank to the king (=cukcuk).
cucuk-an n the peak of a man’s headcloth; n one who receives orders directly from the king.
cucuk garuda n eagle’s beak.
cucuk kondé n a hairpin securing a coil.
cucuk nyonyo n nipple of a breast.
cucuk 2 intrans (nyucuk trans) cauterize a wound (=cukcuk).
cucul adj swollen (macucul intrans).
cucur 1 n a species of bird.
cucur 2 intrans spit, spew (=cucuh).
cucutan n a large water insect, whose larvae are grubs.
cugetan hati intrans be offended at the least thing.
cuh intrans make the sound of spitting.
cuk n (abbr of cukén) customs duty, toll tax.
cuka n vinegar (nyuka trans H).
cuka Bali native vinegar.
cuka Belanda European vinegar.
cuka tahun vinegar that has been kept for years.
cukat intrans be venturesome, bold in climbing; impudent.
ka-cukat-an n boldness.
cukcuk 1 n beak; front point of sth; vanguard, adj first, foremost; intrans (nyukcuk trans) pick up with the beak; poke repeatedly, peck at.
cukcuka pass be poked repeatedly.
cukcukin pass be pierced, skewered.
cukcuk 2 intrans (nyukcuk trans) cauterize (a wound) (=cucuk).
cukén n customs duty, toll, tax (nyukénin trans).
cukénin pass be collected from (tax, toll).
cuki n a game like draughts.
cukit n a small sharp stick of bamboo on which offerings are stuck; fork; intrans (nyukit trans) prick, scratch with a point; vaccinate.
cukit-an n vaccination.
juru cukit n vaccinator.
cukli n a species of shellfish.
cukong n financier.
cukup 1 (Jav) intrans be complete, be enough (jangkep H, genap L) (nyukup trans).
cukupang pass be made enough, be fulfilled, completed.
cukup 2 intrans (nyukup trans) close (an umbrella, a book).
cukur intrans (nyukur trans) shave (the beard) (gunting L).
cukur-an n being shaved.
cukurin pass be shaved by someone, have one’s hair cut.
cula H intrans (nyula trans) castrate (teres, teles L).
culaléng adj shiny (a bald head).
culayan H n a castrated animal.
culig adj envious, disturbing, false.
ka-culig-an n envy.
culik intrans (nyulik trans) remove sth foul with a stick (=colék); feel one’s way, grope; break off a small piece.
culikculik n a species of crow.
culing n the stone bowl of an opium pipe.
culuk intrans (EBali) desire greatly; hiya culuk kenehné tekén hi luh he has great-desire (in) his mind for hi Luh.
culung n pig (=céléng).
becica culung n a species of magpie.
culungculung n a species of thrush.
culup intrans concentrate one’s thought.
cumadang 1 pass perfected (=cadang + -um-).
cumadang 2 L intrans prepare, make ready (=cumawis H).
cumakup intrans hold the hands together flat, when approaching a king or the gods (=cakup +infix -um-).
cumang 1 n a kind of carving.
cumang kirang n orchestral instruments used in processions.
cumang 2 n a species of insect.
cumawis H pass be prepared, be made ready (=cawis +infix -um-) (cumadang L).
cumbana intrans have sexual intercourse.
cumpu intrans (nyumpu trans) complete, satisfy; adj enough, satisfying, completing.
cundang n a blaze, a white spot on the forehead of a horse or cow.
cuņḑang K intrans be damaged, be hurt, be at a disadvantage.
cundik (SWBali) n a small casting-net for fish.
cuņḑuk H intrans come face to face with, meet (macunduk intrans) (tepuk L); put on the head.
cuntaka C intrans be ceremonially unclean; be under a curse (sebel L); n curse.
cuntil intrans ascend, move upwards (=cuwat).
cunggir n dorsal fin (fish).
cungih n a harelip (=congéh).
cungik n a big scoop-net (nyungik trans).
cungklik (EBali) n a musical instrument of bamboo (nyungklik trans).
cungkub n one of the places where offerings are made, worship offered.
cunguh L n nose (hirung, hungasan R).
cunguhipun her nose.
cupak, cupakan n the bowl of an opium pipe; title of a moral story.
hacupakan n one fill of opium for a pipe.
cupar intrans (nyupar trans) be miserly, have nothing for others (ḑemit H).
cuparang pass be made miserly.
cupek L adj narrow (cupit H).
cupik n sprout, shoot of a plant, a young leaf.
cupit H adj narrow (space) (cupek L).
cupu 1 n a small metal cup used in ceremonies of sacrifice.
cupu 2 n womb, uterus.
cur intrans make the sound used for chasing away pigs.
curek intrans have earache with emission of pus.
cureng n an inquisitive look (nyureng trans); adj looking inquisitively.
curénggah, curénggéh intrans have many branches (=crénggeh).
curida n species of bird.
curiga K n kris (kadutan L); n a species of tree on which krises grow.
curik n a starling.
curing 1 n a sort of musical instrument.
curing 2 in karang curing n an ornament like the head of a bird used on a weapon or on the wall of a temple.
curna K adj broken; intrans perish, break (=remek, rémék).
cutak n a measure of area.
bacutak n a plot of land.
cuté C intrans menstruate (sebel L).
cutet R intrans be short, brief (bawak L) (nyutet trans).
cutetang pass be shortened, made short.
cutetin pass be made shorter.
cutetipun adv ‘its shortness’ =in brief.
cuwah (=cuweh) intrans be stained, soiled (with blood, etc.).
macuwahcuwah intrans be greatly soiled.
cuwak intrans stand apart at varying distances (=cowak).
cuwat 1 intrans move upwards (pan of the scales); adj bent over backwards.
cuwat 2 intrans be very unhappy.
cuweh (=cuwah) intrans be stained, soiled (with blood, etc.).
cuweng 1 n the larva of a large dragonfly.
cuweng 2 intrans be quick, fast (macuweng intrans).
cuwet intrans the swish of a whiplash.
cuwét intrans make the sound of a monkey or a bird (=cruwét).
cuwil adj very foul, very dirty.
cuwing intrans make a sound like bullets being fired past.
cuwit intrans squeak (mouse, rat).
cuwitcuwit intrans chirp (young birds); smack the lips, as in kissing.