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Entonces, ¿cómo evaluar la historia representada en las publicaciones relacionadas con Elena de White?665 Cuando uno examina la historia completa de las publicaciones sobre Elena de White, una cantidad de conclusiones obvias se hacen patentes. En primer lugar, hay una gran cantidad de publicaciones que han aparecido a lo largo de los años. En segundo lugar, la mayor parte del debate que se dio por escrito sobre Elena de White y sus visiones ha sido encuadrado en una orientación antagonista contra la apologética. En tercer lugar, el paso del tiempo trajo diferentes acontecimientos. Por ejemplo, durante el período de 1884 a cerca de 1920, los oponentes fueron más activos y la iglesia fue menos sensible; después, entre 1920 y 1975, la iglesia fue muy agresiva en promover y explicar el ministerio profético de Elena de White; y desde mediados de la década de 1970, tanto la iglesia como sus oponentes han estado activos por igual, con un aumento modesto del interés de los eruditos seculares. Y cuarto, a lo largo de los años hubo confusión y/o desacuerdo sustancial en cuestiones fundamentales de interpretación en términos de revelación especial profética, inspiración, iluminación, hermenéutica, y la relación entre los escritos de Elena de White y la Biblia. Las tres décadas desde 1976 hasta alrededor de 2006 fueron particularmente caóticas. Las perspectivas abarcaron desde los puntos de vista fundamentalistas hasta la negación a priori de la revelación divina. Aunque algunas publicaciones de la iglesia han hecho un buen abordaje de cuestiones importantes, la ignorancia y la confusión omnipresentes continúan dentro de la iglesia, así como se siguen dando los ataques tradicionales al estilo Canright desde fuera de la iglesia.

La iglesia se vio envuelta en examinar más detalladamente estos temas a causa de las publicaciones y de las posiciones de Numbers, Brinsmead, Ford y Rea. Cuando uno estudia los documentos de estante del Patrimonio White (SDoc) durante la década de 1980, es obvio que la mayoría están dedicados a cuestiones relacionadas con el conjunto de temas tratados por estos hombres. Y más allá de estos documentos, también se generaron numerosas publicaciones, en conexión con el Patrimonio White o la denominación, que abordaron cuestiones similares.

La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día estudió formalmente el tema de 1844, del Santuario y de la expiación por medio del trabajo de la DARCOM (Comisión de Daniel y Apocalipsis del Instituto de Investigación Bíblica) y el trabajo continuo de la BRICOM (Comisión del Instituto de Investigación Bíblica). Sin embargo, muchos habían dejado la Iglesia Adventista antes de que se pudieran abordar las cuestiones polémicas; y muchos que permanecieron en la iglesia nunca participaron en los debates y continúan confundidos.

La situación en la iglesia respecto del don de profecía y del ministerio de Elena de White ha sido aun más problemática. Muchos crecieron en un ambiente en el cual se usaba a Elena de White de tal manera que parecía legalista y crítica. Demasiado a menudo, “Elena de White dijo” y distintas compilaciones privadas presentaban un verbalismo funcional, una hermenéutica confusa y una Escritura subordinada a los escritos de Elena de White. Cuando estas dificultades se combinaban con los desafíos de Numbers y de Rea con respecto al plagio, algunos perdieron la fe y otros decidieron dejar de lado los escritos de Elena de White. Muchos de los hijos, y aun los nietos, de estos adventistas y exadventistas han permanecido analfabetos funcionales respecto de los escritos y el ministerio de Elena de White.

Cuando uno examina los distintos documentos y publicaciones producidos por el Patrimonio White, se ve claramente que el personal del Patrimonio White y otros líderes de la Iglesia Adventista han preparado respuestas defendibles a distintas cuestiones cruciales relacionadas con Elena de White, como la revelación, la inspiración, la autoridad, el uso de fuentes literarias y la hermenéutica. Pero, incluso contando con los distintos documentos y publicaciones, muchos adventistas, la mayoría de las personas en la comunidad cristiana más amplia y los laicistas interesados no han entendido el punto de vista adventista sobre estos temas.

Un examen de las publicaciones respecto de Elena de White revela que ha habido menos investigación y escritos sobre Elena de White en la comunidad académica en general. Incluso con las muchas y extensas publicaciones existentes que se resumen en este ensayo, Elena de White permanece menos conocida entre los historiadores y los académicos no adventistas de otras disciplinas que muchos otros líderes del pensamiento religioso estadounidenses del siglo XIX.

Sin duda, el futuro traerá publicaciones sobre las distintas orientaciones descritas en este ensayo, tanto eruditas e investigadas con cuidado como populares. Un efecto colateral desafortunado del fuerte abordaje polémico de Elena de White y sus escritos a lo largo del siglo y medio pasado ha sido un descuido de aspectos importantes de la comprensión bíblica, teológica, social, eclesiológica e histórica relacionada con Elena de White y el tema de la manifestación profética.

El presente y el futuro están trayendo cambios importantes en la tecnología de la información, con acceso electrónico ampliado a los escritos de Elena de White y a la información sobre ella. Esto permitirá un estudio más conveniente y detallado que en el pasado. Los nuevos recursos en Internet y la amplia digitalización de materiales con opción de búsqueda proveerán acceso simplificado a publicaciones pasadas y a recursos desarrollados recientemente. Los programas amplios de digitalización en la sociedad en general y dentro de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día deberían facilitar más la investigación y la lectura generalizadas. Esperemos que esto reduzca la confusión y el desconocimiento, y que traiga mayor comprensión y apreciación de Elena de White, de su experiencia cristiana, y de su contribución a la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día y más allá.

316 Horace John Shaw, “A Rhetorical Analysis of the Speaking of Mrs. Ellen G. White, a Pioneer Leader and Spokeswoman of the Seventh-day Adventist Church” (tesis doctoral, Michigan State University, 1959); Frederick E. J. Harder, “Revelation: A Source of Knowledge, as Conceived by Ellen G. White” (tesis doctoral, New York University, 1960); Joseph Norman Barnes, “The Mind-Body Concept in the Thinking of Ellen G. White” (tesis doctoral, New York University, 1965); Gil G. Fernandez, “Ellen G. White’s Philosophy of History” (tesis de maestría, Philippine Union College, 1968); Charles Ashur Oliphant, “Seventh-day Adventist Publishing and Ellen G. White’s Journalistic Principles” (tesis doctoral, University of Iowa, 1968); William Richard Lesher, “Ellen G. White’s Concept of Sanctification” (tesis doctoral, New York University, 1970); Gil Gutierrez Fernandez, “Ellen G. White: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ” (tesis doctoral, Drew University, 1978); Arthur LeRoy Moore, “Ellen G. White’s Concept of Righteousness by Faith as It Relates to Contemporary SDA Issues” (tesis doctoral, New York University, 1980); Masao Yamagata, “Ellen G. White and American Premillennialism” (tesis doctoral, Pennsylvania State University, 1983); Robert Wolfgramm, “Charismatic Delegitimation in a Sect: Ellen White and Her Critics” (tesis de maestría, Chisholm Institute of Technology, 1983); Arthur Nelson Patrick, “Ellen Gould White and the Australian Woman, 1891-1900” (tesis de maestría, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, 1984); Dennis E. Waite, “A Psychoanalytic and Archetypal Examination of Two Seminal Dreams and Visions of Ellen G. White” (tesis doctoral, Western Michigan University, 1993); Yoahio Murakami, “Ellen G. White’s Views on the Sabbath in the Historical, Religious, and Social Context of Nineteenth-Century America” (tesis doctoral, Drew University, 1994); Merlin D. Burt, “The Historical Background, Interconnected Development, and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White’s Role in Sabbatarian Adventism From 1844 to 1849” (tesis doctoral, AU, 2002).

317 “Trial of Elder I. Dammon: Reported for the Piscataquis Farmer”, Piscataquis Farmer, 7/3/1845.

318 Para información adicional sobre el juicio de Dammon, ver James R. Nix, “Another Look at Israel Dammon”, Ellen G. White Summit (Avondale College, Cooranbong, Australia, 2004); Merlin D. Burt, “The Historical Background, Interconnected Development, and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White’s Role in Sabbatarian Adventism From 1844 to 1849”, pp. 132-140; Bruce Weaver, “Incident in Atkinson: Arrest and Trial of Israel Dammon”, Adventist Currents, 4/1988.

319 James White, “Letter From Brother White”, Day-Star, 6/9/1845.

320 Elena G. Harmon, “Letter From Sister Harmon”, Day-Star, 24/1/1846; “Letter From Sister Harmon”, Day-Star, 14/3/1846; To the Little Remnant Scattered Abroad, 6/4/1846, circular.

321 Joseph Bates y Elena G. de White, A Vision, 7/4/1847, circular.

322 James White, ed., A Word to the “Little Flock” (30/5/1847), p. 21.

323 Ibíd., p. 22.

324 Ibíd., p. 13.

325 Ibíd., pp. 13, 22.

326 Joseph Bates, A Seal of the Living God: A Hundred Forty-Four Thousand, of the Servants of God Being Sealed in 1849 (New Bedford, Mass.: Benjamin Lindsey, 1849), pp. 24-32.

327 Elena G. de White, A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White (Saratoga Springs, Nueva York: James White, 1851), p. 64.

328 Publicado en 1849, en The Advent Harp: Designed for Believers in the Speedy Coming of Christ (Boston: J. V. Himes, 1849), pp. 452, 453; James White, comp., Hymns for God’s Peculiar People That Keep the Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus (Oswego, Nueva York: Richard Oliphant, 1849), Nº 9.

329 The Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1985), Nº 453.

330 James White, “This Sheet”, RH Extra, 21/7/1851.

331 A. N. Seymour, “Delusion: E. White’s Visions”, Advent Harbinger and Bible Advocate, 26/3/1853, p. 323.

332 Ibíd.

333 Elena G. de White, “Dear Brethren and Sisters”, RH, 14/4/1853; ver Apoc. 12:3.

334 Brian Strayer, “Early Adventist Waymarks in Jackson, Michigan: Parts I and II” (1984), pp. 10-14.

335 Messenger of Truth 1, Nº 3 (19/10/1854); Nº 4 (2/11/1854); Nº 5 (30/11/1854).

336 R. F. Cottrell, Spiritual Gifts (Battle Creek, Mich.: Uriah Smith, 1858); M. E. Cornell, Miraculous Powers: The Scripture Testimony of the Perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts, Illustrated by Narratives of Incidents and Sentiments Carefully Compiled From the Eminently Pious and Learned of Various Denominations (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1862).

337 Elena G. de White, Spiritual Gifts: The Great Controversy, Between Christ and His Angels, and Satan and His Angels (Battle Creek, Mich.: James White, 1858), t. 1, pp. 5-16.

338 M. E. Cornell, Miraculous Powers: The Scripture Testimony of the Perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts, Illustrated by Narratives of Incidents and Sentiments Carefully Compiled From the Eminently Pious and Learned of Various Denominations, 2a ed. rev. (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1875).

339 B. F. Snook y W. H. Brinkerhoff, The Visions of E. G. White, Not of God (Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Cedar Valley Times Book and Job Print, 1866).

340 Ibíd., p. 2.

341 William Sheldon, “Ellen’s Visions”, Voice of the West, 18/9/1866.

342 Sheldon, en Voice of the West: “The Visions and Theories of the Prophetess Ellen G. White in Conflict With the Bible” (1/1/1867) y “The Visions and Theories of the Prophetess Ellen G. White in Conflict with the Bible” (5/2/1867).

343 Sheldon, The Visions and Theories of the Prophetess Ellen G. White in Conflict With the Bible (Buchanan, Mich.: W.A.C.P. Assn., 1867).

344 Ibíd., p. 3.

345 Ibíd., p. 4.

346 James White, “Time to Commence the Sabbath”, RH, 25/2/1868; ver también Uriah Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White: A Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts According to the Scriptures (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1868), pp. 90-92.

347 James White, Life Incidents in Connection With the Great Second Advent Movement, as Illustrated by the Three Angels of Revelation 14 (Battle Creek, Mich.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1868), p. 207.

348 Uriah Smith, “The Visions: Objections Answered”, RH, 12/6 y 31/7/1866.

349 Smith, The Visions of Mrs. E. G. White.

350 H. E. Carver, Mrs. E. G. White’s Claims to Divine Inspiration Examined (Marion, Iowa: publicado en la oficina de “Hope of Israel”, 1870).

351 Ibíd., pp. 106-108.

352 Carver, Mrs. E. G. White’s Claims to Divine Inspiration Examined, 2a ed. (Marion, Iowa: Advent and Sabbath Advocate, 1877), pp. 73, 74.

353 Ibíd., p. 79.

354 H. C. Blanchard, The Testimonies of Mrs. E. G. White Compared With the Bible (Marion, Iowa: Advent and Sabbath Advocate, 1877).

355 Ibíd., pp. 2-5.

356 Ibíd., pp. 18-21.

357 Miles Grant, The True Sabbath: Which Day Shall We Keep? An Examination of Mrs. Ellen White’s Visions (Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1874), pp. 61-104.

358 Grant, The True Sabbath: Which Day Shall We Keep? An Examination of Mrs. Ellen White’s Visions (Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society) eds. 1877 y 1890.

359 Grant, The True Sabbath (1874), p. 65.

360 Grant, artículos titulados “Sabbath Discussion” y publicados en World’s Crisis: ejemplares del 15 y 29/4/1874; 6, 13, 20 y 27/5/1874; y 22/4/1875.

361 Grant, artículos titulados “Visions and Prophecies” y publicados en World’s Crisis: ejemplares del 10/6/1874; 1, 8 y 22/7/1874; y 9/9/1874.

362 Grant, artículos titulados “Visions and Prophecies” y publicados en World’s Crisis: ejemplares de 20 y 27/1/1874; y 3/2/1874.

363 “Elder Grant’s Injustice toward Seventh-day Adventists”, RH Extra, 14/4/1874.

364 Grant, World’s Crisis, 5/7/1871.

365 Elena G. White a J. N. Loughborough, 24/8/1874 (Ct 2, 1874), en Elena G. White, Mensajes selectos, t. 1 (Florida Oeste, Bs. As.: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 2015), pp. 88, 89.

366 Isaac C. Wellcome, History of the Second Advent Message and Mission, Doctrine and People (Yarmouth, Maine: I. C. Wellcome, 1874), pp. 401-408; D. M. Canright, “Reply”, RH Extra, 14/4/1874.

367 RH Extra, 14/4/1874.

368 “Our Views of Spiritual Gifts”, RH Extra, 14/4/1874.

369 J. H. Waggoner, The Spirit of God: Its Offices and Manifestations, to the End of the Christian Age (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., 1877).

370 M. E. Cornell, Miraculous Powers, 2a ed. rev. (1875).

371 James White, Spirit of Prophecy (Battle Creek, Mich.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1878).

372 James White, The Spirit of Prophecy or Perpetuity and Object of the Gifts (Battle Creek, Mich.: Seventh-day Adventist Pub. Assn., c. 1880).

373 G. I. Butler, “ ‘Early Writings’ and ‘Suppression’ ”, RH Supplement, 14/8/1883.

374 Elena G. de White, Primeros escritos (Florida Oeste, Bs. As.: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 2014), p. ix.

375 G. I. Butler, “A Book Long Desired”, RH, 26/12/1882.

376 A. C. Long, Comparison of the Early Writings of Mrs. White With Later Publications (Marion, Iowa: Advent and Sabbath Advocate, 1883), p. 11.

377 Ibíd., p. 12.

378 Ver Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White: The Lonely Years, 1876-1891 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1984), t. 3, p. 222.

379 Jacob Brinkerhoff, The Seventh-day Adventists and Mrs. White’s Visions, 3a ed. (Marion, Iowa: Advent and Sabbath Advocate, 1884).

380 G. I. Butler, “ ‘Early Writings’ and ‘Suppression’ ”.

381 Butler, “A Venerable Document”, RH Supplement, 14/8/1883.

382 Elena G. de White, “Suppression and the Shut Door”, Ms 4, 1883, en Mensajes selectos, t. 1, pp. 70-88.

383 Butler, “A Venerable Document”; Elena G. de White, To the Remnant Scattered Abroad (s.l., s.f.).

384 Elena Harmon, To the Little Remnant Scattered Abroad, 6/4/1846; Elena G. de White, “Dear Bro. Bates”, A Vision, 7/4/1847; To Those Who Are Receiving the Seal of the Living God, 31/1/1849; “Letter From Sister Harmon”, Day-Star, 24/1/1846; “Letter From Sister Harmon”, Day-Star, 14/3/1846.

385 G. I. Butler, “The Visions: How They Are Held Among S. D. Adventists”, RH Supplement, 14/8/1883.

386 G. I. Butler, “Testimonies, Public and Private”, RH Supplement, 14/8/1883.

387 W. H. Littlejohn, “Seventh-day Adventists and the Testimony of Jesus Christ”, RH Supplement, 14/8/1883.

388 Elena G. de White, “Our Present Position”, RH, 28/8/1883.

389 Snook y Brinkerhoff, The Visions of E. G. White, Not of God (1866) pp. 3 y ss.

390 D. M. Canright, Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced After an Experience of Twenty-eight Years: By a Prominent Minister and Writer of That Faith (Kalamazoo, Mich.: Kalamazoo Publishing, 1889); Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced After an Experience of Twenty-eight Years: By a Prominent Minister and Writer of That Faith, 14ª ed. (Nueva York: Fleming H. Revell, 1914).

391 Canright, Seventh-Day Adventism Renounced (1914), pp. 129-165.

392 Uriah Smith, “Assumptions Vs. Facts”, RH Extra, 22/11/1887.

393 “Elder Canright’s Reply to Extra Nº 1, and Our Rejoinder”, Advent Review Extra, Nº 2, 21/2/1888; Replies to Elder Canright’s Attacks on Seventh-day Adventists (Battle Creek, Mich.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1888); Replies to Elder Canright’s Attacks on Seventh-day Adventists (Battle Creek, Mich.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1895).

394 Canright, Adventism Refuted in a Nutshell, serie de 10 folletos (s.l., 1889); The Complete Testimony of the Early Fathers: Proving the Universal Observance of Sunday in the First Centuries (Nueva York: Fleming H. Revell, 1916); The Lord’s Day From Neither Catholics Nor Pagans: An Answer to Seventh-day Adventism on This Subject, 2a ed. (Nueva York: Fleming H. Revell, 1915).

395 En CAR, cartas: de James White a D. M. Canright, 24/5 y 13/7/1881; y de Uriah Smith a D. M. Canright, 22/3, 6/4, 31/7, 7/8 y 2/10/1883. Ver también Uriah Smith, “Personal”, RH Extra, 22/11/1887.

396 D. M. Canright, Life of Mrs. E. G. White, Seventh-Day Adventist Prophet: Her False Claims Refuted (Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1919).

397 Ibíd., p. 15.

398 Willard Allen Colcord, “A Statement and Confession”, RH, 8/2/1934.

399 Canright, Life of E. G. White, pp. 34, 38.

400 Ibíd., pp. 38, 45.

401 Ibíd., pp. 57-60.

402 Ibíd., pp. 77-79.

403 Ibíd., p. 85.

404 Ibíd., p. 86.

405 Index to the Scripture References and Quotations Contained in the Writings of Mrs. E. G. White (Battle Creek, Mich.: International Tract Society, 1896).

406 Cartas de Frank Belden: a Elena G. de White, 1 y 5/1 y 24/2/1903; y a W. C. White, 28/10 al 20/11/1905 (84 pp.). Ver otra correspondencia en la colección Frank Belden, PEGW-AU.

407 Frank Belden a Elena G. de White, 12/9/1905, PEGW-AU.

408 Frank E. Belden, reproducción fotográfica con encarte y comentarios (Battle Creek, Mich.: s.l., s.f.) de The Advent Review (Auburn, Nueva York: Henry Oliphant, 1850); ídem., A Word to the “Little Flock”.

409 Alonzo T. Jones, Some History, Some Experience, and Some Facts (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1906).

410 A Statement Refuting Charges Made by A. T. Jones Against the Spirit of Prophecy and the Plan of Organization of Seventh-day Adventist Denomination (Washington, D.C.: General Conference Committee, 5/ 1906).

411 Elena G. de White, “A quienes están perplejos respecto de los Testimonios sobre el trabajo médico-misionero”, 30/3/1906 (Ct 120, 1906), PEGW-AG.

412 Tim Poirier, “A quienes están perplejos...” (s.f.), DF 213, PEGW-AU.

413 C. E. Stewart, A Response to an Urgent Testimony From Mrs. Ellen G. White Concerning Contradictions, Inconsistencies and Other Errors in Her Writings (Battle Creek, Mich.: Liberty Missionary Society, 1907).

414 Elena G. de White a “Los ancianos de la iglesia de Battle Creek”, 17/7/1906 (Ct 244, 1906), PEGW-AG.

415 C. E. Stewart, A Response to an Urgent Testimony From Mrs. Ellen G. White Concerning Contradictions, Inconsistencies and Other Errors in Her Writings, 2a ed. (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.).

416 E. T. Russell, Despise Not Prophesyings or Truth Vindicated (College View, Nebr.: International Publishing, c. 1910); Elena G. de White, Testimonies for the Church (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948), t. 9, pp. 232-238 (ver TI 9:187-191); A. T. Jones, Ten Commandments for Sunday Observance (Battle Creek, Mich.: A. T. Jones, 1909); An Appeal for Evangelical Christianity, 1909, pp. 60-69. Ver también George Knight, From 1888 to Apostasy: The Case of A. T. Jones (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1987), pp. 246-249.

417 Ver Calvin W. Edwards y Gary Land, Seeker After Light (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 2000).

418 A. F. Ballenger, artículos publicados en Gathering Call, en 1914: “What Is the Spirit of Prophecy?” (abril), “The Spirit of Prophecy: Who Has It, Who Has Had It, Who Will Have It?” (junio), “The Spirit of Prophecy: Who Has It, Who Has Had It, Who Will Have It?” (julio), “The Spirit of Prophecy Not the Gift of Prophecy” (julio), “The Spirit of Prophecy and the Gift of Prophecy” (septiembre), “Prophets and Prophesying” (octubre), “Proving the Prophecy or Trying the Testimony” (noviembre) y “The Spirit of Prophecy the Only Infallible Interpreter” (diciembre).

419 Ballenger, The Spirit of Prophecy and the Gift to Prophesy, 3a ed. (Riverside, Calif.: Gathering Call, s.f.).

420 Ballenger, “Notes by the Way”, Gathering Call, 3/1916.

421 Ballenger, The Spirit of Prophecy and the Gift to Prophesy, p. 19.

422 Ballenger, “Friday, July 16, Mrs. E. G. White”, Gathering Call, 7/1915.

423 W. W. Fletcher, “The Testimony of Jesus” (Sydney, Australia: W. W. Fletcher, s.f.); John I. Easterly, The Testimony of Jesus (Santa Rosa, Calif.: John I. Easterly, s.f.).

424 A. T. Jones, “Where Now Is the Spirit of Prophecy?” Gathering Call, 9/1915.

425 “In Loving Remembrance”, Gathering Call, 9-10/1921.

426 “Elder Edward Stroud Ballenger”, Gathering Call, 11-12/1955.

427 G. G. Rupert, A Positive Appeal and Challenge to Seventh Day Adventists and All Others in Error to Correct Wrong Teaching (Britton, Okla.: Union Pub. Co., s.f.); A. F. Ballenger, The Spirit of Prophecy and the Gift of Prophecy, 4ª ed. (Riverside, Calif.: Gathering Call, s.f.); Events That Must Take Place Before Armageddon (Riverside, Calif.: Gathering Call, 1918); Cast Out for the Cross of Christ (Tropico, Calif.: por el autor, s.f.); E. S. Ballenger, What About the Testimonies? (Riverside, Calif.: Gathering Call, s.f.); The Beginnings of Seventh-day Adventists (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); Facts About Seventh Day Adventists (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); The Centennial Supplement: A Compilation of Important Facts Relating to the Early History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Riverside, Calif.: 1944); Seventh-day Adventists Weighed in the Balance of Honesty and Found Wanting (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); Important Facts About the Seventh-day Adventist Creed That Need Attention (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); Interesting Old Letters (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); Then Shall the Sanctuary Be Cleansed (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); Examining Seventh-day Adventism (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, s.f.); The Reform Dress (Riverside, Calif.: Gathering Call, s.f.); Valuable Helps on the Sabbath School Lessons, Second Quarter, 1948 (Riverside, Calif.: E. S. Ballenger, 1948); A. T. Jones, A Letter From A. T. Jones to Mrs. E. G. White (Riverside, Calif.: Gathering Call, s.f.).

428 Aaron Nyman, Astounding Errors: The Prophetic Message of the Seventh-day Adventists and the Chronology of Pastor C. T. Russell in the Light of History and Bible Knowledge (Chicago: Aaron Nyman, 1914).

429 Aaron Nyman, Mrs. Ellen G. White Under the Microscope: The Prophetess of the Seventh-day Adventists, Weighed in the Balance of Biblical Truth and Found Wanting (Chicago: s.l., c. 1915).

430 Helge T. Nelson, An Open Letter to Mrs. Ellen G. White (Chicago: s.l., 1912).

431 Charles H. Barr, Adventism Unveiled or the Claims and Calling of Wm. Miller and Mrs. E. G. White Examined (por el autor, 1900); L. R. Conradi, Seventh Day Baptists and Seventh Day Adventists: How They Differ (Plainfield, N.J.: American Sabbath Tract Society, 1934); David Hughes, The Twentieth Century Pharisees: Seventh-day Adventism Exposed (Hammondsport, Nueva York: Armon Publishing, 1915); E. B. Jones, Did Mrs. E. G. White, the Professed Messenger of Seventh-day Adventism, Possess the Prophetic Gift? (Minneapolis, Minn.: por el autor, s.f.); Forty Bible-supported Reasons Why You Should Not Be a Seventh-day Adventist (Minneapolis: Wilson Press, 1943); M. E. Kern, Some Facts Regarding E. B. Jones (c. 1942); A. C. Long, Comparison of the Early Writings of Mrs. White With Later Publications, 2ª ed. (Stanberry, Mo.: Church of God, 1911); Charles E. Stewart, A Response to an Urgent Testimony From Mrs. E. G. White Concerning Contradictions, Inconsistencies, and Other Errors in Her Writings (Battle Creek, Mich.: Liberty Missionary Society, 1907); Will S. Trowbridge, The Sabbath, the Law, and the Visions (Oakland, Calif.: Messiah’s Advocate, 1916); F. E. Washburn, The “Testimonies” of Mrs. White, Seventh-day Adventist Prophetess: The Bible Rewritten (Waterloo, Iowa: por el autor, s.f.).

432 G. A. Irwin, The Spirit of Prophecy: Its Relation to the Law of God and Its Place in the Plan of Salvation (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1907); Mary C. McReynolds, The Gift of Prophecy, 2ª ed. (Angwin, Calif.: por la autora, 1900).

433 J. Franklin Coon, The Search Light (s.l., s.f.), p. 23.

434 Elena G. de White a Hermano Coon, 10/10/1911 (Ct 108, 1911; Ms 67, 1911), PEGW-AG.

435 J. N. Loughborough, The Prophetic Gift in the Gospel Church, Bible Students’ Library, Nº 164 (Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1901).

436 Ibíd., pp. iii, iv.

437 Loughborough, The Prophetic Gift in the Gospel Church, 2ª ed. rev. (Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1911).

438 Loughborough, Rise and Progress of the Seventh-day Adventists (Battle Creek, Mich.: General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists, 1892); The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1905, 1909).

439 A. G. Daniells, “The Life and Labors of Mrs. Ellen G. White”, RH, 29/7/1915; F. M. Wilcox, “The Final Funeral Services of Mrs. Ellen G. White”, RH, 5/8/1915; ST Memorial Issue, pp. 466-480; “Adventists’ Founder Passes”, Sacramento Bee, 17/7/1915; “Death Claims Founder of Adventists”, San Bernardino Sun, 17/7/1915; “Passing of Ellen G. White, Adventist Founder”, Richmond Record Herald, 19/7/1915; “Mrs. E. G. White, Eminent Seventh-day Adventist, Dead”, Mountain View Register-Leader, 23/7/1915; “Leader of Adventists Dead”, St. Helena Star, 23/7/1915; “Four Thousand at Funeral Services of Mother White”, Battle Creek Evening Star, 24/7/1915; “Mrs. White Had No Idea of Successor”, Battle Creek Enquirer, 25/7/1915; “An American Prophetess”, The Independent, 23/8/1915.

440 George Knapp Abbott, The Witness of Science to the Testimonies of the Spirit of Prophecy, ed. rev. (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948); William H. Branson, In Defense of the Faith: A Reply to Canright (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1933); Lewis Harrison Christian, The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts; The Influence and Guidance of Ellen G. White in the Advent Movement (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1947); Arthur G. Daniells, The Abiding Gift of Prophecy (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1936); Everett Dick, Founders of the Message (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1938); F. C. Gilbert, comp., Divine Predictions of Mrs. Ellen G. White Fulfilled (South Lancaster, Mass.: Good Tidings, 1922); Carlyle B. Haynes, The Gift of Prophecy: The Teachings of the Bible Regarding the Voice of God Among His People From the Beginning of His Work on Earth, and Particularly the Manifestation of His Divine Leadership in Connection With the Closing Message of the Gospel; an Account of the Prophetic Gift, Its Removal, Because of Apostasy, and Its Restoration to the Remnant Church (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1931); T. Housel Jemison, A Prophet Among You (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1955); Gladys King-Taylor, Literary Beauty of Ellen G. White’s Writings (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1953); Francis D. Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1951); Denton E. Rebok, Believe His Prophets (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1956); Dores Eugene Robinson, The Story of Our Health Message, 3ª ed. (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1965); William A. Spicer, The Gift of Prophecy in the Advent Movement: A Gift That Builds Up (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1937); F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus: A Review of the Work and Teachings of Mrs. Ellen Gould White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1934); Arthur L. White, “I’d Like to Ask Sister White...”: The Questions You Might Ask, Answered From Statements Selected From the Writings of Ellen G. White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1965).

441 W. S. Trowbridge, The Sabbath, the Law, and the Visions (Oakland, Calif.: Messiah’s Advocate, 1916).

442 Gilbert, Divine Predictions of Mrs. Ellen G. White Fulfilled, p. 9.

443 Haynes, The Gift of Prophecy (1931); The Gift of Prophecy: The Teachings of the Bible Regarding the Voice of God Among His People From the Beginning of His Work on Earth, and Particularly the Manifestation of His Divine Leadership in Connection With the Closing Message of the Gospel; an Account of the Prophetic Gift, Its Removal, Because of Apostasy, and Its Restoration to the Remnant Church, rev. (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1946).

444 F. M. Wilcox, The Testimony of Jesus: A Review of the Work and Teachings of Mrs. Ellen Gould White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1944).

445 Daniells, The Abiding Gift of Prophecy, pp. 253-378.

446 Spicer, The Gift of Prophecy in the Advent Movement.

447 Para ejemplos, ver W. A. Spicer, Certainties of the Advent Movement (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1929); The Hand of God in History: Notes on Important Eras of Fulfilling Prophecy (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1913); The Hand That Intervenes (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1918); Pioneer Days of the Advent Movement With Notes on Pioneer Workers and Early Experiences (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1941).

448 W. A. Spicer, God’s Special Gift to the Remnant Church (Washington, D.C.: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, s.f.).

449 William H. Branson, Reply to Canright: The Truth About Seventh-day Adventists (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1933), pp. 261-293.

450 Ibíd., p. 8.

451 Ibíd., p. 265.

452 Ruth Wheeler, His Messenger (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1939).

453 Ruth Wheeler, His Messenger, rev. (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2001).

454 Dores Eugene Robinson, The Story of Our Health Message: The Origin Character, and Development of Health Education in the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1943); The Story of Our Health Message: The Origin, Character, and Development of Health Education in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 2ª ed. (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1955); The Story of Our Health Message: The Origin, Character, and Development of Health Education in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 3ª ed., rev. y aum. (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1965).

455 Elena G. de White, Notebook Leaflets (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1945), t. 1.

456 En Martha D. Amadon, “Mrs. E. G. White in Vision” (1925); W. C. White, “The Work at the Elmshaven Office” (1932); W. C. White, “A Brief Statement Regarding the Publication of the Writings of Ellen G. White” (1929); C. C. Crisler, “A Sure Basis of Belief”; PEGW, “The Story of ‘Steps to Christ’” (1935).

457 George K. Abbott, Studies in the Testimonies and Science (Angwin, Calif.: Pacific Union College, 1946).

458 Abbott, The Witness of Science to the Testimonies of the Spirit of Prophecy (s.l.: por el autor, 1947).

459 Abbott, The Witness of Science to the Testimonies of the Spirit of Prophecy, ed. rev. (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948).

460 Lewis Harrison Christian, The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts: The Influence and Guidance of Ellen G. White in the Advent Movement (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1947).

461 Francis D. Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics: An Answer to the Major Charges That Critics Have Brought Against Mrs. Ellen G. White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1951).

462 Francis D. Nichol, The Midnight Cry: A Defense of William Miller and the Millerites (Takoma Park, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1944).

463 Nichol, Ellen G. White and Her Critics, pp. 16, 17.

464 Francis D. Nichol, Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White: Some Reasons Why Seventh-day Adventists Believe That Ellen G. White Possessed the Gift of “the Spirit of Prophecy” (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1964).

465 W. E. Read, The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1952), p. 3.

466 T. Housel Jemison, A Prophet Among You (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1955).

467 Denton Edward Rebok, Believe His Prophets (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1956); Divine Guidance in the Remnant of God’s Church (Poona, India: Oriental Watchman, 1955).

468 Arthur W. Spalding, There Shines a Light: The Life and Work of Ellen G. White (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1953).

469 Gladys King-Taylor, Literary Beauty of Ellen G. White’s Writings (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1953).

470 Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White, Messenger to the Remnant (Washington, D.C.: Ellen G. White Publications, 1954; ed. rev. 1969).

471 Los cinco títulos son: The Prophetic Gift in Action; Prophetic Guidance in Early Days; The Ellen G. White Books; The Custody and Use of the Ellen G. White Writings; Ellen G. White: The Human-Interest Story.

472 The Spirit of Prophecy Treasure Chest: An Advent Source Collection of Materials Relating to the Gift of Prophecy in the Remnant Church and the Life and Ministry of Ellen G. White (Glendale, Calif.: Prophetic Guidance School, 1960).

473 Notes and Papers Concerning Ellen G. White and the Spirit of Prophecy, rev. (Washington, D.C.: PEGW, 1974).

474 D. A. Delafield, Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1963).

475 Donald Grey Barnhouse, “Spiritual Discernment, or How to Read Religious Books”, Eternity, 6/1950, pp. 9, 42-44.

476 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine: An Explanation of Certain Major Aspects of Seventh-day Adventist Belief (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1957); Donald Grey Barnhouse, “Are Seventh-day Adventists Christians? Another Look at Seventh-day Adventism”, Eternity, 9/1956.

477 Walter R. Martin, The Truth About Seventh-day Adventism (Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing, 1960).

478 Ibíd., p. 113.

479 Julius Nam, “Reactions to the Seventh-day Adventist Evangelical Conferences and Questions on Doctrine, 1955-1971” (tesis doctoral, AU, 2005); ver también la reciente edición comentada de Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine, con notas y con introducción histórica y teológica de George R. Knight (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University, 2003), pp. xiii-xxxvi.

480 M. R. DeHaan, “Questions on Doctrine”, The King’s Business, 3/1958; ver también DeHaan, “What Do Seventh-day Adventists Believe Today?” The King’s Business, 10/1959.

481 Ibíd., citado en Nam, p. 149.

482 Artículos publicados en Christianity Today, en 1958: Harold Lindsell, “What of Seventh-day Adventism? Part I” (31/3) y “What of Seventh-day Adventism? Part II” (14/4); F. D. Nichol, “Adventists and Others” (14/5); ver también Fvrank H. Yost, “A Seventh-day Adventist Speaks Back” (31/7).

483 Herbert S. Bird en Christianity Today, 1958: “SDA and the Evangelicals”, (14/4) y “Another Look at Adventism” (28/4).

484 Bird, Theology of Seventh-day Adventism (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1961).

485 Bird, “Reply to An Adventist”, Christianity Today, 18/8/1958.

486 Bird, Theology of Seventh-Day Adventism, pp. 26, 27.

487 Ibíd., p. 37.

488 Ibíd., pp. 130-132.

489 Walter Martin, “Years Too Late”, Christianity Today, 2/3/1962.

490 John Gerstner, The Theology of the Major Sects (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1960); Norman F. Douty, Another Look at Seventh-day Adventism (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1962); Russell P. Spittler, Cults and Isms (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1962); J. Oswald Sanders, Heresies and Cults (Londres: Marshall, Morgan, and Scott, 1962); Jan Karel van Baalen, The Chaos of Cults, 4ª ed. rev. y aum. (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1962); Anthony A. Hoekema, The Four Major Cults (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1963); Gordon R. Lewis, Confronting the Cults (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1966); Irvine Robertson, What the Cults Believe (Chicago: Moody, 1966).

491 “I’d Like to Ask Sister White...”: The Questions You Might Ask Answered From Statements Selected From the Writings of Ellen G. White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1965).

492 Ella M. Robinson, Stories of My Grandmother (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1967).

493 Ella M. Robinson, Stories of My Grandmother (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1995).

494 Ella White Robinson, Over My Shoulder (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1982).

495 Medical Science and the Spirit of Prophecy (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1971); Roger W. Coon, “E. G. White, M.D.?: Current Research Evaluates Her Counsels on Health”, Dialogue 3, Nº 1 (1991), pp. 11-13, 28.

496 Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White: The Human Interest Story (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1972); The Ellen G. White Writings (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1973).

497 D. A. Delafield, Ellen G. White in Europe: 1885-1887 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1975).

498 Herbert E. Douglass, ed., What Ellen White Has Meant to Me (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1973).

499 Ronald E. Ruskjer, comp. y ed., Ellen G. White: Prophet of the Last Days With Guide to Systematic Reading (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1974).

500 Bobbie Jane Van Dolson, Prophets Are People: Believe It or Not (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1974).

501 Rene Noorbergen, Ellen G. White: Prophet of Destiny (New Canaan, Conn.: Keats Publishing, 1972).

502 Jean Dixon, My Life and Prophecies: Her Own Story as Told to Rene Noorbergen (Nueva York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1969).

503 Noorbergen, You Are Psychic: The Incredible Story of David N. Buber (Nueva York: Morrow, 1971).

504 Arthur V. Fox, en World’s Crisis: “What Is Truth?” (10/12/1947), “To Err Is Human” (17/12/1947), “Seventh-day Adventists vs. Roman Catholics” (31/12/1947), “Investigative Judgment” (7/1/1947), “The True Foundation: Should We Keep the Seventh Day?” (14/1/1948) e “Inspiration” (26/5/1948).

505 D. M. Canright, Life of Mrs. E. G. White, Seventh-day Adventist Prophet: Her False Claims Refuted (Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1919).

506 Ronald L. Numbers, Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White (Nueva York: Harper and Row, 1976).

507 Numbers, Prophetess of Health: Ellen G. White and the Origins of Seventh-day Adventist Health Reform, rev. y ampl. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee, 1992); Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White, 3ª ed. (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2008).

508 A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health (Washington, D.C.: PEGW, 1976); ver también A Discussion and Review of Prophetess of Health (Washington, D.C.: PEGW, 1976).

509 Numbers, Prophetess of Health (1976), pp. ix, xi; para una explicación más detallada de su enfoque filosófico, ver Numbers, “In Defense of Secular History”, Spectrum, primavera de 1969.

510 Robert D. Brinsmead, The Theology of Ellen G. White and an Evangelical Reflection (Fallbrook, Calif.: Present Truth, 1975).

511 Brinsmead, God’s Eternal Purpose, 2a ed. (Conway, Mo.: Ministry of Healing Health Centers, s.f.), pp. 196-212; Dear Brethren (Baker, Oreg.: s.l., 20/5/1961); Perfection in the Light of the Judgment and the Second Advent (Conway, Mo.: Gems of Truth, 1966).

512 Brinsmead, 1844 Re-Examined Syllabus (Fallbrook, Calif.: I. H. I., 1979).

513 Brinsmead, Judged by the Gospel: A Review of Adventism (Fallbrook, Calif.: Verdict Publications, 1980), pp. 326, 327.

514 Ibíd., p. 351.

515 Desmond Ford, 1844, The Day of Atonement and the Investigative Judgment (Casselberry, Fla.: Euangelion Press, 1980). En 1980, Desmond Ford se reunió con líderes y eruditos de la iglesia en Glacier View para examinar sus puntos de vista sobre profecía y el Santuario celestial; y ese mismo año, él publicó Physicians of the Soul: God’s Prophets Through the Ages (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1980). El libro es una reseña de sus opiniones sobre temas doctrinales, que construyó en el marco de profetas bíblicos seleccionados y finalizó con Elena de White. Ford compartió un testimonio personal de cómo los escritos de Elena de White habían impactado de manera positiva en su vida. El libro es más significativo por el momento en que fue publicado que por tener un contenido que definiera una postura específica.

516 Frank B. Holbrook, ed., Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey (1845-1863) (Silver Spring, Md.: Instituto de Investigación Bíblica, 1989).

517 En Frank B. Holbrook, ed., Symposium on Revelation: Introductory and Exegetical Studies, Book 1 (Silver Spring, Md.: Biblical Research Institute, 1992): George E. Rice, “Ellen G. White’s Use of Daniel and Revelation” (pp. 145-161); Jon Paulien, “The Interpreter’s Use of the Writings of Ellen G. White” y “Ellen G. White and Revelation 4-6” (pp. 163-172; 363-373). En Frank B. Holbrook, ed., Symposium on Revelation: Introductory and Exegetical Studies, Book 2 (Silver Spring, Md.: Biblical Research Institute, 1992): Gerhard Pfandl, “The Remnant Church and the Spirit of Prophecy” (pp. 295-333).

518 En Arnold V. Wallenkampf y W. Richard Lesher, eds., The Sanctuary and the Atonement: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Studies (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1981): C. Mervyn Maxwell, “Sanctuary and Atonement in SDA Theology” y “The Investigative Judgment: Its Early Development” (pp. 516-544; pp. 545-581); Arnold V. Wallenkampf, “A Brief Review of Some of the Internal and External Challengers to the SDA Teachings on the Sanctuary and Atonement” (pp. 582-603); John W. Wood, “ ‘We Must All Appear’: The Investigative Judgment Theme in the Writings of Ellen G. White” (pp. 640-666); “The Mighty Opposites: The Atonement of Christ in the Writings of Ellen G. White, Part I and Part II” (pp. 694-730).

519 Benjamin McArthur, “Point of the Spear: Adventist Liberalism and the Study of Ellen White in the 1970s”, Spectrum, primavera de 2008.

520 Walter T. Rea, The White Lie (Turlock, Calif.: M and R Publications, 1982).

521 Fred Veltman, “Full Report of the Life of Christ Research Project” (Silver Spring, Md.: PEGW, 11/1988). La investigación fue reseñada y distribuida por la Comisión del Proyecto de investigación ‘Vida de Cristo’, constituida por: Charles R. Taylor, presidente; Alden Thompson, secretario; y B. B. Beach, W. T. Clark, R. R. Hegstad, W. G. Johnsson, R. W. Nixon, R. W. Olson, G. W. Reid, G. W. Rice, F. W. Wernick, y K. H. Wood.

522 Robert W. Olson, One Hundred and One Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White (Washington, D.C.: PEGW, 1981).

523 George E. Rice, Luke, a Plagiarist? (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1983).

524 Ibíd., p. 15.

525 John J. Robertson, The White Truth (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1981). El personal del Patrimonio White también escribió una respuesta al libro de Rea: “The Truth About the White Lie”, folleto que acompañó a Ministry, 8/1982, y fue reeditado como un SDoc.

526 Robert W. Olson, Doctrinal Discussions: Brief Studies on Current Issues (Washington, D.C.: PEGW, 1/1982); Roger W. Coon, comp., Sourcebook of Documents and Study Outlines of Selected Issues in Prophetic Guidance (para la clase “Writings of Ellen G. White” GSEM 534) (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University, 1992). En este ensayo bibliográfico no se incluye una lista completa de los artículos sobre Elena de White en periódicos regulares de la Iglesia Adventista.

527 Robert W. Olson, “The Investigative Judgment in the Writings of Ellen G. White” (PEGW, 25/2/1980, SDoc); Paul A., “The Pioneers and the Sanctuary” (PEGW, s.f., SDoc); Gordon, comp., “Pioneer Articles on the Sanctuary, Daniel 8:14, the Judgment, 2300 Days, Year-day Principle, Atonement: 1846-1905” (PEGW, 1983, SDoc).

528 Ron Graybill, “The Making of The Ministry of Healing”, Insight, 10/7/1979; Raymond F. Cottrell, “The Literary Relationship between The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, and The Life of Christ, by William Hanna” (PEGW, 1/11//1979, SDoc); D. E. Robinson, “How the E. G. White Books Were Written”, Ministry, 2/1980; Walter F. Specht, “The Literary Relationship Between The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, and The Life of Christ, by William Hanna, Part II” (PEGW, s.f., SDoc); Robert W. Olson, “Ellen G. White’s Use of Uninspired Sources” (PEGW, 10/4/1980, SDoc); J. R. Spangler, “Ellen White and Literary Dependency”, Ministry, 6/1980; Paul A. Gordon, “Sources or Aids: Why Did Ellen G. White Borrow?” (PEGW, 5/1981, SDoc); R. Graybill, “Ellen White as a Reader and a Writer”, Insight, 19/5/1981; Neal C. Wilson, “The Ellen G. White Writings and the Church”, AR, 9/7/1981; R. Graybill, Analysis of E. G. White’s Luther Manuscript (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1981); Vincent L. Ramik, “The Ramik Report: Memorandum of Law Literary Property Rights, 1790-1915” (PEGW, 14/8/1981, SDoc); [Roger W. Coon], “Was Ellen G. White a Plagiarist?”, extraído de artículos publicados en AR (PEGW, 17/9/1981, SDoc); Kenneth H. Wood, “This Work Is of God, or It Is Not”, AR, 17/9/1981; R. Graybill, “E. G. White’s Literary Work: An Update”, cultos de la Asociación General (PEGW, 15-19/11/1981, SDoc); Niels-Erik Andreasen, “From Vision to Prophecy”, AR, 28/1/1982; “The Fannie Bolton Story: A Collection of Source Documents” (PEGW, 4/1982, SDoc); R. Graybill, Warren H. Johns, Tim Poirier, comps., “Henry Melvill and Ellen G. White: A Study in Literary and Theological Relationships” (PEGW, 5/1982, SDoc); W. H. Johns, “Ellen White: Prophet or Plagiarist? Closed Windows or Open Doors?”, “Literary Thief or God’s Messenger?” y “Human Thoughts or Divine Truths?”, Ministry, 6/1982; R. Graybill, “The ‘I Saw’ Parallels in Ellen White’s Writings”, AR, 29/7/1982; Delmer A. Johnson, “The Sources of Inspired Writings”, AR, 30/12/1982; George E. Rice, “Luke: Healer of Bodies and Souls”, AR, 17/3/1983; Gerald Wheeler, “God Speaks With a Human Accent”, AR, 14/7/1983; R. W. Olson, “Ellen G. White’s Use of Historical Sources in The Great Controversy”, AR, 23/2/1984; Tim Crosby, “Does Inspired Mean Original?”, Ministry, 2/1986; T. Poirier, “Did James White Attempt a ‘Cover-up’ of Ellen White’s Literary Borrowing?: An Explanation of His Statements in Life Sketches (1880), pp. 328, 329” (PEGW, 15/8/1986, SDoc); R. W. Olson, “The Literary Borrowing Issue” (PEGW, 1/6/1986, SDoc); W. H. Johns, T. Poirier, R. Graybill, comps., A Bibliography of Ellen G. White’s Private and Office Libraries, 3a ed. rev. (Silver Spring, Md.: PEGW, 4/1993).

529 Robert W. Olson, “The Shut Door Documents: Statements Relating to the ‘Shut Door,’ the Door of Mercy, and the Salvation of Souls by Ellen G. White and Other Early Adventists Arranged in a Chronological Setting from 1844 to 1851” (PEGW, 11/4/1982, SDoc); Arthur L. White, “Ellen G. White and the Shut Door Question: A Review of the Experience of Early Seventh-day Adventist Believers in Its Historical Context” (PEGW, 9/5/1982, SDoc). Algunos otros análisis del tema de la puerta cerrada son: Rolf J. Poehler, “ ‘... And the Door Was Shut’: Seventh-day Adventists and the Shut-Door Doctrine in the Decade after the Great Disappointment” (ensayo final, AU, 1978); P. Gerard Damsteegt, Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977; reimpresión: Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1995), pp. 104-124; Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord: The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1998), pp. 500-512, 549-569; Merlin D. Burt, “The Historical Background, Interconnected Development, and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White’s Role in Sabbatarian Adventism from 1844 to 1849”.

530 Raoul Dederen, “Ellen White’s Doctrine of Scripture”, Ministry (supl.), 7/ 1977; T. H. Blincoe, “The Prophets Were Until John”, Ministry (supl.), 7/1977; Arthur L. White, “Comments on the SDA Forum Presentation at Pacific Union College” (27/10/1979); Eric Livingstone, “Inquire of the Lord”, Ministry, 4/1981; Roger W. Coon, “Inspiration/Revelation: What It Is and How It Works, Part 3: The Relationship Between the Ellen G. White Writings and the Bible”, Journal of Adventist Education, 2-3/1982; Richard Hammill, “Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today”, Ministry, 7/1982; Roy Graham, “How the Gift of Prophecy Relates to God’s Word” y “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings”, AR, 14/10 y 23/12/1982; Alfred S. Jorgensen, “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, Part I” y “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts, Part II”, Australasian Record, 11/2 y 18/2/1984; R. W. Olson, comp., “The Relationship Between Ellen G. White and the Bible” (PEGW, 7/7/1986, SDoc).

531 D. F. Neufeld, en Adventist Review, 1980: “How Seventh-day Adventists Adopted the Sanctuary Doctrine” (3/1), “Aftermath of Autumn Disappointment” (10/1), “Edson’s October 23 Experience” (17/1), “Ellen White and Crosier’s Day-Star Article” (24/1), “A Significant Early Vision” (31/1), “The Investigative Judgment – 1” (7/2), “The Investigative Judgment – 2” (14/2), “A Basis for Confidence – 1” (21/2) y “A Basis for Confidence – 2” (28/2); W. Richard Lesher, “Landmark Truth Versus ‘Specious Error’ ” y “Truth Stands Forever”, AR, 6 y 13/3/1980; Lesher “The Role of the Ellen G. White Writings in Doctrinal Matters”, Ministry, 10/1980; J. R. Spangler, “Ellen White’s Role in Doctrinal Matters”, Ministry, 10/1980; V. N. Olsen, “Ellen White’s Defense Against Error and Apostasy”, AR, 14/10/1982; Richard Hammill, “Ellen White and Change”, AR, 13/1/1983; Arthur L. White, “The Certainty of Basic Doctrinal Positions”, AR, 26/7/1984.

532 Arthur L. White, “The Importance of Understanding Inspiration”, AR, 2/2/1978; White Estate staff, “Ellen G. White, Dates, and Biblical Chronology” (PEGW, 17/5/1978, SDoc); Alfred S. Jorgensen, “Hallmarks of Inspiration”, Australasian Record, 14/8/1978; A. L. White, “Inspiration and the Ellen G. White Writings”, de artículos reimpresos en AR (PEGW, 1978, 1979, SDoc); Robert W. Olson, “The 1919 Bible Conference and Bible and History Teachers’ Council” (PEGW, 24/9/1979, SDoc); “Study Documents on Inspiration and Creation”, AR, 17/1/1980; A. L. White, “The Prescott Letter to W. C. White, 6/4/1915” (PEGW, 15/6/1981, SDoc); William G. Johnsson, “How Does God Speak?”, Ministry, 10/1981; R. W. Olson, “The Question of Inerrancy in Inspired Writings” (PEGW, 12/4/1982, SDoc); R. J. Wieland, “Ellen White’s Inspiration, Authentic and Profound”, Australasian Record, 31/5/1882; R. W. Olson, comp., “The Salamanca Vision and the 1890 Diary” (PEGW, 12/10/1983, SDoc); Wadie Farag, “Inspiration in Islam and Christianity”, AR, 21/6/1984; C. R. Stanley, “Visions: The Prophet’s Credentials”, Australian Record, 25/8/1984; Alden Thompson, “Improving the Testimonies Through Revisions”, AR, 12/9/1985; R. W. Olson, “Evidence of Inspiration” (PEGW, 7/7/1986, SDoc); Tim Poirier, “The 1907 Interview With John Harvey Kellogg” (PEGW, 17/5/1987, SDoc).

533 Roger W. Coon, “Inspiration/Revelation: What It Is and How It Works”, reimpreso de un artículo de tres partes ya publicado en el Journal of Adventist Education (PEGW, 1981, 1982, SDoc); George R. Knight, “The Myth of the Inflexible Prophet”, AR, 3/4/1986; Coon, “Hermeneutics: Interpreting a Nineteenth-Century Prophet in the Space Age”, reimpreso de un artículo ya publicado en el Journal of Adventist Education (PEGW, verano de 1988, SDoc); Robert W. Olson, “Hermeneutics: Guiding Principles in the Interpretation of the Bible and the Writings of Ellen G. White” (PEGW, 1/6/1986, SDoc); Herbert E. Douglass, “Basic Principles of Understanding Ellen G. White’s Writings” (PEGW, SDoc); Douglass, “Basic Rules of Interpretation–Internal andExternal” (PEGW, SDoc).

534 Periodical Articles Concerning Inspiration, Ellen G. White, and Adventist History (Washington, D.C.: PEGW, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 6/1986); los artículos relevantes de esta publicación están incluidos en los temas listados arriba.

535 Roger W. Coon, comp., Anthology of Recently Published Articles on Selected Issues in Prophetic Guidance: 1980-1992 (para la clase Escritos de Elena G. de White GSEM 534) (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University, 1992); los artículos que pertenecen a esta antología no están listados aquí.

536 Roger W. Coon, The Great Visions of Ellen G. White (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1992), t. 1; A Gift of Light (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1983); Ellen G. White and Vegetarianism: Did She Practice What She Preached? (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1986); Heralds of New Light: Another Prophet to the Remnant? (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1987).

537 Ron Graybill, “The Power of Prophecy: Ellen G. White and the Women Religious Founders of the Nineteenth Century” (tesis doctoral, Johns Hopkins University, 1983).

538 Arthur L. White, Ellen G. White: The Early Years, 1827-1862 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1985); Ellen G. White: The Progressive Years, 1863-1875 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1986); Ellen G. White: The Lonely Years, 1876-1891 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1984); Ellen G. White: The Australian Years, 1891-1900 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1983); Ellen G. White: The Early Elmshaven Years, 1900-1905 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1981); Ellen G. White: The Later Elmshaven Years, 1905-1915 (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1982).

539 Arthur L. White, Ellen White: Woman of Vision (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 2000).

540 Ciro Sepúlveda, Ellen White: The Troubles and Triumphs of an American Prophet (Huntsville, Ala.: Oakwood College, 2002).

541 Gary Land, ed., The World of Ellen G. White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1987).

542 George R. Knight, Myths in Adventism: An Interpretive Study of Ellen White, Education, and Related Issues (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1985).

543 “Trial of Elder I. Dammon: Reported for the Piscataquis Farmer”, Piscataquis Farmer, 7/3/1845.

544 Bruce Weaver, “Incident in Atkinson: The Arrest and Trial of Israel Dammon”, Adventist Currents, 4/1988. Por diálogo adicional sobre el juicio de Dammon, ver Rennie Schoepflin, ed., Jonathan Butler, Ronald Graybill y Frederick Hoyt, “Scandal or Rite of Passage? Historians on the Dammon Trail”, Spectrum, 8/1987; Robert W. Olson a la Junta Directiva y los obreros del Patrimonio Elena G. de White, y a los Centros de Investigación, 21/10/1987, PEGW-LLU.

545 James R. Nix, “Another Look at Israel Dammon” (PEGW, 2/2005, SDoc). Ver también, Merlin D. Burt, “The Historical Background, Interconnected Development, and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White’s Role in Sabbatarian Adventism from 1844 to 1849”, pp. 132-140.

546 Roy E. Graham, Ellen G. White: Cofounder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, en American University Studies, Series VII: Theology and Religion (Nueva York: Peter Lang, 1985), t. 12; “Ellen G. White: An Examination of Her Position and Role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church” (tesis doctoral, University of Birmingham, 1977).

547 Woodrow W. Whidden II, Ellen White on Salvation: A Chronological Study (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1995); Ellen White on the Humanity of Christ: A Chronological Study (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1997); “The Soteriology of Ellen G. White: The Persistent Path to Perfection, 1836-1902” (tesis doctoral, Drew University, 1989).

548 Jerry Allen Moon, W. C. White and Ellen G. White: The Relationship Between the Prophet and Her Son (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1993).

549 Ver Zoltan Szalos-Farkas, The Rise and Development of Seventh-day Adventist Spirituality: The Impact of the Charismatic Guidance of Ellen G. White (Cernica, Romania: Editura Institutului Teologic Adventist, 2005).

550 Ellen G. White and Europe: Symposium Papers (Bracknell, Eng.: Ellen G. White Research Center, Newbold College, 1987).

551 I. J. van Zyl, Ellen G. White and Her Critics (South Africa: Esdea Books, 1994); Ellen G. White the Writer (South Africa: Esdea Books, 1997).

552 Alden Thompson, Inspiration: Hard Questions, Honest Answers (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1991).

553 Alden Thompson, Escape From the Flames: How Ellen White Grew From Fear to Joy–and Helped Me Do It Too (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2005).

554 Frank Holbrook y Leo Van Dolson, eds., Issues in Revelation and Inspiration (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Adventist Theological Society, 1992). Los autores de los capítulos son: Raoul Dederen, Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Norman R. Gulley, Richard A. Davidson, Gerhard F. Hasel, Randall W. Younker, Frank M. Hasel y Miroslav M. Kis.

555 Herbert E. Douglass, Messenger of the Lord: The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1998), publicado en español como Mensajera del Señor (Buenos Aires: ACES, 2000). Para Douglass, el tema del Gran Conflicto era el marco teológico integrador en los escritos de Elena de White. Ver también Douglass, “Ellen White and the Adventist Theology”, Dialogue 10, Nº 1 (1998), pp. 13-15, 19.

556 Herbert E. Douglass, Los que vieron... y creyeron (Florida Oeste, Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 2011).

557 Herbert E. Douglass, Profecías dramáticas de Elena G. de White (Florida Oeste, Buenos Aires: Asociación Casa Editora Sudamericana, 2009).

558 George R. Knight, Meeting Ellen White: A Fresh Look at Her Life, Writings, and Major Themes (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1996); Reading Ellen White: How to Understand and Apply Her Writings (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1997), publicado en español bajo el título Cómo leer a Elena de White (Miami, FL: APIA, 2004); Ellen White’s World: A Fascinating Look at the Times in Which She Lived (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1998); Walking With Ellen White: The Human Interest Story (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1999), publicado en español bajo el título Caminando con Elena G. de White. Su lado humano (Bueno Aires: ACES, 2004).

559 Juan Carlos Viera, The Voice of the Spirit: How God Has Led His People Through the Gift of Prophecy (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1998).

560 Arthur N. Patrick, “Ellen Gould White and the Australian Woman, 1891-1900 (tesis de maestría en Letras, University of New England, 1994); Christianity and Culture in Colonial Australia: Selected Catholic, Anglican, Wesleyan, and Adventist Perspectives, 1891-1900 (Sydney: Fast Books, 1993).

561 Arthur N. Patrick, “Seventh-day Adventists in the South Pacific: A Review of Sources”, Journal of Religious History, 6/1987; “Re-Visioning the Role of Ellen White Beyond the Year 2000”, Adventist Today, 3-4/1998, más un artículo sobre el mismo tema, ampliado, publicado en Internet; “Ellen White: Mother of the Church in the South Pacific”, Adventist Heritage, primavera de 1993.

562 “Ellen White and Current Issues” Symposium (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Center for Adventist Research, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008), ts. 1-4.

563 Vance Ferrell, The Editions of Great Controversy (Beersheba Springs, Tenn.: Pilgrims Books, 1994); Prophet of the End (Altamont, Tenn.: Pilgrim’s Rest, 1984).

564 Maurice Barnett publicó un libro de 70 páginas, titulado Ellen G. White and Inspiration (Louisville, Ky.: Gospel Anchor Publishing, 1983), principalmente para informar a los no adventistas sobre Elena de White. Barnett también escribió libros sobre los testigos de Jehová y los mormones.

565 Dale Ratzlaff, The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists: An Evangelical Resource, an Appeal to SDA Leadership (Sedona, Ariz.: Life Assurance Ministries, 1996).

566 Dale Ratzlaff, Sabbath in Crisis (Applegate, Calif.: Life Assurance Ministries, 1989, 1990); Sabbath in Christ (Glendale, Ariz.: Life Assurance Ministries, 2003).

567 Artículos publicados en Proclamation!: [Anónimo], “Ellen White: An Unreliable Prophet” (11-12/2002); Walter Rea, “Walter Rea on Ellen White” (5-6/2003); Dennis L. Palmer, “Whose Authority Shall We Follow?” (9-12/2003); Richard Goyne, “A Word (or Two) From God” (9-10/2004); Esther Shu, “I Stand Alone on the Word of God” (11-12/2004); Walter Rea, “Recant No!: I Stand Firm” (11-12/2004); Verle Streifling, “The Bible Inerrant?: Adventist Claims of Bible Contradictions and Errors” (5-6/2006); Russell Kelly, “Biblical Inspiration and Ellen G. White” (5-6/2006); Dale Ratzlaff, “The Ellen White Summit: A Response to Jud Lake” (11-12/2006); “The Christ Event and the Spirit of Prophecy” (3-4/2007).

568 Dirk Anderson, White Out: How a Prophetess’s Failed Visions, Mistaken Prophecies, and Embarrassing Blunders Were Covered Up and Concealed by Her Followers (Glendale, Ariz.: Life Assurance Ministries, 2001); Sydney Cleveland, White-Washed: Uncovering the Myths of Ellen G. White (Greenwood, Ind.: Sydney Cleveland, 1999).

569 Bob Pickle, A Response to Video: “Seventh-day Adventism, The Spirit Behind the Church” (Halstad, Mich.: Pickle Publishing, 2002).

570 Ellen G. White Concordance (St. Paul: Select Video Products, 1982).

571 Elena G. de White, A Call to Stand Apart: Challenging Young Adults to Make an Eternal Difference (Silver Spring, Md.: PEGW, 2002).

572 George R. Knight, Jud Lake, Craig Newborn y Jon Paulien, Ellen White Summit 2005: November 11, 12, 2005, DVD (Enumclaw, Wash.: A and J Enterprises, 2005).

573 Allan Lindsay, narrador, Prophetic Inspiration: The Holy Spirit at Work (Wahroonga, Australia: ampm, 2006).

574 Eryck Chairez, escritor, Mei Ann Toe, dir., Red Books: Our Search for Ellen White (Pacific Union College, Adventist Today, 2008); “Red Books Play Tours Southern California, DVD Next”, Adventist Today, 1-2/2008; Adrian Zytkoskee, “Red Books: Our Search for Ellen White”, Spectrum, primavera de 2007; A. Gregory Schneider, “Inside Red Books: A View of Loss, and Maybe, Recovery”, Spectrum, verano de 2008.

575 Helen M. Johnson y Evelyn Roose Dinsmore, Stories of Little Ellen and the Message (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1950); Arthur Whitefield Spalding, Sister White: A Life of Ellen G. White for Primary Children (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1950).

576 Marye Trim, Tell Me About Ellen White, ilustrado por Vernon Nye (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1975).

577 Paul B. Ricchiuti, Ellen: Trial and Triumph on the American Frontier (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1977); Ellen White: Friend of Angels, Stories From Her Amazing Adventures, Travels, and Relationships (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1999); Ellen White: Trailblazer for God: More Stories From Her Amazing Adventures, Travels, and Relationships (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2003); Charlie Horse/Mrs. White’s Secret Sock, ilustrado por James Converse (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1992); Where’s Moo Cow?/Tig’s Tale (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1995); The Little Girl Who Giggled/Camp Meeting Angel (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1998); Mr. Squirrel’s Treasure/Ellen’s Miracle Horse, ilustrado por Marcus Mashburn (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 2002); Four Boys in the White House: The Children of James and Ellen White (Grantham, Eng.: Stanborough Press, 2008).

578 Carolyn Byers, Good Night Too Soon: The Story of the Brief Life of Henry Nichols White, Son of James and Ellen White (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1980).

579 Miriam Hardinge, Long Ago Stories: Stories of Ellen White and Other SDA Pioneers for Parents to Read to Children (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1986).

580 Tom Kohls, Gathering Fruit (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1987); The Green Cord (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1987); The Missing Hairnet (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1987); A Trip to Heaven (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1987).

581 Eileen E. Lantry, Miss Marian’s Gold (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1981); Why Me, Lord? The Story of Ellen White (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1988).

582 Mabel R. Miller, Ellen: The Girl With Two Angels (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1996); Grandma Ellen and Me (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2000).

583 Dorothy Nelson, God Spoke to a Girl (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1998).

584 Becky Ponder, Jeanie Meets Ellen White (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1978).

585 Ella M. Robinson, Over My Shoulder (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1982).

586 Norma Youngberg, The Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Stories (Washington, D.C.: PEGW and General Conference Department of Education, 1979-1985).

587 Bernadine Irwin, Ellen White: We Never Knew You (Colorado Springs, Colo.: 1999). El libro de Irwin, aunque no es realmente un libro para niños, fue escrito en un estilo popular. Elaboró historias usando escenarios ficticios que, a veces, son incongruentes con las fuentes históricas.

588 “EGW Estate Launches New Web Magazine for Kids”, AR, 17/5/2007. Tutsch publicó su tesis de Doctorado en Ministerio, aunque no estaba relacionada con el Ministerio del Niño: Cindy Tutsch, Ellen White on Leadership: Guidance for Those Who Influence Others (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2008); Bonnie McLean, “Ellen White on Leadership Reveals Pioneer’s Insights”, AR, 19/6/2008.

589 Cindy Tutsch, “Back to Our Future: Why Adventist Heritage Should Matter to Our Kids”, AR, 24/7/2008. Ver también Arthur W. Spalding, “Meeting the Needs of Children”, Adventist World, 12/2007.

590 Ansel Oliver, “Historical Focus Can Shape Future Adventist Generations”, AR, 26/8/2008; Ella May Robinson, “Stories of My Grandmother”, KidsView, 18/9/2008.

591 Charles Edward Dudley, Sr., The Genealogy of Ellen Gould Harmon White: The Prophetess of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the Story of the Growth and Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination as It Relates to African-Americans (Nashville: Dudley Publishing, 1999), t. 2.

592 Charles Edward Dudley, Sr., Thou Who Hast Brought Us Thus Far on Our Way: The Development of Seventh-day Adventist Denomination Among African-Americans (Nashville: Dudley Publications, 2000), t. 3.

593 Roger D. Joslyn, “Gould Ancestry of Ellen Gould (Harmon) White”, 2002, actualizada el 9/4/2003.

594 “The Genealogy of Ellen G. White: An Update” (PEGW, 4/2003).

595 Don S. McMahon, Acquired or Inspired: Exploring the Origins of the Adventist Lifestyle (Victoria, Australia: Signs Publishing, 2005).

596 Leonard Brand y Don S. McMahon, The Prophet and Her Critics: A Striking New Analysis Refutes the Charges That Ellen G. White “Borrowed” the Health Message (Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 2005).

597 T. Joe Willey, “Natural or Supernatural: Can Science Establish the Supernatural in the Health Writings of Ellen G. White?”, Adventist Today, 9-10/2008 (incluye una respuesta de Leonard Brand y Don McMahon; Numbers, Prophetess of Health [2008], p. xxiv).

598 Mervyn G. Hardinge, A Physician Explains Ellen White’s Counsel on Drugs, Herbs, and Natural Remedies (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 2001).

599 Graeme S. Bradford, Prophets Are Human (Victoria, Australia: Signs Publishing, 2004); ver también Denis Fortin, “Ellen G. White as Messenger of the Lord: What Else Could Dr. Smithurst Say?”, Ellen White and Current Issues Symposium (Center for Adventist Research, 2005), pp. 10-29.

600 Graeme S. Bradford, People Are Human: Look What They Did to Ellen White (Victoria, Australia: Signs Publishing, 2005).

601 Graeme S. Bradford, More Than a Prophet: How We Lost and Found Again the Real Ellen White (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Biblical Perspectives, 2006); además, libros y artículos en CD-ROM, incluyendo una conferencia en vivo (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Biblical Perspectives, 2006).

602 Wayne Grudem, The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today, ed. rev. (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2000); D. A. Carson, Showing the Spirit – A Theological Exposition of 1 Corinthians 12-14 (Homebush West, Australia: Lancer Books, 1988); Ben Witherington III, Jesus the Seer (Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1999); Bradford, More Than a Prophet, pp. 70, 71.

603 Bradford, More Than a Prophet, p. 113.

604 Russell R. Standish y Colin D. Standish, The Greatest of All the Prophets (Narbethong, Australia: Highwood Books, 2004), p. 12.

605 Ibíd., pp. 101, 198.

606 Artículos publicados en Spectrum: Jonathan M. Butler, “Ellen G. White and the Chicago Mission” (invierno de 1970); Roy Branson y Herold D. Weiss, “Ellen White: A Subject for Adventist Scholarship” (otoño de 1970); Frederick E. J. Harder, “Divine Revelation: A Review of Some of Ellen White’s Concepts” (otoño de 1970); William S. Peterson, “A Textual and Historical Study of Ellen White’s Account of the French Revolution” (otoño de 1970); Richard Lewis, “The ‘Spirit of Prophecy’ ” (otoño de 1970); W. Paul Bradley, “Ellen G. White and Her Writings” (primavera de 1971); Peterson, “Ellen White’s Literary Indebtedness” (otoño de 1971); Arthur L. White, “Ellen G. White the Person” (primavera de 1972); Ronald Graybill, “How Did Ellen White Choose and Use Historical Sources?” (verano de 1972); Stanley G. Sturges, “Ellen White’s Authority and the Church” (verano de 1972); Ingemar Linden, Norval F. Pease y Jonathan Butler, “The Prophet of Destiny?” (Nº 1 y 2 de 1974); Stephen T. Hand, “The Conditionality of Ellen White’s Writings” (Nº 3 y 4 de 1974); W. Frederick Norwood, PEGW, Fawn M. Brodie, Ernest R. Sandeen, Richard Schwarz, Fritz Guy y Ronald L. Numbers, “Commentary on Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White, by Ronald L. Numbers” (1/1977); Joseph J. Battistone, “Ellen White’s Authority as Bible Commentator” (1/1977); Gary Land, “Faith, History, and Ellen White” (3/1978); Eric Anderson, “Ellen White and Reformation Historians” (7/1978); Butler, “The World of E. G. White and the End of the World” (8/1979); Chuck y Marianne Scriven, “Another Look at Ellen White on Music” (8/1979); Douglas Hackleman, “GC Committee Studies Ellen White’s Sources” (3/1980); Harold E. Fagal, Thomas A. Norris, W. Larry Richards y Jonathan Butler, “Butler on Ellen White’s Eschatology” (7/1980); Carlyle Manous, Jeanne Fleming, Martha Ford, Russell Stafford, B. E. Seton, y Charles y Marianne Scriven, “Scrivens on Music” (7/1980); Sanctuary Review Committee, “The Role of the Ellen G. White Writings in Doctrinal Matters” (11/1980); Donald Casebolt, “Ellen White, the Waldenses, and Historical Interpretation” (2/1981) y “Is Ellen White’s Interpretation of Biblical Prophecy Final?” (6/1982); Gordon Shigley, “Amalgamation of Man and Beast: What Did Ellen White Mean?” (6/1982); Bert Haloviak con Gary Land, “Ellen White and Doctrinal Conflict: Context of the 1919 Bible Conference” (6/1982); Butler, “The White Lie, by Walter Rea” (6/1982); Numbers, “The Psychological World of Ellen White” (8/1983); Bonnie L. Casey, “Graybill’s Exit: Turning Point at the White Estate” (3/1984); Donald R. McAdams, “The Scope of Ellen White’s Authority” (7/1985); Weiss, “Formative Authority–Yes, Canonization–No” (8/1985); Arthur White, “In Defense of Compilations” (8/1985); Jean Zurcher, “A Vindication of Ellen White as Historian” (8/1985); Lourdes Morales-Gudmundsson, “Pleasing the Senses: Ellen White Wouldn’t Object” (5/1987); Tim Poirier, “Black Forerunner to Ellen White: William E. Foy” (8/1987); Frederick Hoyt, ed., “Trial of Elder I. Dammon: Reported for the Piscataquis Farmer” (8/1987); Rennie Schoepflin, ed., “Scandal or Rite of Passage? Historians on the Dammon Trial” (8/1987); Rolf J. Poehler, “Adventism and 1844: Shut Door or Open Mind?” (8/1988); Bert Haloviak, “Ellen White Endorsed Adventist Women Ministers” (7/1989); Land, “Adventists in Plain Dress” (12/1989); James Walters, “Ellen White in a New Key” (12/1991); Butler, “The Historian as Heretic” (8/1993); David Thiele, “Is Conservatism a Heresy?” (1/1994); Kathleen Joyce, “Illness as a Refuge and Strength” (4/1995); Woodrow Whidden, “Ellen White and John Wesley” (9/1996); “A Conversation With Herbert Douglass About Ellen White” (invierno de 1999); Alden Thompson, “Review of Messenger of the Lord” (invierno de 1999); Graybill, “That ‘Great African-American Woman’, Ellen Gould Harmon White” (otoño de 2000); A. Gragory Schneider, “The Shouting Ellen White: A Review of Ann Taves’ Book” (otoño de 2001); Land, “An Ambiguous Legacy: A Retrospective Review of Prophetess of Health” (invierno de 1999); Herbert E. Douglass, “Reexamining the Way God Speaks to His Messengers: Rereading Prophetess of Health” (invierno de 1999); Douglas Morgan, “A New Era of Ellen G. White Studies?” (otoño de 2002); Richard Rice, “The Great Controversy and the Problem of Evil” (invierno de 2004); Arthur Patrick, “South Pacific Division Convenes Ellen White Summit” (primavera de 2004) y “Prophets Are Human! Are Humans Prophets?” (primavera de 2005); Alexander Carpenter, “That Embarrassing Voice of Prophecy” (invierno de 2006); John Hoyt, “Danish Cheese and American Gothic: Thoughts on Depicting the Prophet” (primavera de 2006); Bert Haloviak, “Ellen White, the Australasian Ministers, and the Role of Women Preachers” (primavera de 2006); Malcolm Bull y Keith Lockhart, “Authority and Identity” (otoño de 2006); Bonnie Dwyer y Graeme Bradford, “Saving Ellen White” (primavera de 2007); Daneen Akers, “Writing a Prophet: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Red Books, a New Play About Ellen White” (primavera de 2007); Benjamin McArthur, “Point of the Spear: Adventist Liberalism and the Study of Ellen White in the 1970s” (primavera de 2008); Alita Byrd y Ronald Numbers, “Prophetess of Health Reappears” (verano de 2008); David H. Thiele, “Straitjacket or Flight Suit? Ellen White’s Role in the Adventist Theology of the Twenty-first Century” (verano de 2008).

607 Gary Shearer, “A Bibliography of Sources About Ellen White in Spectrum”, Spectrum, invierno de 1999.

608 Artículos publicados en Adventist Today: Alden Thompson, “The Great Controversy Is Dated But True” (9-10/1993); Fred Veltman, “Text and Community in Dynamic Relationship” (9-10/1993); Steven P. Vitrano, “Prophecy: A Blessing and a Danger” (9-10/1993); Bert B. Haloviak, “Ellen White: 75 More Years of Role Confusion” (11-12/1994); Bruce Heinrich, “Ellen G. White: Will Her Writings Stand in the Light of Truth?” (3-4/1998); Max Phillips, “Cultic Doctrine: Powerful But Also Unfair” (3-4/1998); James Walters, “Ellen G. White and Truth-telling: An Ethical Analysis of Literary Dependency” (3-4/1998); Arthur Patrick, “Re-Visioning the Role of Ellen White Beyond the Year 2000” (3-4/1998); John A. Ramirez, Jr., y Eva Paschal, “Quest for the Historical Ellen White: Numbers Speaks for Richard Hammill Memorial Lecture” (5-6/2001); Randy A. Croft, “Is Ellen an Option?” (11-12/2002); Kenneth Richards, “Two Authorities or One?” (3-4/2003); Michael Scofield, “A Response to Kenneth Richards on the Authority of Ellen White” (5-6/2003); John Thomas McLarty, “The Five Books of Adventist Theology” (9-10/2003); James Stirling, “Ellen G. White Updated?” (9-10/2003); Frederick G. Hoyt, “Wrestling With Venerable Manuscripts” (5-6/2004); Jenann Elias, “Exposing Ellen White” (5-6/2005); Jim Moyers, “Ellen White and Adventism: Beyond the True/False Prophet Debate” (7-8/2005); Hoyt, “Ellen White, Mary Baker Eddy, and Mesmerism” (7-8/2005); Rick Williams (seudónimo), “The Lost Manuscript: A Dream” (7-8/2005); Max Gordon Phillips, “A Little Girl Who Had a Little Curl: Coming to Terms With the Prophet Ellen” (3-4/2007); Jim Walters, “Posner Is Wrong on Plagiarism” (5-6/2007); T. Joe Willey, “The Specter of Plagiarism Haunting Adventism” (5-6/2007); David Conklin, “The Specter of Plagiarism Haunting Adventism: A Comment and Response” (9-10/2007; incluye una respuesta por T. Joe Willey); George [R.] Knight, “Visions of the Word: The Authority of Ellen White in Relation to the Authority of Scripture in the Seventh-day Adventist Movement, Part I” (11-12/2007) y “Visions of the Word: The Authority of Ellen White in Relation to the Authority of Scripture in the Seventh-day Adventist Movement, Part II” (11-12/2007); Ciro Sepúlveda, “Why Ellen White and Leadership Didn’t Get Along” (3-4/2008).

609 Artículos publicados en el JATS: Paul A. Gordon, “Ellen White’s Role in Ministering to God’s End-time Remnant” (8/1991); P. Gerard Damsteegt, “Ellen White on Theology, Its Methods, and the Use of Scripture” (otoño de 1993) y “The Inspiration of Scripture in the Writings of Ellen G. White” (primavera de 1994); Alberto R. Timm, “History of Inspiration in the Adventist Church (1844-1915)” (primavera de 1994); Damsteegt, “Ellen White, Lifestyle, and Scripture Interpretation” (otoño de 1996); Timm, “Ellen G. White: Side Issues or Central Message?” (otoño de 1996); Warren S. Ashworth, “The Lesser and the Greater Lights: Ellen White and the Bible” (primavera-otoño de 1998); Denis Fortin, “Ellen G. White’s Understanding of the Sanctuary and Hermeneutics” (primavera-otoño de 1998); Timm, “A History of Seventh-day Adventist Views on Biblical and Prophetic Inspiration (1844-2000)” (primavera-otoño de 1999); Gerhard Pfandl, “Ellen G. White and Earth Science” (primavera de 2003); Fortin, “The Cross of Christ: Theological Differences Between Joseph H. Waggoner and Ellen G. White” (otoño de 2003); Fernando Canale, “From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology, Part I, Historical Review” (otoño de 2004); Thomas A. Davis, “Was Ellen White Confused About Justification?” (otoño de 2006); Jerry Moon, “The Quest for a Biblical Trinity: Ellen White’s ‘Heavenly Trio’ ” (primavera de 2006); Fortin, “Ellen White’s Interpretation and Use of the Seven Letters of Revelation” (otoño de 2007); Don Leo M. Garilva, “The Development of Ellen G. White’s Concept of Babylon in The Great Controversy” (otoño de 2007).

610 Artículos publicados en Perspective Digest: Roger W. Coon, “A ‘Testimony’ From the ‘Other Side’ ” (año 2, Nº 2, 1997, pp. 42-47); Roland R. Hegstad, “A Hell That Burns Out – the Doctrine That Alarmed Ellen White” (año 2, Nº 4, 1997, pp. 8-10); Paul A. Gordon, “Warning: Don’t Tell the Prophet What to Preach!” (año 3, Nº 1, 1998, pp. 56-58); Hegstad, “The Tale of Two Magazines” (año 4, Nº 3, 1999, pp. 47-56); Denis Fortin, “The Dollhouse” (año 4, Nº 4, 1999, pp. 52-58); Herbert E. Douglass, “The Great Controversy Theme” (año 5, Nº 2, 2000, pp. 26-31); Hans K. LaRondelle, “Adventist at the Heart of the Gospel” (año 7, Nº 2, 2002, pp. 39-46); Warren S. Ashworth, “Why Dad Left Church Confused” (año 8, Nº 2, 2003, pp. 28-37); Hegstad, “A Lesson in Right Thinking” y “Should Our Prophetic Schema Be Revised?” (año 9, Nº 3, 2004, pp. 7-9, 34-46); Gerhard Pfandl, “Seventh-day Adventists and Christmas” (año 11, Nº 4, 2006, pp. 52-54); Ashworth, “The Lesser and the Greater Light” (año 12, Nº 1, 2007, pp. 4-14); Frank M. Hasel, “Ellen White and Creation” (año 12, Nº 1, 2007, pp. 40-49); Alberto R. Timm, “Adventist Views on Inspiration” (año 13, Nº 3, 2008, pp. 24-39); Thomas A. Davis, “Was Ellen White Confused About Justification?” (año 13, Nº 3, 2008, pp. 40-49); Timm, “Adventist Views on Inspiration” (año 13, Nº 4, 2008, pp. 29-49).

611 Artículos publicados en Adventists Affirm: Alberto R. Timm, “Responding Rightly to the Prophets” (otoño de 2000); Samuel Koranteng-Pipin, “Understanding the Spirit of Prophecy: Some Key Questions and Principles” (otoño de 2000); William Fagal, “Ellen G. White: Prophet or Plagiarist?” (primavera de 2001); Jan Voerman, “Errors in Inspired Writings, Part I: How Ancient Were the Waldenses?” y “Errors in Inspired Writings, Part II: Historical, Chronological and Theological ‘Errors’?” (primavera de 2001); Allan G. Lindsay, “The Word and Ellen White” (otoño de 2006).

612 Artículos publicados en Adventist Heritage: Ron y Gerte Graybill, “Ellen White in Copenhagen” (7/1974); Eric D. Anderson, “Ellen White and Jim Crow” (7/1974); Ron Graybill, “The Lucinda Abbey Hall Collection” (invierno de 1975); Larry White, “Margaret W. Rowen: Prophetess of Reform and Doom” (verano de 1979); Jonathan Butler, “The First Book of the Chronicles” (otoño de 1982); Arthur N. Patrick, “A Fourth Book of Chronicles” (otoño de 1985) y “Founding Mothers: Women and the Adventist Work in the South Pacific Division” (otoño de 1986); Roger W. Coon, “Council to a Nervous Bridegroom” (verano de 1990); Ron Graybill, “Letter to Elizabeth” (verano de 1990) y “The Whites Come to Battle Creek: A Turning Point in Adventist History” (otoño de 1992); Lila Jo Peck, “Relationships Among the White, Harmon, and MacDearman Families” (invierno de 1993).

613 Ron D. Graybill, “Heirloom: Leaves From Ellen White’s Family Album”, Adventist Heritage, primavera de 1982.

614 Artículos publicados en Ministry: D. A. Delafield, “Why Ellen White Called for Help” (4/1976); J. Wayne McFarland y Delafield, “Celebrate the Bicentennial With ‘The Story of Our Health Message’ ” (4/1976); J. R. Spangler con Paul Bradley, “Does the White Estate Suppress Secret Documents?” (6/1976); N. R. Dower, “Righteousness by Faith” (8/1976); Spangler con H. M. S. Richards, “The Editor Interviews H. M. S. Richards” (10/1976); Joseph J. Battistone, “The Great Controversy Theme in Jesus’ Parables” (10/1976); Robert H. Pearson, “The Alpha of Apostasy” (8/1977); Warren H. Johns, “Ellen G. White and Subterranean Fires, Part I: Does Borrowing of Literary Passages and Terms Constitute Borrowing of Concepts?” (8/1977); Leo R. Van Dolson, “Profiting From His Prophet: What Are We Waiting For?” (8/1977); Pearson, “The Omega of Apostasy” (10/1977); Johns, “Ellen G. White and Subterranean Fires, Part II: Does Borrowing of Literary Passages and Terms Constitute Borrowing of Concepts?” (10/1977); Gordon M. Hyde, “Righteousness by Faith Symposium in Washington” (10/1978); Arthur L. White, “How the E. G. White Books Were Written” (6/1979), “How the E. G. White Books Were Written–2” (8/1979), “How the E. G. White Books Were Written–3” (10/1979), “How the E. G. White Books Were Written–4” (12/1979) y “How the E. G. White Books Were Written–5” (2/1980); Roger W. Coon, “How Near Is the Omega?” (4/1980); Neal C. Wilson, “This I Believe About Ellen G. White” (4/1980); “The Shaking Up of Adventism?” (5/1980); Spangler con Robert W. Olson y Ronald D. Graybill, “Ellen White and Literary Dependency” (6/1980); Spangler, “Persecuting the Prophets” (2/1981); “Ellen G. White–Plagiarist?” (3/1981); Eric Livingston, “Inquire of the Lord” (4/1981); S. M. I. Henry [reimpresión de Gospel of Health], “My Telescope” (6/1981); Elbio Pereyra, “Prophetic Ministry” (8/1981); William G. Johnsson, “How Does God Speak?” (10/1981); Graybill, “Ellen White’s Role in Doctrinal Formation” (10/1981); Spangler, “What’s So Unique About Adventism?” (12/1981); Spangler con Arthur White, “EGW: A Biography” (12/1982); Richard Hammill, “This We Believe–9: Spiritual Gifts in the Church Today” (7/1982); Roger L. Dudley y Des Cummings, Jr., “Who Reads Ellen White?” (10/1982); Morris L. Venden, “What Jesus Said About the Prophets” (11/1982); Erwin R. Gane, “Within the Veil: Where Did Christ Go?” (12/1983); Johns, “Ellen G. White and Biblical Chronology” (4/1984); “Ellen G. White and Epilepsy” (8/1984); Tim Crosby, “Does Inspired Mean Original?” (2/1986); Coon, “Ellen G. White and Vegetarianism” (4/1986); Spangler, “The Gift of Prophecy and ‘Thought Voices’ ” (6/1986); George E. Rice, “How to Write a Bible” (6/1986) y “How to Write a Bible” (8/1986); Crosby, “Why I Don’t Believe in Sola Scriptura” (10/1987); George W. Reid, “Sola Scriptura: A Response” (10/1987); Rice, “The Church: Voice of God?” (12/1987); David C. Nieman, “Do Sports Belong in SDA Schools?” (8/1988); Graybill, “Health Reform and Adventists in the Nineteenth Century” (10/1988); William Fagal, “Did Ellen White Call for Ordaining Women?” (12/1988) y “Did Ellen White Support the Ordination of Women?” (2/1989); Gerald Wheeler, “The Historical Basis of Adventist Standards” (10/1989); Tim Poirier, “Sources Clarify Ellen White’s Christology” (12/1989); George R. Knight, “Crisis in Authority” (2/1991); Arthur N. Patrick, “Does Our Past Embarrass Us?” (4/1991); Alden Thompson, “God’s Word: Casebook or Codebook?” (7/1991); Graybill, “Enthusiasm in Early Advent Worship” (10/1991); Reid, “Is the Bible Our Final Authority?” (11/1991); Woodrow W. Whidden, “The Way of Life Engravings: Harbingers of Minneapolis?” (10/1992); Russell L. Staples, “Understanding Adventism” (9/1993); Graybill, “Visions and Revisions, Part 1” (2/1994); Alberto Timm, “Ellen G. White and Tithe” (2/1994); Graybill, “Visions and Revisions, Part 2” (4/1994); Patrick, “Are Adventists Evangelical? The Case of Ellen White in the 1890s” (2/1995); Spangler, “Believe in the Lord, Believe in His Prophets” (7-8/1995); Knight, “Proving More Than Intended” (3/1996); Whidden, “Ellen White and the Basics of Salvation” (6/1997); Knight, “The Case of the Overlooked Postscript: A Footnote on Inspiration” (8/1997); Roy Naden, “Contemporary Manifestations of the Prophecy Gift” (6/1999); Timm, “Understanding Inspiration: The Symphonic and Wholistic Nature of Scripture” (8/1999); Graeme S. Bradford, “The Prophets Are Human Too!” (8/1999); Richard W. Coffen, “A Fresh Look at the Dynamics of Inspiration, Part 1” (12/1999) y “Thy Word Is a Light Unto My Feet, Part 2” (2/2000); Ekkehardt Mueller, “The Revelation, Inspiration, and Authority of Scripture” (4/2000); James A. Cress, “The Gift That Keeps Giving” (4/2000); Will Eva, “What’s a Theologian After All?” (10/2000); Walter M. Booth, “Ellen White, Theologian?” (10/2000); Paul McGraw, “Without a Living Prophet” (12/2000); Whidden, “Ellen White, Inerrancy, and Interpretation” (12/2002); Gilbert Valentine, “A Slice of History: The Difficulties of Imposing Orthodoxy” (2/2003) y “Developing Truth and Changing Perspectives” (4/2003); Timm, “Ellen G. White: Prophetic Voice for the Last Days” (1/2004); Thompson, “Response to Dale Ratzlaff” (1/2004); Whidden, “The Adventist ‘Pioneer’ Theological Heritage” (2/2005); Valentine, “A Slice of History: How a Clearer View of Jesus Developed in the Adventist Church” (5/2005); Kevin L. Morgan con David J. Conklin, “Plagiarism: A Historical and Cultural Survey” (8/2007), “Plagiarism: Alternate Explanations?” (10/2007) y “Was Ellen White a Plagiarist?” (12/2007).

615 J. David Newman, “How Candid Should Ministry Be?”, Ministry, 12/1991.

616 J. R. Spangler, “Are There Prophets in the Modern Church?” (Ministry, 7/1977). Artículos publicados en Are There Prophets in the Modern Church?, suplemento de Ministry (7/1977): La Vonne Neff, “Ellen G. White –A Brief Life Sketch”; Raoul Dederen, “Ellen White’s Doctrine of Scripture”; T. H. Blincoe, “The Prophets Were Until John”; Mervyn A. Warren, “Christology and Soteriology in the Writings of Ellen White”; Hedwig Jemison, “Looking Ahead Through the Eyes of Prophecy”.

617 Artículos publicados en Ministry (10/1980): “Questions Studied and Answered by the Sanctuary Review Committee”; “Consensus Document: Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary”; “Consensus Document: The Role of Ellen G. White Writings in Doctrinal Matters”; “Questions and Answers on Doctrinal Issues: 4. Ellen White’s Role in Doctrinal Matters”; “Questions and Answers on Doctrinal Issues: 5. Methodology”.

618 “Additional Study Materials Available”, Ministry, 10/1980.

619 W. T. Rea, The White Lie. Artículos publicados en Ministry (6/1982): J. R. Spangler, “The Two Mind-sets”; Warren H. Johns, “Ellen White: Prophet or Plagiarist?”

620 “For Further Study”, Ministry, 6/1982.

621 Ministry, encarte, The Truth About the White Lie, 8/1982.

622 “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings: A Statement of Present Understanding as Revised 14/6/1982”, Ministry, 8/1982.

623 “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings: A Statement of Present Understanding”, Ministry, 2/1983.

624 Artículos publicados en Ministry (2/1988): Robert W. Olson, “1888: Issues, Outcomes, Lessons”; C. Mervyn Maxwell, “What Is the 1888 Message?”; George E. Rice, “Corporate Repentance”; Alden Thompson, “Must We Agree?”

625 Artículos publicados en Ministry, en 1990: Fred Veltman, “The Desire of Ages Project: The Data, Part I” (octubre) y “The Desire of Ages Project: The Conclusions” (diciembre); David C. Jarnes con Robert W. Olson, “Olson Discusses the Veltman Study” (diciembre).

626 Robert W. Olson, “Ellen White’s Denials”, Ministry, 2/1991.

627 Artículos publicados en Ministry (10/1993): Martin Weber, “Rejoicing Despite Apostasy”; Woodrow Whidden, “Essential Adventism or Historic Adventism?”; George R. Knight, “Adventists and Change”.

628 Seventh-day Adventists Answer Questions on Doctrine, registrado con notas de George R. Knight en la Adventist Classic Series (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 2003). Artículos en Ministry (8/2003): Woodrow W. Whidden, “Questions on Doctrine: Then and Now”; Herbert E. Douglass, “Thoughts on the Republished Questions on Doctrine”.

629 Artículos en el suplemento de Ministry de 8/2003: Erwin R. Gane, “Christ and Human Perfection in the Writings of E. G. White”; Robert W. Olson, “Outline Studies on Christian Perfection and Original Sin”.

630 Artículos publicados en RH, en 1976: E. W. Nash, “Ellen G. White and Health” (19/2); Merton E. Sprengel y Dowell E. Martz, “Orion Revisited: Two Seventh-day Adventist Scientists Discuss ‘the Open Space in Orion’ to which Ellen White Referred in an 1848 Vision, Part 1” (25/3), “How Open Is Orion’s Open Space? Part 2” (1/4) y “Does the ‘Open Space’ Exist Today? Part 3” (8/4); Robert W. Olson, “The Spirit of 1876” (22/4) y “Christ Our Righteousness”, declaración (27/5); Kenneth H. Wood, “Battle Over Inerrancy” (17/6) y “The Divine-Human Word” (24/6); Joseph J. Battistone, “Interpreting Ellen G. White’s Writings” (1/7); W. Paul Bradley, “Race and the Ellen G. White Counsels” (15/7); Ernest Lloyd, “I Heard Mrs. White Say It” (5/8); Wood, “An Important Challenge to the Faith? Part 1” (19/8), “Inspired Persons, Ancient and Modern, Part 2” (26/8) y “Dealing With ‘Facts,’ Part 3” (2/9); Thomas H. Blincoe, “A Remnant Foretold: The Seventh-day Adventist Church Meets the Biblical Specifications for the Remnant Church” (14/10).

631 Artículos publicados en la RH, en 1977: Charles Mitchell, “Why I Accepted the Spirit of Prophecy” (20/1); Raymond F. Cottrell, “The Historical Method of Interpretation” (7/4); Alta Robinson, “Ellen White’s ‘Daughters’ ” (14/4); D. A. Delafield, “Are the Testimonies Negative?” (30/6); Don F. Neufeld, “Faith and Practice Versus Prophetic Fulfillment” (11/8); Kenneth H. Wood, “Stoning God’s Prophets” (15/9); Robert H. Pierson, “The Testimony of Jesus” (7/10); Alta Robinson, “Ellen G. White, Born November 26, 1827” (24/11); Joseph J. Battistone, “Spiritual Gifts to the Remnant” (1/12).

632 Arthur L. White, artículos publicados en la AR, en 1978: “Toward an Adventist Concept of Inspiration”, Part 1 (12/1); “The Prophet Bears Testimony”, Part 2 (19/1); “The Question of Infallibility”, Part 3 (26/1); “The Importance of Understanding Inspiration”, Part 4 (2/2).

633 Artículos publicados en la AR, en 1979: Kenneth H. Wood, “An Important Series About Ellen G. White” (12/7); Arthur L. White, “Ellen G. White’s Sources for the Conflict Series Books, Part 1” (12/7), “Rewriting and Amplifying the Controversy Story, Part 2” (19/7), “Historical Sources and the Conflict Series, Part 3” (26/7), “Writing on the Life of Christ, Part 4” (2/8), “Preparing The Desire of Ages, Part 5” (9/8), “Completing the Work on The Desire of Ages, Part 6” (16/8) y “Completing The Desire of Ages” (23/8).

634 Artículos publicados en la AR: Clarence Dunbebin, “How Ellen White Disciplined Her Sons” (15/3/1979); D. A. Delafield, “Are Seventh-day Adventists a Cult?” (26/4/1979); Earl C. Mercill, “What About a ‘Pantdress’?” (19/7/1979); Milton Murray, “Ellen White, Printing, and I” (26/7/1979); “Study Documents on Inspiration and Creation” (17/1/1980); Harold L. Calkins, “How Inspiration Works” (14/2/1980); Richard Lesher, “Landmark Truth Versus ‘Specious Error’–1” (6/3/1980) y “Truth Stands Forever–2” (13/3/1980); Neal C. Wilson, “This I Believe About Ellen G. White” (20/3/1980); Ron Graybill, “Dramatic New Painting Exalts Christ” (20/4/1980); Kenneth G. Hance, “A Non-Adventist Viewpoint on Ellen G. White” (29/5/1980); Graybill, “What Academy Students Think of Ellen White” (26/6/1980); Harold Baasch, “My ‘Special Hand’ ” (3/7/1980); “Tape on EGW Literary Sources” (20/11/1980); A. L. White, “Ellen G. White and Her Writings” (27/11/1980); Clive M. McCay, “A Nutrition Authority Discusses Ellen G. White–1” (8/1/1981) y “Science Confirms Adventist Health Teachings–2” (15/1/1981); Robert G. Wearner, “Ellen White and Little Elias” (26/2/1981); Graybill, “Did Mrs. White ‘Borrow’ in Reporting a Vision?” (2/4/1981); A. L. White, “Ellen White’s Last Four Books–Part 1” (11/6/1981), “More Than ‘One More Book’–Part 2” (18/6/1981) y “The Story of Prophets and Kings–Part 3” (25/6/1981); J. N. Hunt, “Ellen White Books Bring Understanding to Readers” (25/6/1981); Lewis Walton, “Omega” (2/7/1981); Wilson, “The Ellen G. White Writings and the Church” (9/7/1981); Norman R. Gulley, “She Beheld Him and Was Changed” (1/10/1981); E. R. Gane, “The Great Physician’s Prescription” (17/12/1981); Alden Thompson, “Ellen White’s Pilgrimage to Golgotha” (24/12/1981); Clyde R. Bradley, “Inspiration: God’s Filtration System” (31/12/1981); Thompson, “The Theology of Ellen G. White: The Great Controversy Story” (31/12/1981); Roger W. Coon con A. L. White, “I Live With the Project 24 Hours a Day” (21/1/1982); Niels-Erik Andreasen, “From Vision to Prophecy” (28/1/1982); W. R. May, “Are We Guilty of Discrediting the Spirit of Prophecy?” (22/4/1982); Robert W. Olson, “People With the Spirit of Prophecy” (Friendship Issue, 6/5/1982); Coon, “First International Prophetic Guidance Workshop Is Held” (20/5/1982); Geoffrey E. Garne, “Are the Testimonies Legalistic?” (1/7/1982); Thompson, “The Prodigal Son Revisited” (1/7/1982); J. T. McDuffie, “The Prodigal Son Rebutted” (1/7/1982); “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings: Statement of Present Understanding, as Revised 14/6/1982” (15/7/1982); Yvonne Hendley Hanson, “After 81 Years, a Visit ‘Down Under’ ” (15/7/1982); Graybill, “The ‘I Saw’ Parallels in Ellen White’s Writings” (29/7/1982); Wearner, “Ellen White in Brazil” (12/8/1982); Roy Adams, “A Testimony” (4/11/1982); “The Inspiration and Authority of the Ellen G. White Writings: A Statement of Present Understanding” (23/12/1982); Delmer A. Johnson, “The Sources of Inspired Writings” (30/12/1982); Wilson, “Desire of Ages Researcher Gives Progress Report” (30/12/1982); Richard Hammill, “Change and the SDA Church–1” (6/1/1983) y “Ellen White and Change” (13/1/1983); Ernest Lloyd, “Ellen White’s Personal Work” (13/1/1983); D. A. Delafield, “In Times of Testing and Doubting” (10/2/1983); Wilson, “White Biography Project Moves Forward” (10/2/1983); George I. Butler, “A Voice From the Past” (21/4/1983); Albert E. Hirst, “Ellen White’s Criticism of Nineteenth-Century Medicine–1” (30/6/1983); Ed Christian con Ethel May Lacey, “Life With My Mother-in-Law” (7/7/1983); Hirst, “Would Ellen White Favor Medicines Used Today?–2” (7/7/1983) y “Ellen White’s Attitude Toward Medical Progress” (14/7/1983); Paul A. Gordon, “Ellen White’s Birthplace Commemorated” (21/7/1983); Olson, “White Estate Staffer Explains Dissertation” (24/11/1983); Wilson, “White Estate Staffer Reassigned” (2/2/1984); Olson, “Ellen G. White’s Use of Historical Sources in The Great Controversy” (23/2/1984); Wood, “The 1909 General Conference Session: Flashback” (24/5/1984) y “The 1909 Session: Delegates Challenged” (31/5/1984); A. L. White, “Why Seventh-day Adventists Have No Creed” (12/7/1984), “How Basic Doctrines Came to Adventists” (17/7/1984) y “The Certainty of Basic Doctrinal Positions” (26/7/1984); Olson, “Physicians Say Ellen White’s Visions Not Result of Epilepsy” (16/8/1984); Lloyd, “Why Ellen G. White Practiced Economy” (22/11/1984); Gordon, “Letters to Young Lovers” (28/3/1985); Nathaniel Krum, “The First Adventist Poem” (18/4/1985); Jocelyn R. Fay, “I Remember Ellen White” (6/6/1985); A. L. White, “With Ellen G. White in Europe” (15/8/1985); Thompson, “Adventists and Inspiration” (5/9/1985), “Improving the Testimonies Through Revision” (12/9/1985), “Questions and Perplexities Without End” (19/9/1985) y “Letting the Bible Speak for Itself” (26/9/1985); Richard W. Coffen, “Checklist for Self-Proclaimed Prophets” (30/1/1986); Glen Baker, “Anna Phillips–A Second Prophet?” (6/2/1986); B. Vincent Tibbets, “Charlie’s Angel” (6/2/1986); Baker, “Anna Phillips–Not Another Prophet” (20/2/1986); George R. Knight, “The Myth of the Inflexible Prophet” (3/4/1986); Tim Crosby, “The Law and the Prophet–1” (8/5/1986); William C. White, “Her Never-Give-Up Kind of Love” (8/5/1986); Gordon, “Elmshaven: Home of Ellen G. White From 1900 to 1915” (8/5/1986); Crosby, “Using the Law to No Profit–2” (15/5/1986), “The Law of the Prophet–3” (22/5/1986) y “A Law Without Profit–4” (29/5/1986); James R. Nix, “The Unrecorded Earthquake Vision” (19/6/1986); Fritz Guy, “A Frank Look at Ellen White” (10/7/1986); Nix, “The Third Prophet Spoke Forth” (4/12/1986); Wood, “What the Gift of Prophecy Means to Me” (8/1/1987); Baker, “The Humor of Ellen White” (30/4/1987); Edward Heppenstall, “The Inspired Witness of Ellen White” (7/5/1987).

635 Artículos publicados en la AR: Don F. Neufeld, “The Advent Delayed” (25/10/1979), “Ellen White and Crosier’s Day-Star Article” (24/1/1980), “A Significant Early Vision” (31/1/1980), “The 144.000” (14/2/1980), “A Basis of Confidence–1” (21/2/1980) y “A Basis of Confidence–2” (28/2/1980); Kenneth H. Wood, “As Others See Us” (13/3/1980); Leo R. Van Dolson, “Understanding Inspiration” (5/2/1981); Wood, “Visions, True and False” (12/2/1981) y “The ‘Bright Light’ ” (16/4/1981); William G. Johnsson, “What the Sanctuary Doctrine Means Today” (14/5/1981); Wood, “Confidence in Inspired Writings and Persons” (21/10/1982); Johnsson, “Three Years After Glacier View” (22/9/1983); Eugene F. Durand, “The Story of a Story” (14/2/1985), “The Story of a Story–2” (21/2/1985) y “The Story of a Story–3” (14/3/1985).

636 William G. Johnsson, artículos publicados en la AR: “Reflections on Ellen White’s Inspiration” (27/11/1980), “Liberated From Ellen White?” (27/1/1983), “Ellen White in Perspective” (16/8/1984) y “Ellen White’s Role in Adventism” (28/2/1985).

637 Artículos publicados en la AR, en 1980: Neal C. Wilson, “Update on the Church’s Doctrinal Discussions” (3/7); William G. Johnsson, “Overview of a Historic Meeting, the Sanctuary Review Committee” (4/9); “Statement on Desmond Ford Document” (4/9); “Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary” (4/9); Johnsson, “Looking Beyond Glacier View” (16/10); Lawrence T. Geraty, “First Adventist Theological Consultation Between Administrators and Scholars” (16/10); Kenneth H. Wood, “F.Y.I.” (20/11).

638 Elena G. de White, Christ in His Sanctuary (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1969); PEGW, “The Sanctuary Truth–1” (AR, 6/11/1980) y “The Sanctuary Truth–2” (AR, 13/11/1980).

639 W. C. White y D. E. Robinson, “Brief Statements Regarding the Writings of Ellen G. White, Aug. 1933”, AR, suplemento, 4/6/1981; Kenneth H. Wood, “About the Insert in This Issue”, AR, 4/6/1981.

640 Artículos publicados en la AR (17/9/1981): “Ellen White’s Use of Sources”; Vincent L. Ramik, entrevistado, “There Simply Is No Case”; Warren L. Johns, entrevistado, “The Story Behind This Research”; Kenneth H. Wood, “This Work Is of God, or It Is Not”.

641 Artículos publicados en la AR (14/10/1982): C. E. Bradford, “God Speaks Through His Prophets”; William G. Johnsson, “‘Fire... in My Bones’–the Prophetic Gift”; Gerhard F. Hasel, “The Integrity of the Prophetic Gift”; V. Norskov Olsen, “Ellen White: Defense Against Error and Apostasy”; Fernando Chaij, “Prophecy Identifies the Remnant Church”; Roy E. Graham, “How the Gift of Prophecy Relates to God’s Word”; Elena G. de White, “A Message of Comfort and Hope”; Neal C. Wilson, “Believe His Prophets”; Virginia D. Cason, “Children’s Messages for the Week of Prayer: God’s Special Love”.

642 Eugene F. Durand, “Following Prophetic Guidance”, AR, 15/9/1983.

643 William Johnsson, “Crossroads in Adventism: An Inside Perspective on the Modern Seventh-day Adventist Church”, “Ellen White and Current Issues” Symposium 4 (2008), pp. 38-60; Embrace the Impossible (Hagerstown, Md.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 2008).

644 Artículos publicados en la AR: “White Estate Opens All Files” (28/5/1987); Roger W. Coon, “What’s the White Estate Attempting to Hide?” (2/7/1987); Thomas Siebold, “Ellen White Speaks to a New Generation: How Relevant Is a Nineteenth-Century Prophet?” (16/7/1987); Ron Graybill, “Glory! Glory! Glory!” (1/10/1987); Delbert Baker, “William Foy: Messenger to the Advent Believers” (14/1/1988); George E. Rice, “Steps to the Holy Spirit” (18/2/1988); Calvin Rock, “Did Ellen White Downplay Social Work?” (5/5/1988); Tim Poirier, “The White Estate Answers Your Questions” (9/6/1988); Paul A. Gordon, “Great Controversy Edition Achieves 100 Years” (25/8/1988); Richard Nixon, “The Desire of Ages Study Completed” (22/9/1988); Poirier, “Did Ellen White Say That?” (6/10/1988); Martin Weber, “How We Survived 1888”, 13/10/1988); Myron Widmer con Walt Hamerslough y Jim Roy, “Yes-No: Interscholastic Sports and Competition” (13/10/1988); James R. Nix, “The Earthquake Vision” (8/12/1988); Beatrice Short Neall, “Mother, Ellen White, and the Priests” (2/3/1989); Robert W. Olson, “White Estate Uses Modern Technology” (25/5/1989); Poirier, “Did Ellen White Say...?” (31/8/1989); Steven Daily, “Are We a Non-Prophet Organization?” (12/10/1989); Robert Olson, Ralph Willard y E. L. Becker, “Letters: Prophets and Others” (30/11/1989); Eileen E. Lantry, “Ellen White’s Johnstown Flood Adventure” (18/1/1990); Ritchie Way, “My Burial and Resurrection of Ellen White” (22/3/1990); Nix, “The Great Controversy Vision” (12/4/1990); “Ellen White Writings Now Available on Compact Disk” (28/6/1990); Olson, “PEGW” (26/6-2/8/1990); Kenneth H. Wood, “Ellen G. White: A Noble Record” (9/8/1990); Rice, “Perils and Possibilities” (30/8/1990); Nix, “Arthur L. White, 1907-1991” (28/2/1991); C. David Wingate, “Is There Anything Mrs. White Doesn’t Say?” (9/5/1991); William G. Johnsson y Myron Widmer, “A Conversation With the Editor” (6/6/1991); Graybill, “Beyond the Bonnet’s Brim” (18/7/1991); Gary Patterson, “The Quest for Truth” (26/9/1991); Arthur Patrick, “Ellen White in Australia” (12/12/1991); Gordon, “Messengers of Error” (5/3/1992); Helen Pearson, “The Woman Who Mothered the Church” (2/4/1992); Poirier, “A Century of Steps [to Christ]” (14/5/1992); Olson, “How to Interpret Ellen G. White” (20/8/1992); Gordon, “Ellen G. White Writings–1: How They Were Created” (12/11/1992) y “Ellen G. White Writings–2: Can We Legitimately Change, Abridge, or Simplify Them?” (19/11/1992); Adriel Chilson, “Pentecostalism in Early Adventism” (10/12/1992); “Church Aids Translation of E. G. White Books” (25/3/1993); Coon, “Were Ellen White’s Health Writings Unique? Does a Prophet Have to Say It First?” (8/4/1993); Widmer, “Ellen G. White and the Ark of the Covenant” (25/8/1993); Robert S. Folkenberg, “Reading Ellen G. White: The Need for Balance” (2/9/1993); James Coffin, “How Long Until the Sunday Law?” (21/10/1993); Norman R. Gulley, “Ellen White and the End-Time” (21/10/1993); Johnsson, “Ellen White Letter Comes to Light” (17/2/1994); Robert S. Folkenberg, “Needed: Preaching the Distinctives” (5/5/1994).

645 Roger W. Coon, “Ellen G. White’s Counsel and Practice: Tithe”, AR Supplement, 7/11/1991.

646 “Your Response Invited”, AR, 6/2/1992.

647 Roy Adams, artículos publicados en la AR: “A Prophet for Our Time: Sizing Up Ellen G. White” (4/6/1992); “Voices of Adventist Faith: How Do Ellen White’s Writings Nurture Your Spiritual Life?” (4/6/1992); Roy Adams, “Abusing Ellen G. White” (20/8/1992), “What Did She Mean?” (3/9/1992) y “Seventh-day Activists” (4/2/1993). Roy Adams, “Divided, We Crawl”, DNA AR, 2/1995.

648 Artículos publicados en la AR, en 1994: William G. Johnsson, “Present Truth: Walking in God’s Light” (5/1); Kyna D. Hinson, “Current, Contemporary, Up-to-date: A Fresh Look at Ellen G. White” (7/4); “Voices of Adventist Faith: What Have You Found Most Helpful in the Writings of Ellen White?” (7/4).

649 Brian Jones, artículos publicados en la AR, en 1994: “Easy for Ellen?” (10/3), “Ellen Finds Jesus” (17/3), “Ellen’s First Vision” (14/4) y “Ellen’s First Vision–2” (21/4).

650 Publicados en la AR (6/10/1994): “Special Poster Commemorating 150 Years of Adventist History”; Kit Watts, “Ellen White, Gift to the Church”.

651 Myron Widmer, “150th Anniversary Draws 2.200 to Adventism’s Birthplace”, DNA AR, 11/1994; y “October 22 Commemoration: Vignettes of Hope”, DNA AR, 12/1994.

652 James R. Nix, “Historic Adventist Village Slated for Battle Creek”, DNA AR, 1/1995.

653 Artículos publicados en DNA AR, en 1995: “Battle Creek Commemoration Set for October” (junio); Richard Dower, “North America Plans Battle Creek Celebration” (septiembre); Carlos Medley, “Historic Assembly Brings Many Changes” (noviembre); Jack Stenger, “Back to Our Roots” (diciembre). William G. Johnsson, “Battle Creek Soliloquy”, AR, 23/11/1995.

654 Sandra Blackmer, “DNA Session Delegates Revisit Their Roots”, DNA AR, 12/2004.

655 James R. Nix, “Adventist Heritage Ministry Turns 25”, AR, 26/4/2007.

656 James R. Nix, “Kellogg’s Counsel to Church Critics”, AR, 25/5/1995; Kit Watts, “Keeping Ellen White Current”, DNA AR, 3/1997.

657 Artículos publicados en la AR (30/5/1996): William G. Johnsson, “Meet Ellen White for Yourself”; Kenneth H. Wood, “She Called Herself ‘Messenger’ ”; James R. Nix, “Oh, Jesus, How I Love You!”; Mabel Miller, “A Letter From Grandma”; Andy Nash, “For Myself”; Rosa Taylor Banks, “Sisters in Service”; Karen Carlton, “A Typical Day, an Extraordinary Life”; Arthur L. White, “The Meeting a 14-Year-Old Girl Never Forgot”; Juan Carlos Viera, “The Dynamics of Inspiration”; Charles E. Bradford, “Ellen White and the Black Experience”; Alex Bryan, “Beyond Sound Bites”; George R. Knight, “Joseph Smith, Ellen White, and the Great Gulf”; Joe Engelkemier, “The Use –and Misuse– of a Precious Gift”; Michelle Nash, “Why Didn’t You Tell Me?”

658 Artículos publicados en la AR: Calvin B. Rock, “Present Rewards and Future Glory” (8/1/1998); Roger W. Coon, “The Ghost Mrs. White” (15/1/1998); Rock, “Practical Assistance” (12/3/1998); Dwain N. Esmond, “They’re Studying What?” (19/2/1998); Bill Knott, “The Vision Glorious: Adventism’s Unique Understanding of Human History” (28/5/1998); Kenneth H. Wood, “Standard Bearers Old and New” (11/6/1998); Jerry Moon, “Wrestling Till Dawn” (9/7/1998); Richard Dower, “Battle Creek Cereal Attraction Features Ellen White and the Adventist Church” (22/10/1998); Clifford Goldstein, “The Reasonable Observer” (26/11/1998); George R. Knight, “Messenger of the Lord: The Prophetic Ministry of Ellen G. White”, reseña del libro (17/12/1998); Norma Collins, “A Century of Blessing” (24/12/1998); Esther F. Ramharacksingh Knott, “She Keeps Me Reading” (4/3/1999); Myrna Tetz, “Don’t Read What Ellen White Wrote Unless...” (19/3/1999); Coon, “Ellen White’s Disturbing Disclaimer of 1904” (13/5/1999); Rock, “Knowing for Sure” (8/7/1999); William C. White, “Memories and Records of Early Experiences” (30/6/2000); Coon, “How Soon Is ‘Soon’?” (26/10/2000); Lyndon K. McDowell, “Book Mark: A Search for Identity” (22/2/2001); Hyveth Williams, “The Prophetic Foundation of Adventist Faith” (29/3/2001); Oliver Jacques, “Driven by a Dream” (24/5/2001); Merlin D. Burt, “My Burden Left Me: Ellen White’s Conversion Story” (25/10/2001); Roy Adams, “What Kind of Person This Ellen White?” (24/1/2002); Benjamin Baker, “The Woman Who Wouldn’t Be Quiet: A Fresh Look at Ellen White and Racism” (21/2/2002); Denis Fortin, “Sixty-six Books–or Eighty-one?” (28/3/2002); John B. Hoehn, “The Adventist Drug Problem: Must All Remedies Be ‘Natural’?” (25/4/2002); Goldstein, “1888 and All That...” (25/4/2002); William G. Johnsson, “Sharing the Gift” (27/2/2003); Elena G. de White, “Rocky Mountain Adventure: Diary Notes From a Memorable Vacation” (23/7/2003); Johnsson, “The Last Words of Ellen White” (13/11/2003); Terrie Dopp Aamodt, “Just How Hard Is It to Be a Prophet?” (24/6/2004), y “It’s Hard Being a Prophet”, suplemento KidsView (24/6/2004); James R. Nix, “The Light Still Shines” (22/7/2004); Stoy Proctor, “True When Tried” (30/12/2004); Ken McFarland, “Beautiful Hill: The Beginnings of a Dream –a Vision– Come True” (31/3/2005); Nix, “The Ministry of Healing: The History Behind Ellen White’s Classic Work on Health” (31/3/2005); Stephen Chavez, “To Be Understood” (23/6/2005); Limoni Manu, “Nonvegetarians Will Not Enter Heaven? Guidelines for Interpreting Ellen White on the Topic of Health” (25/8/2005); Goldstein, “Objective Truth” (26/1/2006) y “Deductions” (23/2/2006); Adams, “A Perspective From the Writings of Ellen G. White” (11/5/2006); Allan R. Handysides y Peter N. Landless, “Is Cows’ Milk Safe to Drink?” (23/11/2006); Stephen Chavez, “Are We Still Protestant?” (22/3/2007); Douglas Morgan, “Following the Prince of Peace in a Time of War: How the Adventist Pioneers Dealt With Issues of War, Peace, and Military Service” (14/6/2007); Jerry Stevens, “O Zion, Haste” (17/1/2008); Nix, “A Monumental Vision” (20/3/2008) y “Telling the Story” (20/3/2008); Handysides y Landless, “Are Medications Safe to Take?” (28/8/2008); Mark A. Kellner, “How Would Ellen White Vote?” (11/9/2008). Artículos publicados en la DNA AR: Leslie N. Pollard, “The Cross-Culture” (2/2000); Calvin B. Rock, “Roles and Relationships” (3/2000); Richard Osborn, “Finding Middle C” (8/2000); Knight, “Another Look at City Mission” (12/2001); Leslie N. Pollard, “More Than a Day” (5/2002).

659 AR Special Anniversary Issue, 29/7/1999.

660 Jerry Thomas, “Days at Capernaum” y “Social Justice”, AR, 20/6/2002.

661 Artículos publicados en la AR, en 2002: “Letters” (15/8); James R. Nix, “Ellen for Us (Revisited)” (19/9); “Letters” (10/10).

662 Bill Knott, “And There Was Light”, Adventist World, 11/2008.

663 Artículos publicados en Adventist World: Angel Manuel Rodríguez, “Prophets, True and False” (9/2005); Nathaniel D. Faulkhead, “Confident in the Gift” (2/2006); Norma J. Collins, “Blistered Hands, Square Truths” (6/2006); Juan Carlos Viera, “God’s Guiding Gift: The Work of the Prophet in the Life of the Church” (12/2006); Michele Solomon, “The Oakwood Experience, Then and Now” (2/2007); Arthur G. Daniells, “Believing His Prophets” (10/2007); R. Steven Norman III, “Salvation and Social Action: Edson White’s Southern Work Remembered” (2/2008); Hubert Cisneros, “A Vision of Hope” (5/2008); Alberto R. Timm, “He Still Speaks” (7/2008); Gerhard Pfandl, “Foundations of Ellen White’s Prophetic Call” (9/2008); Denis Fortin, “Ellen White and the Bible” (11/2008).

664 Ronald L. Numbers, Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2008).

665 Existen una cierta cantidad de otros estudios sobre distintos temas en su relación con Elena de White. Dado que una reseña de estas publicaciones está fuera del alcance de este ensayo, listamos solo algunos ejemplos: Elena G. de White, E. G. White and Church Race Relations (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1970); Joseph Battistone, The Great Controversy Theme in E. G. White Writings (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1978); R. Edward Turner, Proclaiming the Word: The Concept of Preaching in the Thought of Ellen G. White (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Andrews University Press, 1980); Delbert W. Baker, The Unknown Prophet (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1987); Ralph E. Neall, How Long, O Lord: What Did Ellen White Really Say About the Problem of Our Long Wait for Christ’s Soon Return? (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1988); Donald I. Peterson, Visions and Seizures: Was Ellen White a Victim of Epilepsy? (Boise, Idaho: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1988); Ciro Sepúlveda, ed., Ellen White on the Color Line: The Idea of Race in a Christian Community (Biblos Press, 1997); Martin Frederick Hanna, The Cosmic Christ of Scripture: How to Read God’s Three Books Comparing Biblical Perspectives With the Writings of Ellen White (Berrien Springs, Mich.: Cosmic Christ Connections, 2006).

Enciclopedia de Elena G. de White

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