Читать книгу Sex For Dummies - Pierre Lehu A., Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer - Страница 129



Since there’s always someone ready to monetize everything, of course there are apps you can use to give consent. The concept behind apps like Consent Amour or Legal Fling is that you use your phone to make your consent official. In addition to writing down what is or isn’t permissible, you can add a selfie of the two of you together as further proof that you’re both fully on board.

On one hand, if this method makes it easier for some couples to lay down their ground rules, why not use an app? But since consent can always be removed, it doesn’t guarantee that having the word “legal” in an app means that you can’t still run afoul of the law.

If nothing else, bringing up these apps in a conversation will definitely lead to the two of you talking about your attitudes towards consent. In the end, you may not decide to use one of these apps, but if talking about the possibility helps the two of you clear the air and come to some agreement on how to proceed, that would be well worth it.

Sex For Dummies

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