Читать книгу Derecho de la energía y el clean energy package - Elisenda Malaret García - Страница 41



Energy security has often been a matter of energy policy over the last 100 years, since it was equivalent to national security, and therefore it was vital to ensure the supply of oil for warships, tanks and fighter planes. Considering the multi-dimensional and evolving nature of energy security or energy issues in general, over time, a number of definitions have become accepted: each one has proposed to analyse the essence of energy security, identifying a universal accepted definition. Such concept could refer to security of supply, which typically means the continuous availability of stable energy flow at a “reasonable” price that can assure not only new energy investment but also general economic energy development at a reasonable cost.

In the EU policy papers there is no clear definition of energy security although the EC recently stated in the European Green Deal Investment Plan that “the European Union’s long-term strategy for energy supply security must be geared to ensure, for the well-being of its citizens and the proper functioning of the economy, the uninterrupted physical availability of energy products on the market, at a price which is affordable for all consumers (private and industrial), while respecting environmental concerns and looking towards sustainable development”33. The assumptions of this plan and of the European Green New Deal is to move towards a low-carbon economy building a system that provides affordable energy for all consumers and make the EU’s energy supply more secure. In practice, to ensure energy security, the European Union is acting on two fronts, one inside and the other outside. Internally, with the Fourth Energy Package (Clean Energy for all Europeans) the EU has adopted a number of measures to contain demand for energy, promoting energy saving and energy efficiency34– and to develop the internal supply, in particular through renewable sources35. Externally, the Union is aiming at a diversification of supplies with the objective of reduce the dependence of many member states on a single producer, Russia (this applies mainly to for gas supplies). To this purpose, the EU has established “regional dialogues” with various countries.

Derecho de la energía y el clean energy package

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