Читать книгу Derecho de la energía y el clean energy package - Elisenda Malaret García - Страница 42



The principle of resilience has gained considerable importance in the energy sector especially in the need to adapt energy systems to prevent unexpected events on electricity, gas, water, telecommunication, infrastructures. Consequently, Governments and Regulators pay greater attention to provide tools to increase the reliability of infrastructures with the aim of maintaining their functionality and operativity even in case of external disturbances. The resilience applied to the energy sector could also be translated as environmental resilience, according to which energy systems can fail or cause damages but always above a quantitative threshold of disruption of certain environmental factors: climate change, loss of biodiversity, ocean acidification36. Resilience must aim to identify quantitative thresholds above which damage is irreversible, making actions to protect the environment unnecessary. Resilience as the ability of energy systems to adapt to changes and to the unexpected issues must also be interpreted not as regression but as progress towards a higher level of environmental protection on a regulatory level. Resilience is nothing more than a broader interpretation of the principle of non-regression as enshrined in Art.17 of the Global Pact for the Environment37. The aim is to reaffirm the principles of the Stockholm and Rio Declarations, starting from the principles of resilience and non-regression. Investing in infrastructures and their resilience means to be ready to cope with damaging external events and to restore service. But resilience in energy systems also represents the stimulation and connection with the biodiversity and climate agendas.

Derecho de la energía y el clean energy package

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