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ADDING BORDERS Borders with Butted Edges


Borders with butted edges are the easiest and quickest to stitch; if this is your first quilt, this is the preferable type of seam. Although some of the projects in this book give measurements for the borders, always check the measurements of your quilt top before cutting these long strips.

1 | To determine the length of the side borders, measure center top to center bottom of the quilt. Cut two borders of this length by the required width.

2 | Pin to the side edges, adjusting the quilt top to fit as necessary, and then stitch using an exact ¼-inch (0.75-cm) seam allowance. Press the seam toward the border.

3 | Once you’ve stitched the side borders, measure the work again, this time from center side to center side. This determines the length of the top and bottom borders. Cut two border strips of this length.

4 | Pin and stitch to the top and bottom edges of the quilt. Press toward the border. If you need more than one border, simply repeat the process.

The Weekend Quilter

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