Читать книгу Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss - Joanna Hall - Страница 24



The strength of your willpower is an important factor in how successful you will be at realizing your weight and body fat goals. Generally an individual’s willpower is at its weakest towards the end of the day – perhaps we feel tired or our blood sugars are low. This means that we tend to have less control of our actions at this time and are more likely to overeat or eat all the inappropriate foods. If you are constantly tired and struggling with your weight, you may well be building up extra calories at the end of the day that do not get burnt off. Here are a few questions for you to think about:

1. When am I most physically active?

– between seven a.m. to six p.m.

– after six p.m. to bedtime

2. When do I consume the majority of my food?

– between seven a.m. to six p.m.

– after six p.m. to bedtime

3. When is my willpower at its strongest?

– first thing in the morning

– midday

– mid-afternoon

– evening

Invariably what happens is there is a mismatch between when we need to receive energy from our food and when we are expending energy through our everyday activities. The chart below shows that generally we expend most energy between seven a.m. in the morning and six p.m. in the evening. However, we actually receive the vast majority of our energy from food after six p.m. when we are less active. While some studies suggest that it makes no difference whether your calories from food are consumed during the day or all at night, what these studies fail to take into account is our own personal willpower. At the end of the day when we are tired, especially when we have not eaten much during the day, willpower will be low and we will be much more likely to overeat. This means long-term there is a situation where at the end of each day there is actually a build of excess calories which we are not burning off prior to going to bed – and these calories are being laid down in the fat cells as additional body fat. The Body Blitz Plan will show you how to make the right food choices at the right time of the day, so you receive energy when you need it and you don’t end up with a build up of excess calories before you go to bed.

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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