Читать книгу Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss - Joanna Hall - Страница 28



As you work through the book you will be able to build up your own personal Body Blitz Plan, using the nutritional and exercise strategies to help you realize your goals. It is important to understand that there is no one diet that works for everyone; instead Body Blitz contains strategies that accommodate a series of scenarios for a number of different types of people with different lifestyle constraints (as detailed below). Have a read through and see which one relates most closely to you. The Body Blitz Plan will also allow you to accommodate these different roles as your life changes.

 BUSY MUM: frantic kids, juggling school runs, part-time job and running a home, high domestic stress levels, children’s meal times, lack of sleep with baby leads to reduced energy levels, no time for herself, food grabbed on the run.

 BUSINESS WOMAN: entertains with work, lunches and dines out frequently, high commercial stress levels, eats snacks for quick energy fixes, no time to think about sensible eating and exercise.

 EXPERIENCING MIDDLE AGE SPREAD: approaching menopause, experiencing weight gain, family older and more independent, never exercised, heavy social calendar with family and other activities.

 GIRL ABOUT TOWN: socializes a lot, breakfast and lunch often grabbed on the run, sees friends and eats out several times a week, alcohol can feature prominently in the social calendar.

 SEASONED DIETER: tried every diet around, routinely loses weight and then gains it back, more recently finding it harder to shift the weight and body fat.

Throughout the book you will find nutritional and exercise strategies for each individual – once you have identified which type relates most closely to you, you will be able to use the guidelines offered to design your own personal exercise and fitness plan that fits in with your life, just the way it is.

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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