Читать книгу Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss - Joanna Hall - Страница 29



So remember, the Body Blitz Plan is about being the best you can be whilst still living the life you wish to live. Yes, it does require a little bit of effort but you don’t have to make any big sacrifices or radical changes to your lifestyle to get the results you want – all you need to do is apply the five steps in the Body Blitz Plan (see Part II) and you will achieve your weight and fat loss goals not just for now, but for the future too.

Body Blitz Active Action Points:

 Write a list of the main obstacles to you achieving your fat loss goals – try to be as specific as possible, for example, mid-morning coffee break with work colleagues or tea time with the kids when you are starving yourself.

 Make a commitment today to make one small change in your daily activities that you will keep up for the next six weeks. For example, say no to coffee in your mid-morning coffee break and have a cup of herbal tea instead. Remember, every small change you make will take you one step further towards achieving your fat loss goals.

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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