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As I explained at the beginning of the chapter, you can eat starch in moderation at breakfast, lunch and in your mid-afternoon snack but you cannot eat it in your evening meal. By operating the starch curfew you will:

 Help decrease your overall calorie intake.

 Help decrease your overall starch intake. Excess starch stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, which can make us feel more sluggish. This in turn directly stimulates us to reach for the instant high of a sugar fix such as chocolate, sugary sweet cakes, biscuits and processed snacks.

 Beat your sugar cravings. Eating the right amounts of protein and starch at lunchtime will fuel you with energy and brainpower all afternoon.

Serotonin and Dopamine

Too great a dependence on starchy carbohydrates, whilst vital for storing energy in our muscles, can make us feel lethargic due to the production of the brain neurotransmitter serotonin. This is why we often experience a slump of energy immediately after our lunch – we have consumed too many starches at lunchtime. Conversely, proteins consumed in the right amount increases the release of the hormone-like substance dopamine, which makes us feel more alert, increases our ability to concentrate and helps to regulate our mood.

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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