Читать книгу Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss - Joanna Hall - Страница 42



Sugar gives us an instant release of energy, which is then followed by an energy low. When we consume a large concentrated form of sugar, such as a slice of chocolate cake or a commercially-made muffin, the hormone insulin reacts to the elevated blood glucose levels and transfers the sugar from the blood into the cells. This response is so effective that the body can decrease the blood sugar levels very effectively. This in turn creates a feeling of further tiredness, lack of energy and increased appetite about 90 minutes after you had your first chocolate fix. So while sugar has a role to play in the diet, its ability to provide a quick instant energy boost is short-lived and can create a roller-coaster of high and low blood sugar levels, which sends us craving more sugar as well as for some of us causing depression and continued fatigue. So instead of relying on sugar from sweets we need to rely more on the natural sources of sugars from fruit and vegetables to stabilise our blood sugar levels.

Body Blitz: 5 Simple Steps to Permanent Fat Loss

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