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4. «In the office there in heaven…»


From the third collection of poems «The Dreamer» (Russian: Мечтатель).

In English (interpretation by Lord Muck and Leah Foden):

In the office there in heaven

Changes being made all day

And the birds from all the hamlets

Nearby have flown away.

Ears are turning deaf and aching

Due to skinny shutters slam.

Evil arrows flew in, making

One's nose hiding out from them.

Like a black she-cat that's crawling,

Here the old bag came along

To spill mirrors. Tears were falling,

Her warm tears were falling strong.

Followed by the old and wobbling

Man, so slanted dense and gray.

The old bag began his scolding.

After that they went away.

From above the stove was heated

Scalding red-hot, burned the scum.

After winter was defeated,

The awaited spring had come.

Lilacs kept its constant promise,

Bloomed rich toned, as bright as day.

So, that hustle in the office,

one might say, was not in vain…

In Russian:

В канцелярии небесной

Мебель двигают весь день.

Разлетелись птицы спешно

Из окрестных деревень.

Ставни хлопают худые —

Уши глохнут и болят.

Прилетели стрелы злые —

Цапнуть за нос норовят.

Чёрной кошкой подползая,

Тётка мрачная пришла,

Слёзы тёплые роняя,

Разливает зеркала.

Дядька шёл за ней, шатаясь:

Серый, плотный и косой.

Тётка мрачная, ругаясь,

Забрала его с собой.

Сверху печку растопили —

Накалилась до красна.

Наконец-то наступила

Долгожданная весна.

Засверкала в пышном цвете,

Зацвела в саду сирень…

Нет, не зря там, в кабинете,

Мебель двигали весь день…

My Favourite Poems in English

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