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1.4 Discovering your business name


Try to have a vision for your company when developing your business name. Think about what your business could be in the future. Try to imagine the types of people you will attract and the kind of businesses you will be working for. This will help you to start thinking about the tone and positioning of your business name.

In order to come up with a name that sticks, you’ll have to know a little about where you are going with your business. This isn’t just an exercise in fantasy; this is casting vision.

Let your mind wander with some of these questions then write down your answers on a piece of paper. Now grab another sheet of paper and start brainstorming a list of all the possible names you could have for your company using the business name elements in section 1.1 to help guide you. Don’t rule out any names in the early stages. Write down every possible name for your business that you can think of. Your goal is to create a huge list of possibilities.

The next step is to ask yourself which of the names that you came up with best represent or fit with your answers. You don’t have to do this on your own. Take your two lists to friends and get their opinion. Having other people’s opinions will help you to cross off the business names that don’t work for you and narrow in on the ones that do. You can even get feedback on your shortlist of names by talking to people in your target market.

Once you’ve decided on a few name possibilities, check for the availability of your shortlist of names (both in your industry and for availability as a website domain name). Start with a simple online search of the names to see if there are businesses out there with the same name in the same industry as you. When you’ve done your own low-level search and are happy with the names you’ve selected, your next step will be to see if you are able to register your name.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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