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3.3 Your relational standards


Your relational standards will be challenged when it comes to your clients. You will have the difficult task of balancing client demands with great quality work. Sometimes you may find yourself becoming a little sensitive about your client relationship or perhaps you will start to get too personal with the work you create. It’s important to set out the “rules of engagement” before you ever have contact with a client, then work diligently day in and day out to uphold and protect them. Commit to working with integrity on every project no matter what the outcome is. Establish a willing and helpful attitude towards all your clients right from the start, even if they don’t deserve it.

You will have clients that behave poorly and that don’t understand the design process. You will have clients that don’t listen to your direction or don’t fully value what you do. Where once you had one boss, now you have many, and not one of them is following the same sort of rules and guidelines as the other. It would be very easy to let your standards slip and become curt or unprofessional with any one of them, especially the rude or obnoxious clients, but you need to guard yourself against it by establishing and sticking to your standards. Don’t let clients control the type of business you will have. It’s up to you to determine the professional standards you will maintain in dealing with clients.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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