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1.5 Picking a web-friendly business name


The ideal domain name is one that matches your business name in the fewest words possible. For example, if your company name is Mindwalk, the best domain you could get is www.Mindwalk.com. The fewer the words the easier it is for your clients and prospects to connect with you.

Because it is becoming increasingly difficult to register a simple name due to other people buying up domain names on the Internet, you may need to put a qualifying extension on your business name (e.g., www.MindWalkDesign .com or www.MindWalkDesignGroup.com). Even if you can’t get the short version of your business name, you can probably get a longer version. Just remember to keep your business name as logical as possible. (For more on domain names, see Chapter 10.)

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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