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4. Your Company’s Visual Image


The visual image of your company is the “face” of your business. If your business name is the container where people store their impressions and feelings about your company then your visual image is the label on that container.

It’s interesting to note that when designers start to design their corporate identity many of them begin with their visual image before they ever really consider what is at the core of what their visual image represents. This type of identity falls flat in the real world. No visual you create will have the impact and longevity if it isn’t first grounded in the first three elements listed in this chapter. If you don’t first work out the foundation of your name, your UMM, and your professional standards, your visual identity is nothing more than a shell that your clients and prospects will easily see through. Be sure to plan the other three elements well before you start designing the face of your business.

Your visual image is comprised of all things visual in your business. From your logo design and stationery, to your signage and all aspects of your marketing material. It even applies to how you write and send emails and how you dress for a business meeting. It’s important to spend much needed design time creating an image that is both aimed toward your target market and that reflects your values and standards. The following are crucial things you’ll need to address when creating the visual image element of your corporate identity.

Start & Run a Graphic Design Business

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