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Ham Hock, Herb Sauce


ham hock, peas, garlic, parsley, chives, basil

Put a 500–600g ham hock in a deep pan with just enough water to cover. Bring to the boil, skim off the froth that rises to the surface, then turn the heat down so the liquid simmers. Cover with a lid and leave, with the occasional turn, for 45–50 minutes or so, till the ham is cooked through to the bone.

Remove the ham from the cooking liquor, add 200g fresh or frozen peas and a large clove of garlic, and cook for 5 minutes or so, till the peas are tender. Add a handful of parsley, a handful of chives and a handful of basil leaves to the peas, cook a minute or so longer, then blitz in a blender to give a thick, green sauce. Add pepper if necessary.

Tear the ham from its bone in large pieces. Roughly chop a few more of the herbs, then roll the pieces of ham in them. Spoon the sauce into bowls and add the pieces of ham.

For 2. The nannying quality of peas and ham, the vitality of fresh herbs.

Eat – The Little Book of Fast Food

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