Читать книгу The Forgiveness Solution - Philip H. Friedman - Страница 16

“But What If I Have Blocks or Resistances?”


It is natural to have blocks, barriers, or resistance to forgiving, especially at first. After all, when we hold on to intense negative feelings for a long time, we can come to believe that they protect us, and, however unconstructive it can seem, we can be loath to give them up. In fact, removing these blocks and doubts is part of the process of forgiving. With time and practice, you will find yourself liberated from the burden of these feelings and finally be able to reach your goals for love, joy, peace and happiness.

The fact that you even picked up this book tells me that you are ready to learn how to forgive. Congratulations on starting this process! Make forgiveness a part of your life, and its benefits will be far-reaching for you and the people you care the most about. Now, let's begin.

The Forgiveness Solution

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