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What Is Forgiveness?

Who Will Benefit from This Book?

How to Use This Workbook

Do You Work Better Alone or with Someone Else

What Are Some of the Major Benefits of Forgiving?

Forgiveness and Health

Forgiveness in Marriage

Over the Long Term

“But What If I Have Blocks or Resistances?”

CHAPTER 1. Where Are You Now? Some Basic Self-Assessments

Assessing Where You Are

Exercise Checklists

Distress Checklist

Well-Being Checklist

Diagram 1. Summary of Relationship between Forgiveness, Beliefs, and Emotions and Well-Being

Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS)

Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS)

The Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ6)

How Forgiving Are You?

The Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS)

Heartland Forgiveness Scale Self-Scoring and Interpretation

Summary of Scores: Initial Assessment Scoring

CHAPTER 2. Identifying Who You Feel Has Harmed You

Exercise: Who Did Something within the Past Year That Hurt or Harmed You?

Journaling Experience 1: Last Year

Journaling Experience 2: Earlier in Life

Journaling Experience 3: Yourself

Using Affirmations

Exercise: Affirmations 1 and 2

Exercise: Journaling Positive Benefits of Experiences 1–3

Keep on Journaling

CHAPTER 3. Discovering What Hurts: One Core Problem (Unforgiveness) and One Core Solution (Forgiveness)

One Core Problem, One Core Solution

Exercise: Identifying Your Grievances and Attack Thoughts

CHAPTER 4. Choosing Love over Fear

Forgiveness Is a Bridge

Diagram 2. The Two Paths

Happiness Is Found in the Present

Shoulding on Ourselves

Exercise: Affirmations 3 to 7

From Fear to Love

Identifying Stressors

Exercise: Stressors

Disappointment Stressors

Expectational Stressors

Discovering Your Old Films and Old Tapes

Exercise: How Stressful Are Your Old Films and Tapes?

Old Tape Stressors

How Are Your Old Tapes Clouding How You See Others?

Exercise: Releasing Yourself from Past Mistakes

CHAPTER 5. Seeing Beyond Judgment and Blame: The Path of Transformational Forgiveness

Toward Transformational Forgiveness

Looking beneath the Anger

Releasing Yourself from Four Key Words That Undermine Forgiveness

Setting an Intention, Having Willingness

Listening to the Voice of Love, Not Fear

Thorny and Nurturing Teachers

CHAPTER 6. Discovering What You Don't Want and What You Do: The Process of Setting Goals

The Magic Wand and Miracle Goals

Exercise: What You Don't Want

Exercise: What You Do Want

Exercise: Psychological Uplifter 1

CHAPTER 7. Knowing When to Let Go

Exercise: Teaching Stories

The Alligator and Holding On

The Two Monks and Letting Go

The Rat and Cheese Story: Discovering Alternatives

Pink and White Doors: Choice and Empowerment

Exercise: A Fist and Releasing

Thirty Useful Affirmations

CHAPTER 8. Making New Choices through Relaxation, Imagery, and Forgiveness Afformations

Exercise: Relaxation and the Inner Sanctuary

Exercise: Imagery of Seeds and Weeds

Exercise: Opening the Way for Change

Exercise: Preprogramming Yourself for Forgiveness

Exercise: Future Self


Exercise: Eleven Forgiveness Afformations

CHAPTER 9. Energetic Forgiveness and Releasing: Positive Pressure Point Techniques 1–4

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 1: Use of Pressure Points and Tapping with No Affirmations (PPPT-L1)

Psychological Uplifter 2

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 2: Pressure Points with Holding and Breathing with No Affirmations (PPPT-L2)

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 3: Pressure Points with Tapping, Holding, and Breathing with No Affirmations (PPPT-L3)

Three Frames of Reference, Analogies, or Metaphors

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 4: Pressure Points with Tapping, Holding, and Breathing with Affirmations (PPPT-L4)


CHAPTER 10. Energetic Forgiveness and Finding Peace: Positive Pressure Point Techniques 5–8

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 5: Use of Pressure Points with Tapping, Holding, and Breathing with Forgiveness Affirmations (PPPT-L5)

Forgiveness Affirmations

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 6: Pressure Points, Tapping, Holding, and Breathing and Reporting on Internal Experiences with No Affirmations (PPPT-L6)

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 7: Use of Pressure Points and Extensive Imagery (PPPT-L7)

Positive Pressure Point Technique Level 8: Use of Pressure Points, Holding, and Unforgiveness and Forgiveness Affirmations (PPPT-L8)

CHAPTER 11. Four Powerful Forgiveness Imagery Techniques

Forgiveness Imagery Exercises

Exercise 1: Creating Well-Being Forgiveness Imagery Process

Exercise 2: Light Imagery Grateful Heart Technique (LIGHT)

Exercise 3: White Light Self-Forgiveness Exercise

Exercise 4: HEaling And Release Technique (HEART)

CHAPTER 12. Practicing Forgiveness in Relationship Conflicts

Empty Chair Exercise

Exercise: Violet Transmuting Flame Imagery

Ho'oponopono Forgiveness Exercise

CHAPTER 13. Reconnecting with Your Inner Treasure

Letter-Writing Exercise: Forgiving an Important Relationship

Exercise: Giving and Receiving Forgiveness and Miracles

Exercise: Fountain of Forgiveness and Love

CHAPTER 14. Transformational Forgiveness and Cutting the Energetic Cord

Exercise: Transformational Forgiveness

Composite Forgiveness Imagery Exercise

Exercise: Cutting the Energetic Cord and Forgiving Imagery Process

CHAPTER 15. Reconnecting with Your Divine Self

Exercise: Gift of Forgiveness Imagery Process

Radical Forgiveness

Exercise: Four Written Steps to Radical Forgiveness

Exercise: Radical Forgiveness Written Release Letter

Exercise: The Circle of Love Forgiveness Process

CHAPTER 16. Self-Assessment Revisited

Summary of April's Scores

CHAPTER 17. Twelve Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers

1. False and True Forgiveness

2. Wrong, Bad, and Evil

3. Cheating

4. Why Should I Forgive?

5. Acceptance, Tolerance, or Forgiveness

6. Hitler, Bin Laden, and Hussein

7. Perpetrators and Victims

8. A Different Perspective from Other Authors

9. Forgiveness, Love, Gratitude, and Grace

10. How Often Should I Forgive?

11. Forgiveness and Assertiveness

12. Forgiveness, Awakening, Oneness, Salvation, and Enlightenment

CHAPTER 18. Review, Recommendations, and Returning Home

Summary Pointers, Recommendations, and Practices to Help You Arrive Home to Your True, Authentic Self, Using the Forgiveness Solution

Forgiveness Solution Brief Worksheet

Twelve Follow-Up Exercises and Practices


Recommended Reading

Forgiveness-Related Books

Energy Healing-Related Books

Professional Reading List

Recommended Resources


The Forgiveness Solution

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