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In the first 3 months, don’t expect to always enjoy exercise. Being unfit is not fun to address. It’s normal for your motivation to be relatively low and your resistance to exercise high at this stage. External motivation, like a trainer, can support you, but they won’t do the work for you. If your training is effective, it’s going to result in some sweat, good pain, and discomfort.

Once you make an exercise commitment, make it an appointment in your planner. Train three days a week at least, if you want results. Be consistent, be on time, and do the work.

Positive changes to look for at this stage are improved mood and better sleep. You may see some changes in your body, but avoid punishing yourself if you don’t. At this stage, 75% of people drop off, so try to limit punishing self-talk—be your own best supporter.

In this stage, lay down the good habits around nurturing your being. By this I mean look after your day-to-day physiological state. If you allow yourself to get low, hungry, angry, or tired, your willpower is likely to fade, and you’ll revert to old patterns of avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. Replenish your being with sleep, good nutrition, and healthy activity. It will give you energy, willpower, and the courage to take better action and break old patterns.

New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training

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