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It’s safe and structured: There is support, safety is considered, and exercise instructors have the skill, knowledge, and maturity to show you proper technique and to scale you from beginner to fitter levels while taking into account your own biomechanical limitations.

It’s sustainable: You can keep doing it over a long period of time. It will grow with you, and you will grow with it.

It’s effective: It gets you the kind of results you are looking for.

It’s affordable: You can sustainably keep paying for it over a long period of time.

It’s convenient: It’s manageable in terms of fitting into your time, location, and lifestyle.

It’s rewarding: It makes you happy in terms of results and personal enjoyment.

As you consider your options, bear this in mind: do not train to punish yourself for being unfit and not your ideal self. Forget the idea of a “best” exercise. See beyond the marketing fads and gimmicks, and get into something you can maintain, that is safe and effective, and that will push you to be a better you.

New Anatomy for Strength & Fitness Training

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