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Work: A Four-Letter Word


For the majority of the population, work is a four-letter word – a cuss word. It is something we feel forced to do rather than a choice. Combine this sentiment with the current business environment and the drive to cut costs during and after the pandemic, and we have the perfect storm to create an even greater disengaged workforce – one that is least likely to deliver the productivity gains we need, the turnarounds and business recoveries we strive for, and the business growth and innovation organizations crave. Just as we engage in productivity drives, we must manage to engage. Businesses must put serious backing behind their belief that their people are their greatest assets, by creating businesses built with people in mind. Businesses fit for people. In the organization of the future, productivity and engagement will go hand in hand.

The MI-9 tools must be the foundation for any management model if we are to resolve the chronic lack of engagement in people at work. We must build them into the way we manage and lead. Companies that don't practice collaboration or help their people connect productively at work; that don't recognize the need to engage their people in meaningful activities and help them find a truer purpose; that haven't found a way to manage their business to bring out the best in their people, will surely fail.

Manage to Engage

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