Читать книгу Manage to Engage - Pamela Hackett - Страница 40

The Problem with Organizations Is O-r-g-a-n-i-z-a-t-i-o-n


Studies such as these highlight the many reasons for underengagement at work. Think of the word organization. It projects associations with orderliness, buildings filled with the rank and file of people doing as they have been instructed to do.

The way work is done lacks humanization. Much of a company's focus has been on organizational characteristics and outcomes: the stuff that makes an organization fit. But what about the healthy side? The ability to create a workplace and culture that brings out the best in its employees. Something I think many managers and leaders want to create and inspire, but struggle to find the time and energy to work on once the “day to day” job is done. Or they simply do not know how. Health is not embedded in the DNA of a firm the same way fitness is required.

Manage to Engage

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