Читать книгу Healthy Cooking Recipes: Clean Eating Edition: Quinoa Recipes, Superfoods and Smoothies - Speedy Publishing - Страница 51

Oatmeal-Blueberry Pancakes


Number of servings: varies


2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen (thaw first if using frozen)

1 ½ cups rolled oats

1 cup all purpose flour

½ cup whole wheat flour

1 ½ cups milk

1 cup buttermilk

¼ cup sugar

2 large eggs plus 2 egg whites from large eggs

1 tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp cinnamon

½ tsp salt

cooking spray


Mix together the buttermilk and oats in a bowl; allow the oats to hydrate in the buttermilk for about 15 minutes. In a separate, medium sized bowl, mix the all purpose and whole wheat flour, the baking soda and baking powder, the sugar, salt and cinnamon. In another small bowl, whisk together the two eggs and the two egg whites, then mix in the milk. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir to combine.

Heat a nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Once the skillet is hot, you can start making pancakes. About half a cup of batter should be enough for one pancake. Cook each pancake for about 2 minutes per side. Transfer finished pancakes to a place and cover to keep warm until you make your way through the batter.

While the pancakes are cooking, you can make your blueberry topping. Add the blueberries, lemon juice and sugar to a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the berries start to fall apart, about 5 minutes. Add the cinnamon, stir and remove from heat. Serve the pancakes immediately topped with the blueberry sauce.

Healthy Cooking Recipes: Clean Eating Edition: Quinoa Recipes, Superfoods and Smoothies

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