Читать книгу Plataformas digitales: Aspectos jurídicos - Apol·lònia Martínez Nadal - Страница 30
ОглавлениеALFONSO SÁNCHEZ, ROSALÍA, BURILLO SÁNCHEZ, FRANCISCO J., “La economía llamada ‘colaborative’ ”, en Rosalía Alfonso Sánchez, Julián Valero Torrijos (dir): Retos Jurídicos de la Economía Colaborativa en el Contexto Digital. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2017, pp. 49-72.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, A European agenda for the collaborative economy, COM(2016) 356 final, Brussels 2016, https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/1/2016/PT/COM-2016-356-F1-PT-MAIN-PART-1.PDF (accessed in 1 June 2020).
GEIST, MICHAEL, “The Sharing Economy and Trade Agreements: The Challenge to Domestic Regulation”, en Derek McKee, Finn Makela, Teresa Scassa, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (dir): Law and the “Sharing Economy”. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, 2018, pp. 115-148.
HATZOPOULOS, VASSILIS, The Collaborative Economy and EU Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2018.
MAKELA, FINN; MCKEE, DEREK; SCASSA, TERESA, “Introduction: The ‘Sharing Economy’ through the Lens of Law”, en Derek McKee, Finn Makela, Teresa Scassa, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (dir): Law and the “Sharing Economy”. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, 2018, pp. 1-14.
MARÍN ANGLADA, QUICO; HERNÁNDEZ LARA, ANA BEATRIZ, “Descripción de un caso real de economia colaborativa en el sector cultural: eventtrade”, en Ángel Urquizu Cavallé, Estela Rivas Nieto (dir): Comercio Internacional Y Economia Colaborativa en la Era Digital. Aspectos Tributarios Y Empresariales. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, pp. 361-370.
PAGÈS I GALTÈS, JOAN, “Análisis fiscal de los aspectos conceptuales de la economía colaborativa en sentido estricto”, en Ángel Urquizu Cavallé, Estela Rivas Nieto (dir): Comercio Internacional y Economia Colaborativa en la Era Digital. Aspectos Tributarios Y Empresariales. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, pp. 199-228.
STROWEL, ALAIN, VERGOTE, WOUTER, “Digital Platforms: To Regulate or Not to regulate? Message to Regulators: Get the Economic Rights First, then Focus on the Right Regularion”, en Bram Devolder (dir): The Platform Economy, Unravelling the Legal Status of Online Intermediaries. Intersentia, Cambridge, 2019, pp. 3-30.
VALLE BAUDINO, PAOLA DEL, “Economia colaborativa en el marco de las asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro”, en Ángel Urquizu Cavallé, Estela Rivas Nieto (dir): Comercio Internacional y Economia Colaborativa en la Era Digital. Aspectos Tributarios y Empresariales. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, pp. 307-328.
VALVERDE, MARIANA, “Urban Cowboy E-Capitalism Meets Dysfunctional Municipal Policy-Making: What the Uber Story Tells Us about Canadian Local Governance”, en Derek McKee, Finn Makela, Teresa Scassa, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (dir): Law and the “Sharing Economy”. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, 2018, pp. 197-222.
VAUGHAN, ROBERT; DAVERIO, RAPHAEL, Assessing the size and presence of the collaborative economy in Europe, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (European Commission), PWC, Luxemburgo, 2017, https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/2acb7619-b544-11e7-837e-01aa75ed71a1 (accessed in 1 June 2020).
1. MAKELA, FINN; MCKEE, DEREK; SCASSA, TERESA, “Introduction: The “Sharing Economy” through the Lens of Law”, en Derek McKee, Finn Makela, Teresa Scassa, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (dir): Law and the “Sharing Economy”. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, 2018, p. 4.
2. PAGÈS I GALTÈS, JOAN, “Análisis fiscal de los aspectos conceptuales de la economía colaborativa en sentido estricto”, en Ángel Urquizu Cavallé, Estela Rivas Nieto (dir): Comercio Internacional Y Economia Colaborativa en la Era Digital. Aspectos Tributarios Y Empresariales. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, pp. 203.
3. VALLE BAUDINO, PAOLA DEL, “Economia colaborativa en el marco de las asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro”, en Ángel Urquizu Cavallé, Estela Rivas Nieto (dir): Comercio Internacional Y Economia Colaborativa en la Era Digital. Aspectos Tributarios Y Empresariales. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, p. 308.
4. VAUGHAN, ROBERT; DAVERIO, RAPHAEL, Assessing the size and presence of the collaborative economy in Europe, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (European Commission), PWC, Luxemburgo, 2017, p. 7, https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/2acb7619-b544-11e7-837e-01aa75ed71a1 (accessed in 1 June 2020).
5. Ibidem.
6. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, A European agenda for the collaborative economy, COM(2016) 356 final, Brussels 2016, p. 3 https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/1/2016/PT/COM-2016-356-F1-PT-MAIN-PART-1.PDF. (accessed in 1 June 2020).
7. MAKELA, FINN; MCKEE, DEREK; SCASSA, TERESA, op. cit., p. 5; MARÍN ANGLADA, QUICO; HERNÁNDEZ LARA, ANA BEATRIZ, “Descripción de un caso real de economia colaborativa en el sector cultural: eventtrade”, en Ángel Urquizu Cavallé, Estela Rivas Nieto (dir): Comercio Internacional Y Economia Colaborativa en la Era Digital. Aspectos Tributarios Y Empresariales. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2019, p. 364; PAGÈS I GALTÈS, JOAN, op. cit., pp. 201-202; VALLE BAUDINO, PAOLA DEL, op. cit., pp. 307-308.
8. According with MARÍN ANGLADA, QUICO; HERNÁNDEZ LARA, ANA BEATRIZ, op. cit., p. 366.
9. ALFONSO SÁNCHEZ, ROSALÍA, BURILLO SÁNCHEZ, FRANCISCO J., “La economía llamada ‘colaborative’ ”, en Rosalía Alfonso Sánchez, Julián Valero Torrijos (dir): Retos Jurídicos de la Economía Colaborativa en el Contexto Digital. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Navarra, 2017, p. 56.
10. Ibidem.
11. Ibidem, pp. 56-57.
12. Ibidem, p. 57.
13. Ibidem.
14. EUROPEAN COMMISSION, op. cit., p. 5.
15. Ibidem, p. 6
16. With more detail, v. ibidem, p. 8.
17. As recommended by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, op. cit., p. 9.
18. VAUGHAN, ROBERT; DAVERIO, RAPHAEL, op. cit., p. 7.
19. Ibidem, p. 8.
20. Ibidem, p. 4.
21. According with VAUGHAN, ROBERT; DAVERIO, RAPHAEL, op. cit., p. 25.
22. Ibidem, p. 26.
23. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/uber-statistics/ (assessed in 1 June 2020); and https://www.uber.com/newsroom/history/ (assessed in 1 June 2020).
25. About Uber in Canada, v. Valverde, Mariana, “Urban Cowboy E-Capitalism Meets Dysfunctional Municipal Policy-Making: What the Uber Story Tells Us about Canadian Local Governance”, en Derek McKee, Finn Makela, Teresa Scassa, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (dir): Law and the “Sharing Economy”. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, 2018, p. 201.
26. Ibidem, p. 203; STROWEL, ALAIN, VERGOTE, WOUTER, “Digital Platforms: To Regulate or Not to regulate? Message to Regulators: Get the Economic Rights First, then Focus on the Right Regularion”, en Bram Devolder (dir): The Platform Economy, Unravelling the Legal Status of Online Intermediaries. Intersentia, Cambridge, 2019, pp. 20-21.
27. Ibidem, pp. 201-204.
28. HATZOPOULOS, VASSILIS, The Collaborative Economy and EU Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2018, p. 219
29. See VALVERDE, MARIANA, op. cit., p. 211.
30. According with GEIST, MICHAEL, “The Sharing Economy and Trade Agreements: The Challenge to Domestic Regulation”, en Derek McKee, Finn Makela, Teresa Scassa, Sabrina Tremblay-Huet (dir): Law and the “Sharing Economy”. University of Ottawa Press, Canada, 2018, p. 229.
31. CJUE of 20 December 2017 (Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi contra Uber Systems Spain SL, C-434/15, ECLI:EU:C:2017:981), § 48.