Читать книгу Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! plus Collins GEM Calorie Counter Set - Joanna Hall - Страница 46

DAY 15


Congratulations on completing the 14-day plan. Chances are, you’ve lost weight, improved your fitness, and feel healthier. Here’s how our volunteers got on, along with some of the positive changes they noticed:

Sharon, 26, lost 11 lb and 4 inches

Natasha, 28, lost 2lb and 5½ inches

Melanie, 30, lost 4lb and 8 inches

Joan, 63, lost 6lb and 4.5 inches

Tom, 29, lost 6½ lb and 4 inches

Tessa, 24, lost 5lb and 4 inches

Sam, 33, lost 4lb and 4 inches

Clearer, brighter skin
Healthier, shinier hair
Improved digestion
More regular bowel movements
More energy
Less period pain or pre-menstrual tension
More positive outlook and greater self-confidence
Fewer headaches
Fewer colds and infections
Clearer thinking and improved mental function

Why not check the boxes next to the benefit you have enjoyed on the Get a Grip plan?

Drop a Size in Two Weeks Flat! plus Collins GEM Calorie Counter Set

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