Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 111

41. Step to boost your mindset for success: Prepare yourself for extreme situations and pressure to perform


On the way to your goal you have to expect that there will be days when you have a lot of stress and are under great pressure. In such times it is not always easy to stay motivated and efficient. Especially under great stress, many people's performance decreases and it is difficult for you to concentrate. It is particularly helpful to be aware of what realistic expectations are placed on us and the subjectively perceived stress and performance pressure we put on ourselves. This depends crucially on what subjective expectations we have of ourselves, because often our subjective expectations do not meet the realistic expectations that our boss, our teachers, or a customer have of us. If we want to make everything 1000 % and super perfect, it will be difficult to meet our own expectations and we have to ask ourselves whether 100 % is not enough and we perhaps set our expectations of ourselves too high. Nevertheless, we have high expectations of ourselves, and the demand to give our best is certainly appropriate if we have set ourselves a goal, but here we have to find out the fine balance between demand and excessive demands on ourselves and adjust our goals and expectations accordingly, again and again. As always, when we are under stress, there is in reality a fear behind it, such as the fear of not being able to live up to the expectations of others. If you are also one of those people who suffer from fear of failure and can actually always do everything until it matters, then there is a sensible way to prepare mentally for such situations. One useful tool to be aware of your fears and to develop solution strategies is to imagine a worst-case scenario. Imagine the worst that can happen, what you are most afraid of, and play through this situation in detail. What could you do if that's what you're most afraid of happens? If we allow ourselves to face this situation imaginarily, we realize that our fear is not necessary at all, and recognize new solutions for how we can deal with our fears in such situations. Thus the great fear becomes smaller and smaller and possibly disappears completely. Once you have formulated and focused your actual goal, set yourself behavioral goals of how you want to act in order to achieve your goal. This method is often used in professional and competitive sports because it reduces the pressure by allowing the athlete to concentrate on the defined goals in action. This means, for example, that the actual goal, the victory of a competition, is focused by intermediate goals that relate solely and exclusively to the active action of the athlete. This approach reduces the fear of failure and allows motivation and conviction to achieve the real goal.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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